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It's Official: Om Radhe has reincarnated

PostPosted: 12 Feb 2012
by ex-l
It's Official ... Om Radhe has reincarnated (allegedly). ;)

(It is a joke ... the language does sound the same as the BKs wrote in the early Om Mandli material).

Re: It's Official: Om Radhe has reincarnated

PostPosted: 17 Feb 2012
by Mr Green

but seriously those BKs are nuts

Re: It's Official: Om Radhe has reincarnated

PostPosted: 21 Feb 2012
by uddhava
I think she really doesn't like Pakistan.

Anyway she reminded me of another precocious religious child - this boy looks about eight and he gets quite upset. I guess his ideas are influenced by karma or maybe by other people etc

Re: It's Official: Om Radhe has reincarnated

PostPosted: 23 Feb 2012
by starchild
Jeeeeeez ...

Has anyone got a video of a precocious Buddhist child ...

It might be a bit less scary and disturbing .....

Re: It's Official: Om Radhe has reincarnated

PostPosted: 25 Feb 2012
by jann
How old is this kid, four? So how was she born who are her parents and are her parents BKs. But maybe she is just telling were to get the drinks and food and where Baba's box is.

Re: It's Official: Om Radhe has reincarnated

PostPosted: 27 Feb 2012
by Mr Green

Re: It's Official: Om Radhe has reincarnated

PostPosted: 27 Feb 2012
by ex-l
Eyebrows plucked and make up too ... so much for soul-consciousness.

Her mother's making sure that she will have a really heavy monobrow when she gets older. I see they have her with an elite 'Lakshmi and Narayan' badge already.

How old is she? 4 or 5? I bet her parents have been in Gyan for 8 or 10 years but everyone is tell her that she is the reincarnation of a Brahma Kumari from her last life.

That is the usual line they spin for kids.