I LOST to the BKs' CULT

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I LOST to the BKs' CULT

Post13 Sep 2014

They did it. They shattered my family. I did what I could to stop them. But now they won (BKs). They were successful killing my family member (I must mention; not first hand). They tore apart my family and family members. So we are not talking to each other anymore. And ...
    Now they started living in my home
... against my wish.

This home is built with money I made with my sweat, my blood and my sleepless day and nights for whole my life. I warned them to stay out, I expressed to them I hate them, I told them to work hard and make their own money and live in luxuries they want. But they chose easier way. Which is to brain wash a family member and they play their old trick.

I do not want to tell you more details how they ruined me and my family, But I will share you when I feel like sharing my experience and facts.

    (1) I have not enough time
    (2) it doesn't help improve my situation
    (3) most of you (not all) don't care about my situation
    (4) I don't want to spoon feed you about them and want to you to find about them by doing more FACT check and research on them by going through this site or reaching out to victims like myself. And most likely when you doing FACT check you will fall into information advertised by their (BK's) rich ad campaigns outside this site, so you might struggle to understand the FACT. Well, no one can help you there. You help, yourself :sad:
I cannot live my life freely the way I want. Because of BKs interfering with my life. I cannot make my own home and use it the way I want. Because the BK mafia are living in my home against my wish. To take out my frustration out of my system, I am going to learn bad words so I can use on them. Wish me good luck.

By the way, I want to ask public opinion: If the BKs ruined my life and interfered with my life, is it morally wrong to use bad words on them?

If it is so, why should I care about morals?
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Post14 Sep 2014

No, it's not morally wrong, victim_bk. It may be the last course of action left open to you.

It is a conflict of wills now and your opponent has set the standards for the engagement. Play at their level.

The Brahma Kumaris are not reasonable people, and they are greedy, obstinate and very persistent. They are slow moving parasites which slowly creep on to their prey, but once they have got their hooks into money or property, they won't let go easy.

Firstly, what is the legal situation? If you own it, don't you have legal rights? I forget your situation, except for the part about your Father's death. Who else in the family is in the BKs?

Second, if you believe you have lost, then you have nothing more to lose ... go crazy and have fun with it.

Play loud music or pornography during mediation time. Walk around naked. Shout the truth at them as they have class. Invite the "wrong" sort of people around to have parties. Have alcohol around ... basically try making the environment too "impure" for them to want to stay.

Be reasonable with them first and tell them to leave or else you will take further action. Go above their heads and tell the zone-in-charge it is you house and you want them out ... what is their legal right to be there? (I can help you find who is the zone-in-charge).

If they have none, cannot you call the police of security to keep them out?
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Pink Panther

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Re: I LOST to the BKs' CULT

Post14 Sep 2014

If you are the owner or the legal tenant, anyone there against your will is guilty of trespass.

If they fail to leave after repeated requests they may also become guilty of disturbing the peace or whatever it may be called in your jurisdiction.

If they continue to come against your wishes, or disturb you in other ways, they are guilty of harassment.

You may be able to take out a court order that prevents them coming within a certain distance of you or your home.

You need to find out what names these breaches are called in your local jurisdiction. If you go to the police station and ask , they should be able to tell you what terminology is used.

Call their bluff.

You may find that hiring a lawyer to write a letter can be effective. Many people respond to a letter from a lawyer with lawyer’s letterhead and signature as they do not want to incur the costs of fighting. Some lawyers will compose a letter for such (relatively) minor matters for a minimal fee.

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