The Sunday Assembly: a religion for atheists

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The Sunday Assembly: a religion for atheists

Post14 Sep 2013

The Sunday Assembly

Of course, one could argue that Buddhism, as it is mostly practised in the West, is already a well developed religion for atheists, however, on the other hand, it won't suit everyone. Especially those who want to make up their own. For those who enjoy the human parts of religion without the god, gloom, doom and hellfire, or false promises of heaven on earth, there's a new movement called The Sunday Assembly who are doing just that.

The Sunday Assembly's motto is "live better, help often, wonder more" and its mission is "to help everyone find and fulfil their full potential". Their vision is a godless congregation in every town, city and village that wants one.

Unlike Lekhraj Kirpalani, it's founder is not claiming to be god incarnate or have exclusive monopoly on true, nor making predictions about the forthcoming End of the World.
Atheist Sunday Assembly branches out in first wave of expansion

The movement started, as a number of the world's great religions have done, with a small group of friends and a persuasive idea: why should atheists miss out on all the good things churches have to offer? What would happen if they set up a "godless congregation" that met to celebrate life, with no hope of the hereafter?

Eight months after their first meeting in a deconsecrated church in north London, the founders of the Sunday Assembly have their answer: on Sunday they will announce the formation of satellite congregations in more than 20 cities across Britain and the world, the first wave of an expansion that they believe could see 40 atheist churches springing up by the year and as many as 1,000 worldwide within a decade.

The movement's founders – standup comedians Sanderson Jones and Pippa Evans – are travelling the world visiting fledgling congregations in what they are calling, only partly in jest, a "global missionary tour".

Though he always suspected he was not the only one to regret that his lack of faith excluded him from a church-style community, Jones admits to being a little bewildered by the speed and scale at which his non-worship idea has caught on.

"It's naive to deny that there's a lot of good that comes out of organised religion, and I think helping in the community is another thing that Sunday Assemblies should be aspiring to unashamedly copy."
The Sunday Assembly Public Charter

The Sunday Assembly is a godless congregation that celebrate life. Our motto: live better, help often, wonder more. Our mission: to help everyone find and fulfill their full potential. Our vision: a godless congregation in every town, city and village that wants one.

We are here for everyone who wants to:
    Live Better. We aim to provide inspiring, thought-provoking and practical ideas that help people to live the lives they want to lead and be the people they want to be

    Help Often. Assemblies are communities of action building lives of purpose, encouraging us all to help anyone who needs it to support each other

    Wonder More. Hearing talks, singing as one, listening to readings and even playing games helps us to connect with each other and the awesome world we live in.
The Sunday Assembly

    Is 100% celebration of life. We are born from nothing and go to nothing. Let’s enjoy it together.

    Has no doctrine. We have no set texts so we can make use of wisdom from all sources.

    Has no deity. We don’t do supernatural but we also won’t tell you you’re wrong if you do.

    Is radically inclusive. Everyone is welcome, regardless of their beliefs – this is a place of love that is open and accepting.

    Is free to attend, not-for-profit and volunteer run. We ask for donations to cover our costs and support our community work.

    Has a community mission. Through our Action Heroes (you!), we will be a force for good.

    Is independent. We do not accept sponsorship or promote outside businesses, organisations or services

    Is here to stay. With your involvement, The Sunday Assembly will make the world a better place

    We won’t won’t tell you how to live, but will try to help you do it as well as you can

    And remember point 1… The Sunday Assembly is a celebration of the one life we know we have
What should you expect from a Sunday Assembly event?

Just by being with us you should be energised, vitalised, restored, repaired, refreshed and recharged. No matter what the subject of the Assembly, it will solace worries, provoke kindness and inject a touch of transcendence into the everyday.

But life can be tough ... It is. Sometimes bad things happen to good people, we have moments of weakness or life just isn’t fair. We want The Sunday Assembly to be a house of love and compassion, where, no matter what your situation, you are welcomed, accepted and loved.

Most of all, have fun, be nice and join in.

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