2013 Social Attitudes Survey shows 48% non-religious

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2013 Social Attitudes Survey shows 48% non-religious

Post23 Jan 2014

This is interesting ... my proposal would be that religious addiction is following a similar pattern to other addictions, such as tobacco smoking, where the corporations that push and market them are targeting primarily developing uneducated nations, and communities, where their addictive products are still consumed. On the other hand, in developed nations their market are diminishing.

The other groups who might be suckered in and the elderly ... on the basis that, "they have always done it, and what other pleasures they have ... so why should they stop now?".
2013 British Social Attitudes Survey shows 48% of Britons non religious

Results of the 30th British Social Attitudes Survey (BSA) have been released today, with 48% of respondents claiming that they do not belong to a religion.

The report shows that in 1983, around two in three people (68%) considered themselves to belong to one religion or another; in 2012, only around half (52%) do so.

The increase in the non religious is almost entirely mirrored by a decline in the proportion of people who describe themselves as belonging to the Church of England, down from 40% in 1983 to just 20% now. Results show that religious identity in Britain has been in stark decline over the past three decades.

Pavan Dhaliwal, British Humanist Association Head of Public Affairs, commented," Religious identities in Britain have been in decline over the past three decades with this trend set to continue. This government has taken an aggressive stance regarding the role of religion in public life, and have claimed that Britain is still a Christian country. We again urge the government to take note of these survey results, and to recognise the fact that almost half of the British population are in fact non-religious."

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