Pope says Catholic church must decentralise & tackle poverty

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Pope says Catholic church must decentralise & tackle poverty

Post03 Dec 2013

For over 55 years, since millionaire spiritualist Lekhraj Kirpalani used up all his own and followers' money to keep his gopi lovers in comfort, and then finally ran out, the Brahma Kumaris have been working to do "god's work" of alleviating poverty ... their own poverty. They turning their private commune-religion into a business to live off of by borrowing names, terminology and ideas from other religions, even turning to training multi-national corporative executives to make a buck.

Until very recently, any genuine charity within the highly centralised, undemocratic and hierarchical religion was forbidden and seen as being an obstacle to spiritual progression binding adherents back to this world, a world whose population must be annihilated so that they, the Brahma Kumaris, might rule heaven on earth in comfort. Even to this day real charity within the organization remains absolutely minimal, doing little more than serving their PR interests.

Money goes one way with the Brahma Kumaris. Their way. To them, promoting themselves is the highest charity.

The Brahma Kumaris take money from the poor to chase after the rich and famous ... and then "donate" thoughts back to the weak and vulnerable.

"Poverty is the fault of the impure poor", according to the Brahma Kumaris (both pictures taken in Mount Abu, one inside the BK palace, the outside in a nearby village).

Back in the real world, Pope Francis, the 266th and current Pope of the Catholic Church, recently published his intention of reforms entitled 'EVANGELII GAUDIUM' attacking centralisation and urging an end to exclusion and inequality. He hit out at the "excessive centralisation" of the Catholic church and railed against what he described as a murderous "economy of exclusion and inequality".

Francis went further to discuss the need for ethical reform of the global financial system and a more pastoral church that gets "bruised, hurting and dirty because it has been out on the streets".

Chastising an economic system which "tends to devour everything which stands in the way of increased profits", he wrote: "Just as the commandment 'Thou shalt not kill' sets a clear limit in order to safeguard the value of human life, today we also have to say 'thou shalt not' to an economy of exclusion and inequality. Such an economy kills. How can it be that it is not a news item when an elderly homeless person dies of exposure, but it is news when the stock market loses two points?"

He prayed to God to "grant us more politicians who are genuinely disturbed by the state of society, the people, the lives of the poor".

Well, why waste one's time on futile prayers when one can go to the Brahma Kumaris and ask God in person what he thinks, when he comes down to their headquarters in Mount Abu to speak to them via their spiritualist medium?

What does the god of the BKs think about the "scorpions and snakes" ... the "devilish human beings" ... the "impure untouchables" ... whose suffering and misfortunes, according to him, are *all* of their own making?

Seemingly, he thinks they should surrender what little wealthy have their left to him and his worldly representatives, the Kirpalani Klan and work for them for nothing. And not think or not question what is going on either in his religion or outside in the world.

Perhaps we ought to ask a different god?
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Re: Pope says Catholic church must decentralise & tackle pov

Post04 Dec 2013

The significance of this is that the Brahma Kumaris also claim that "everything starts from the Confluence Age"; all of history, all of other religions, are a reflection of this age, a pre-determined movie "shot" at this time.

Should we then hope that the Brahma Kumaris will then change their ways and start to apply their power and wealth to real world problems? To really helping others? Or will they just carry on centralising their power and wealthy, acquiring more land and building more buildings, hob-nobbing with VIPs ... even though the world was all meant to have been destroyed 37 or more years ago?

Don't hold your breath for it to happen ...

Perhaps when Pope Janki dies and the BK elite gathers in secret to announce who her heir will be there will be change.

But, in the meantime, don't hold your breath for it to happen ...

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