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Brahmanism And Mental Blocks Of Hindus

PostPosted: 07 Feb 2012
by jann
Pathological Passivity Is The Result Of Mental Blocks

Fear of government authority rooted in feudalism, helplessness in the face of the Gunas and Karma, fear of being accused of Ahamkara for not toeing the line, and fear of incurring dishonor in the society have manifested in India as pathological passivity. Passivity simply means inaction; pathological passivity is an active phenomenon, “I refuse to act.” In the course of my work as consumer activist in India, I identified five varieties of pathological passivity. I have shown the underlying unconscious thinking in quotes:

    1. Passive indifference: “I am totally helpless and so there is no point in doing anything.”

    2. Passive dependence: “Would you please solve my problems for me, for I feel totally helpless and scared?’

    3. Passive non-cooperation: “Solve this problem for me, but don’t count on me to do anything. I am too scared and passive for this adventure.”

    4. Passive opposition: “I won’t do anything, and if you do something I will criticize you and oppose you for I am jealous of you.”

    5. Passive sabotage: “I will pretend to help you, but in reality I will undermine your efforts. I think you are upsetting the applecart.”
Anyone taking leadership in social activism in India should take into consideration these traits in Indians and develop appropriate strategies to counter them. Politicians are good at capitalizing on these helplessness-fear-dependency traits in Indians. It is easy for young activists to fall into the trap of doing everything for these people, and in the process make them even more dependent on them, and become a corrupt “big shots” themselves!