Is karma concept defensible ..??

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Is karma concept defensible ..??

Post09 Jul 2012

Has any man/woman/soul been consulted or given the right of choice (yes/no), before forced entry into the earthly experience ..??

Was he/she/soul asked if interested to take or repeat taking (reincarnation) Life challenge on Earth ..??

Did any one get the power or freedom to select, place of birth, time of birth, family of birth, genes, intellect, colour, and whatever influences particular person’s behaviours and input in life ..??

If the answer to above is ..NO, then how would the concept of KARMA be defended or justified ..??
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Re: Is karma concept defensible ..??

Post09 Jul 2012

Arguably, you could have some concept of karma without rebirth. Partly "karma" refers to purely mechanical effects in a physical world; partly the term is used figuratively to describe purely social effects that are good for governing behaviour in small communities ... but do not apply to life in large, anonymous cities as we live in today.

With regards to your questions of rebirth ... it depends who you believe. Personally, I cannot remember if I existed before I was born.

Some people and religions claim one does. Some people claim their remember choosing their parents and why (as in before they entered the foetus), and thinking in the womb. A friend of my family, when she was a young child, turned around to her mother and said, "it's very nice here but I want to go home now ..." and for days spoke about another life and places she lived in before. They were not Indians nor Hindus, the family had no ideas about reincarnation and were scared or confused by such talk. Weird things happen.

At one point in my life I did go to see psychics/regression therapist ... but, in my experience, they all told me something different, and those different lives would have conflicted if they were real, i.e. I would have had to have been in two different countries at the same time, so I have had to accept that all talk of past life readings and regression are unreliable.

Fun, moving and perhaps therapeutic and inspirational ... as in you get told what you want or need to hear ... but not necessarily real.

I think the whole use and application of karma philosophies are worth discussion. I am trying to do so with BKs right now and it is pretty clear they don't understand it and the so-called "Spiritual University" has never studied all the various karma philosophies (there is more than one).

At a simplistic level, it is just taught at a "bogey man" level to frighten individuals into conforming to group norms, or doing nothing ultimately.

The BK use the idea karma to fulfil their primary interest (giving money to us in the present will make you a multi-millionaire in the future) and they certainly use it as a controlling mechanism ... but they don't know how it works, what its limits might be, cannot prove it etc. It is just something they have picked up and borrowed from Hinduism and teach at a very basic level.

Then they add their own little twist of action in the Golden and Silver Age have no reactions.

The here and now and practical matters which can be easily proven are far more important. Building a religion and making a career out of stuff that is not provable is morally dubious.


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Re: Is karma concept defensible ..??

Post09 Jul 2012

By referring to references, it is amazing to discover how the different religions and cults who believe in "Karma" concept have differed in their interpretations.

Even within the same religion or cult, we could find different approaches and theories conflicting with each others.

After all, I agree that Karma was invented to control small communities behaviours, in anticipation for the ultimate and full obedience and control ...
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Re: Is karma concept defensible ..??

Post09 Jul 2012

It is also a good way of explaining the inexplicable ... and appearing wise and all knowing whilst you do.
    Why did my car brake down on the way to work ... it's your karma.
    Why did the meteor crash through my roof ... it's your karma.
    Why did the Tsunami washed away my wife and children ... it's your karma.
There are some groups and individuals who believe there is no single random or accidental event in the universe, nor even new bad karma. The BKs seems to be amongst them. Nothing can be random or accidental in their world view.

There seem to be two major division of theory; one which says karma is something out there in the real world which if I "push" will come back and "push" me, and the other is that karma is something within the self that attracts or manifests the world around it.

However, for me, I have not read a good explanation of what this invisible medium through which karma passes and by which "karma" decides how much to deliver back. In that context, what difference is it from "The Hand of God". I tend to just accept the universe is very random and even if you are the best of people, a tsunami can still come and hit you.

People tend to think Buddhism has good answer in this department - it may do - but it you actually read some of it, it has a load of craziness too ... like, "If you blow out temple incense with your mouth rather than wave it in the air, you will come back in the next life as a filth eating pig" (rough example).

What karma do you need to do to be hit by a tsunami? And how can the universe arrange for 10s or 100s of 1,000s of people from the age of 2 to 80, to all be in the right place and the right time to be hit by one?


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Re: Is karma concept defensible ..??

Post09 Jul 2012

Karma and fate in modern terms ... are they synonymous ..??
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Mr Green


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Re: Is karma concept defensible ..??

Post10 Jul 2012

karma is just conjecture, it is pointless

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