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Knocking on the Devil's Door - a must see!

PostPosted: 03 Jul 2012
by Masterjadhunath
Finally, Dr. Gary Null has an excellent documentary on the nuclear industry on a global scale. The film is: Knocking On The Devil's Door. It is available on YouTube and I strongly recommend New Yorkers to see it.

The Indian point Nuclear Power Plant in New York can, due to a power failure experience a meltdown as bad as the situation in Japan. The film does not only cover the environmental health impacts of nuclear energy. It also examines the politics of the nuclear industry on a global scale. Scientists and physicians interviewed in the documentary include gurus such as: Dr. Michio Kaku; Dr. Vandam Shiva and; Dr. Helen Coldicott. Last summer, I watched the initial screening of the documentary and got two copies of the DVD. The DVD can in handy when my students were studying a unit on Nuclear Chemistry.

For two decades, one of my areas of interest in toxicology has been the effects of chronic exposure to low dose environmental toxins in humans and animals. There is no doubt that the aerosolized depleted Uranium or U-238 will have effects beyond the Middle East Theatre of Warfare - Iraq and Afganisthan. The topic has been well covered in Dr. Null's documentary.