New Openings Triggered by ... Gangaji

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New Openings Triggered by ... Gangaji

Post13 Nov 2008

While visiting francophone Canada, a friend took me to a meditation evening where I sat with everyone in a cramped yet pleasant attic apartment with a wall sloping inward in the living room. There was a fish tank near the dormer window (expanded with mirrors to three times the apparent width) with goldfish that made pleasant bubbling sounds while I sat, bending and erecting myself and changing my legs and listening to the tick-tick-tick of a cuckoo clock, and the sound of the refrigerator motor turning on an off.

After an interminable time of shifting myself trying to get comfortable as possible, the DVD player jumped to life, and we watched a video of Gangaji, a woman who had a guru (Pataji, in the line of Ramana Maharshi) and claims that she is an ordinary person. I believe this. She has a gift of challenging people about the stories they tell themselves, challenging them that maybe it is possible for them to experience radiant inner joy in the present momentj. A person comes up and sits in a chair facing her, with both chairs turned slightly toward the audience. She listens closely to the story, and responds to the language the person uses, choosing words and images from those supplied by her ... ah ... visitor.

Eventually, after much (or little) of Gangaji's inquiry, the person's story and defenses fall away, their face beams, they laugh and tears come and Gangaji takes their hand (the right armrest of her chair is near the left armrest of the visitor) with hers.

I was initially skeptical. In her opening talk, she used words such as immortality, mind, consciousness and ego, that I have little use for at present. As the first person (a good looking man in his thirties, gay I think) went through a long conversation with her and reached closure, I watched with more interest. Surely it is a gift to be able to listen so well, to retain every statement the person makes, even to remembering key points of a conversation on a similar topic when he had met her, on stage, some months or years ago. And to use her perceptions to challenge the stories we tell ourselves.

For the remaining people, I watched with interest: an older woman with white hair and a white outfit who visited for only a minute to share her well-being; a middle-aged woman with black plastic librarian's glasses who, from her eye movements and manner, had bees buzzing inside her head--you could literally see the thinking going on-- finally, a young fresh-faced woman with a question about ego who yielded in moments to Gangaji's questions, and looked beautiful, beaming in the joy exposed in her inner self.

After the satsang ended, I spoke with the two men who hosted the evening. One was from Fresno, California, who wore shorts, had white hair and a cheerful way of smiling and nodding and saying "Oui!" when he resonated with something someone said. His friend, a bearded Quebecois, had humor dancing in his eyes and in the accented rumbling of his spoken English. Both had been associated with Rajneesh/Osho and knew Gangaji when she had sat at the feet of Pataji. We shared their home-brewed beer, I heard about the California man's love of the Sierra Nevada mountains, where he experiences God as profoundly (and curiously, in a similar way) to his experiences in the company of Osho. He told of their latest trip, two weeks long, which included a thin woman aged 69 who smoked at every rest, even while they hiked above The Tree line at 12,000 ft (4000m)!! The other man had been on a tetracycline-family antibiotic, and had to hood his face and cover his entire body due to the photosensitizing effect of the medicine, and nevertheless burned terribly, even through his cotton gloves.

I had a chance to tell my story, in brief, while they listened and the Fresno man nodded. I told of meeting ordinary people during the "surveying the world" stage toward the end of my BK period who were happy, mature, self-realized, without using any spiritual concepts to describe themselves or their experiences. I said I had no use for concepts such as mind, ego, even thinking. I cannot distinguish between thinking and the act of my heart beating, both go together, I explained in response to the bearded one's question. "So who witness your heart beating?" he followed on. I went inside, there was a silence, and answered that I don't know. "That is a good place," he said. And the conversation went on in other directions.

I walked home in the still night air among trees, watching the moonlight through clouds, talking, feeling my soul expand into the night air, even tho I don't think of "soul". I packed my bag, slept at 3 in my clothes, and at 6:25 woke to go down to a taxi to the airport.

I found myself speaking with a man from Macon, Georgia while in line at the gate in Chicago, where I changed planes; joining a conversation with a sweet woman from Singapore who was with her husband going back to San Francisco, and with my parents, somehow open, able to listen, to be present, to share of myself responding from my heart. I can be present, even when my mother goes on about things. I can love the sound of voice and the pleasure I hear in my Father's voice when he begins to tell a story. I am learning to find the resonance in my own voice. And communicating deeply with my dear friend Daniel, a crazy bearded auto-didact, geologist, inventor and social revolutionary.

It's a mystery to me that I am writing my story here. In some ways, I consider myself a case-study for ex-BKs. That I could benefit from encounter with a gurulike entity so many years after leaving a gurulike system. Somehow putting a cap on several years of work with a therapist, to be able to enjoy simple things like playing a guitar and singing with my Brother and his girlfriend, or communicating to my mother about the crazy things I remember her saying when I was five years old, when it wasn't appropriate and confused my sense of boundaries, and doesn't even bother me now but great that I can tell her, and the closure I feel when I hear her tell me that she doesn't remember but that it sounds inappropriate hearing it now.

That, my friends, is a slice of my current experience, a feeling of grace and blessedness inside. Blessings to you all.


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Re: New Openings Triggered by ... Gangaji

Post13 Nov 2008

Lots of love to you too Joel.
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Re: New Openings Triggered by ... Gangaji

Post14 Nov 2008

Morning Joel, (or afternoon in your part of the world!) - perhaps its time to write your story in book form. I''d look forward to reading it!
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Re: New Openings Triggered by ... Gangaji

Post14 Nov 2008

Bansy, Paul and others,

Your responses mean a lot to me.



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Re: New Openings Triggered by ... Gangaji

Post16 Nov 2008

Thanks for sharing this Joel!
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Re: New Openings Triggered by ... Gangaji

Post04 Dec 2008


I was so very interested to read your account of an encounter with Gangaji. I love your description of the way it resonated with you.

I was a BK throughout the 80s and 90s in London. On the whole, it was a very positive experience. After I left, I continued to search, tried many things, floundered spiritually, and so on.

In 2006 I went to one of Gangaji's silent retreats for a week. I arrived with the vestiges of my BK spiritual arrogance still very much intact. I thought I knew what I was doing, where I was going, how to get there, what "real" spirituality looked like. It certainly did not look like a white-haired white woman from Mississippi with yet another Indian name and yet another Indian guru. Anyway, I thought I was going to have a nice time. I thought being silent for a week would be easy for me. I mean, I spent 15 years practicing silent meditation!

Within hours, literally, of arriving at the retreat, I was completely stunned, shaken, astounded, flung into the cosmos. Everything I thought I knew, all the concepts, beliefs, efforts, practices, disciplines, attachment to rituals, literally everything I associated with my spiritual life, SIMPLY WASN'T THERE ANY MORE! I just SAW that in and of itself, all of that had become my prison, and yet it did not exist. I smacked into an invisible wall with great force and it brought me to my knees.

I spent the whole week in shock, reeling from the devastating, confusing, yet hilariously liberating revelation. Most terrifying of all, I had no idea how I was going to live without any spiritual practices. I only knew that my life would be a mess without it, and that I had to meet that mess directly.

Yes, direct experience of what is, now. Two years on I am still in love with that sweet woman. My BK training is absolutely necessary to bring me here now, and also it is totally irrelevant to what is now. Sweet, sweet freedom.

Thank you so much for posting. I feel a special connection to another ex-BK also touched by the mysterious Gangaji.
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Re: New Openings Triggered by ... Gangaji

Post04 Dec 2008

Wow Leela.

What a beautiful account of your experience. Such a lovely way of describing one's potential spiritual journey and how any individual can grow and flourish at any time one chooses to do so. Your post also highlights the courage it takes for a person with BK 'indocrinations' to move forward in their lives. Thanks for this thread forum friends, it really depicts open and honest words from you all.
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Re: New Openings Triggered by ... Gangaji

Post04 Dec 2008

Nice to hear about your journey, Leela. It must have been intense to be in a days-long silent retreat, with the giving up of your BK ways of experiencing yourself, presumably toward some deeper fuller level of self-in-the-moment. Look forward to hearing more from you.
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Re: New Openings Triggered by ... Gangaji

Post06 Dec 2008


Yes, it does take courage. Thank you for validating that. It is meaningful to hear that from someone who really knows - another ex-BK. When I left the BKs, I was completely alone and I have rarely connected with people who understand. It has been a long, winding, and sometimes exceedingly lonely journey. It still surprises me how long it can take for some of those BK-built mind structures to dissolve. But each time a little "dissolution" happens, more love, light, and joy finds space in my life.


Thank you for your comments. It's curious that I feel drawn to connect with BKs and ex-BKs after so long - 10 years to be exact. The last time I was in GCH in London was 1998. And more curious that it has been triggered by meeting Gangaji. It was very hard for me to leave the BKs as I was very dedicated. I struggled to find a meaningful life and I have always felt a little bereft and as if estranged from a very dear family. Taking the step to reconnect with that family outwardly has triggered an inner awakending - of course! It was my own Self I was estranged from! The inner and the outer are one and the same. As Gangji says, "I am your own Self." Yes, I am moving into deeper, fuller experiences of self-in-the-moment. You put that very nicely.

Life is a wonder! I wouldn't change any of it, least of all my BK experiences.
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Re: New Openings Triggered by ... Gangaji

Post07 Dec 2008

leela wrote:When I left the BKs, I was completely alone and I have rarely connected with people who understand. It has been a long, winding, and sometimes exceedingly lonely journey. It still surprises me at how long it can take for some of those BK-built mind-structures to dissolve. But each time a little "dissolution" happens, more love, light, and joy finds space in my life.

Nice to have you onboard, leela.

Its a pleasant change to meet the type of person for whom this forum was actually really set up for and I Iike the feel of your energy.

We have covered some mileage here too and some of it has been pretty rough. I hope that you can see beyond the surface, that the fruit of it all helps and nourishes you and that from time to time you can stick around and help others working through what you have worked through.

Best wishes.
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Re: New Openings Triggered by ... Gangaji

Post20 Dec 2008

I still feel today, 25 years later (can it really be so long!), that it was the hand of God that guided me to the BKs. Gyan appeared in my life as if by magic in answer to a desperate prayer.

My prayer was to know the truth. The version of "the truth" that Gyan offered was exactly what my troubled and restless mind needed at that time. Thinking that I knew the answer to all life's questions gave me a great sense of peace and freedom for about eight years. The great promises that Gyan makes for the future, whether it is the Golden Age or just tomorrow, inspired me to adopt the Maryadas and make efforts, and I was proud of myself for doing so.

When the thrill of "knowing the truth" wore off, and the promises of real personal change did not materialise (for me or for many others it seemed), I moved out of the center and shifted my attention more to "soft" Gyan. I no longer cared about The Cycle or Reincarnation, I just wanted to be a better person NOW.

But still, within the BK arena of Personal Values, Positive Thinking, Better Education, blah, blah, blah ... I found too many WORDS and not enought EXPERIENCE. And then there was the teaching, implicit if not explicit, that in order to ACHIEVE experience X, you must DO A, B, or C.

This was perhaps the most tenacious belief that I continued to hold for almost 10 post-gyan years. If I can just meditate enough, in the right way, learn HOW to be present, read the right book, find the right teacher, THEN I will have peace and be a better person.

It felt like the same divine magic at work that brought me, against the odds, into Gangaji's presence. Finally, sitting in her presence, I was liberated from that limiting and self-denying belief. Did it take another teacher? What can I say! It is the no teacher, no teaching, pathless path of Ramana, that always only points to what is here now, before beliefs arise.

Gangaji makes no claims to be anything other than "just like you." For now, I choose to use her as a teacher. As for the future ... where is that?



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Re: New Openings Triggered by ... Gangaji

Post21 Dec 2008

Dear Joel and Leela,

Your postings were extraordinarily touching Christmas presents.


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Re: New Openings Triggered by ... Gangaji

Post30 Oct 2010

I accidentally came across a talk by Gangaji yesterday on YouTube. I could not listen to it more than a few minutes.

I am not too sure why but one aspect is that something about her reminded me too much of the Brahma Kumaris. Just like I cannot listen to a class by Dadi Janki, I cannot listen to stuff like that. To me it is just fluff, at best. I also did not like what I perceived as arrogance and her hypnotic type of gaze.

This is not to denigrate others' experiences with her.

It is only after I turned off the computer that I remembered reading something about her on here. To me, my reaction to that video was a powerful reflection of how much change for the better there has been in my life since I let go of the BK.

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