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Forget ascension, celebrate the separation

PostPosted: 08 May 2012
by AscensionAddiction
Ascension Addiction Confessions of an Ascension Theology addict

Consciousness is experiencing itself as a practically infinite number of separate conscious entities for a reason. Consciousness is exploring all possibilities of its existence and it's creative potential. We, the separated individual units of that consciousness, are integral to that exploration. We are the very means by which that exploration into infinite possibility is made. Without us, consciousness would be stagnate, dull and stupid. We provide the learning. We make the choices.

Just as consciousness itself is intrinsically free, so are all of its multitude of conscious units of experience. We create the diversity and the unpredictability through which evolution can take place. Evolution is not about returning to Source, evolution is separating from Source because that's what Source does, it explodes into a billion trillion individuals and each of our lives explodes into a billion trillion possibilities and choices.

Ascension is not about overcoming your separation, it's about ascending our fear of separation, realising we are simultaneously the whole of consciousness and a separate unit of individual consciousness. Ascension is not about realising ego and choice are illusions or limitations to be overcome, it is about using the beautiful gift of individual choice to contribute to the continuous evolution and exploration from Source. Consciousness doesn't learn by controlling everyone and everything.

Consciousness learns by setting itself totally and utterly free through us, through our experiences, and through our choices. Source doesn't have a fixed plan to bring all of us lost souls home. Source is constantly and continuously flinging itself outwards to go and explore and learn and multiply and express and create at every level of existence, and it does that through each and everyone of us in each and every moment.

Celebrate your separation, celebrate your freedom, and know that everything you experience, everything, is allowing all of us, that is consciousness itself, to evolve and grow. We are separate because we are Source, we are consciousness, and consciousness likes to have its fingers in as many pies as possible.