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Not 'Universe' but 'Multiverse', not one but many universes.

PostPosted: 23 May 2009
by celticgyan
did not know where to put this post but this video is very illuminating indeed and shows us where we may lie in the universe(s)!


Re: Not 'Universe' but 'Multiverse', not one but many universes.

PostPosted: 24 May 2009
by ex-l
The scientist says, its a "hard fact" that there is more than one universe, visible because of their gravitational.

Of course, this goes against the Brahma Kumaris "The Knowledge" of God who says there is only one space bubble universe with one planet with life in it. He promoting latest string theory. Where? The parallel universes are in our living room.

He sees it as melding two main philosophical influences on his life, e.g. Christianity versus Buddhism ... "Genesis takes place continuously sprouting out of Nirvana" and mentions the Catholic Church burning heretics alive, who got the theory right hundreds of years ago, to shut them up. Interestingly, his comments on how multi-universes interact are similar to what spiritualist and scientist Swedenborg wrote a couple of hundred of years ago about his journeys to our spirit worlds.

He also says our universe is speeding up not slowing down. Its amazing, they are talking about creating laser satellite systems 3 million miles across and they can do it. But, I imagine, medieval religion will remain a "tinfoil hat" comfort zone for those who can think and change, who have invested so much of their lives into creating their priesthoods.
Dr. Michio Kaku wrote:A priesthood is not accountable to anything but its own internal logic. We (scientists) are accountable to the laws of nature.