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Whatever Happened to The Hare Krishnas

PostPosted: 17 Jul 2013
by Pink Panther
First in a television documentary series looking at what became of some of the new religious movements that emerged in the West after the cultural changes of the 1960's.

Whatever Happened to The Hare Krisnas: 28 minutes.

It's good television. I'd say it takes a sympathetic, non-judgemental, non-critical approach - allows the viewer to make up their own mind.

The HK culturally make a good parallel for BKs / ex-BKs - being different enough to be objective about it but, at the same time, similar enough to see that BKs are merely one permutation of the human condition, not 'special' except in their own minds.

I was taken by the participants' confidence, openness and lack of embarrassment about their lives, unlike most BKs who equivocate, dissemble, pretend to be other than what they are.

What I observed is the universal human impulse and aspiration served through imagery, music, art, ritual, community - much like any other religion or continuing movement.

Re: Whatever Happened to The Hare Krishnas

PostPosted: 17 Jul 2013
by moreclearnow
PP, is there another link for the video? The link you shared is accessible only in Aus

Re: Whatever Happened to The Hare Krishnas

PostPosted: 18 Jul 2013
by Pink Panther

Let me know how you go, there are other options I can see.