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PostPosted: 28 Jun 2006
by sparkal
We have never been informed as to the origin of the bodily costumes which we use. If we did, that would answer the questions raised by all the Darwin stuff. The world has been getting used to the idea of genetic engineering and all things genetic. Does it all have to be negative? Certain New Age commentator's are revealing what may be aspects of the genetic make up of these body's which we use. This is Ravans Kingdom of ILLUSION.

All things genetic is new to the masses at least. Things are beginning to come to the surface about what is and may have been with regards BODILY genes. In Ravan's Kingdom of Illusion, the wise mind will consider if there are aspects of elaborate genetic supremacy going on here from the big propaganda machine. ( Conspiracy against a conspiracy theorist? ) We need to keep an open mind.

It would be racist to judge someone on the basis of the genes they carry in their body. And lets not forget that the Nazis's were supposedly active in this area. What / Where are the results? Genes of the body are not spirituality, it is archaeology. It is not spiritual knowledge, it is science, biology etc. There is a point in religion and spirituality ( ? ) where the material worldly and drama blends into the spiritual aspects, though, we should be clear before we start talking about genetics that the subject belongs on the periphery of spirituality, if anywhere. Spiritual beings thinking about something material.

It may even be naive to think that genetic engineering will not have a part to play in the creation / coming of that which is called " the Golden Age " . Maybe, and maybe not. Souls are and have been scared away from that which can bring them personal power i.e. "you are a soul". Films and books have been scaring souls away from that which they are, that which can make them powerful for a long time, The Knowledge that we are souls. Knowledge is power. If you have genetic knowledge you may have a degree of power right now in the world, and throughout history for that matter.

New Age commentators writing books which focus mainly on one genetic type is beginning to look slightly iffy to me, in Ravans Kingdom of Illusion at least. If you want to tell me about the genetic make up of the human race, cover the subject in equal proportions or not at all. While we are on the subject, it is important to separate religion from bodily gene types. We cannot afford to have stigma attached to knowledge, or it becomes distorted.

We all need to get comfortable with the genetic make up of our body, accept it, and not allow the limited knowledge we have been given about genes and history to " colour " us. It is new, the truth may even turn out to be something which we did not want to hear after all. That is why there are " secrets of the drama " . We want to know, then we realise that ignorance is bliss and end up feeling that, well, I only use this body, I am not interested in its make up. So, we are finding out new things which may even cause discomfort at first for some, until we come to terms with it all, by detaching and seeing things from a universal viewpoint.

Personally, I don't know the genetic make up of my body. It has blue eyes, so I am being led to believe that it is of alien origin by New Age commentators and BK Seniors. Brahma Baba had bluey green eyes apparently, or certainly not dark Indian eyes. Hey, if the car works I will use it, its all I have, I cant trade it in for an Indian body. ( read between the lines ).

Am I suggesting that I and others have been treated in a certain way because of the genetic make up of our bodys? Someone suggested that I write a post on rejection. Maybe. If The Knowledge " you are a soul " was only to be found in one Murli, we may be looking for the needle in the haystack yet. The Seniors have this knowledge, but have not been open with it, while dropping hints or, preparing us for it. Whether this is right or wrong?, it just is. They are just bodies.

Some cultures may have more problems approaching Raja Yoga due to the genetic structure of their body. Some are more highly strung for playing a certain role no doubt. It is not that, there is the drama, and somehow certain genetic types are not really part of this real drama and are some sort of freak of the drama. All is accurate, and part of the drama. If Shiva accepts all souls and all within the drama as drama then so will I.

Souls may feel rejected due to their body' s genes on the basis that a senior can see that, they have to sort out what is best for them individualy and / or collectively rather than adopt the approach of another culture. The beautiful world made up of various cultures. And we cannot deny the predators of this world their existence in the drama either.

It may suit some cultures to practise Raja Yoga off and on, and even practise non-celibacy while not involved in intense practise. I feel that this may be the view of certain Seniors also, though, I won't put words in their mouth. They understand, perhaps that is what I am trying to say. Perhaps it is up to those with the jumpy genes to construct that which works for them or they will accuse others of structuring their lives, as is the case already anyway. On that basis, it always ends up the same, return to the seed, point, self and build from scratch, without creating a new " religion " , that would defeat the purpose.

You may have observed the ability of Indian bodied souls to sit for hours in halls etc and seemingly not get bored while others are thinking about doing something else. Is this an example of the effect that the body' s genes can have? There may be better examples. If it is a hot country thing, well, the Ozzies don't seem to be that way inclined, because of the genes? Though, aboriginals may be more like the Indian (?). So, we cannot compare ourselves to others if we are all working with different energy. We must find out what works best for us, from a genetic point of view alone.

As for " rejection " from the BKs on the basis of bodily genes, or even skin colour, make your own mind up. The Dadis will have thought it through. Being souls with female bodies and being with BB, they know about these things. When we are rejected, is it because the source which is rejecting us does not want us to see something? Is it the BKs who are trying to hide something, until it comes out? Those with the jumpy genes are not best suited for the current times of intense political complexity. Once the wagon starts rolling, they may come into their own as it may require a bit of oomph at some point in the game where much may have to be done in short time.



PostPosted: 28 Jun 2006
by howiemac
sparkal wrote: Brahma Baba had bluey green eyes apparently, or certainly not dark Indian eyes.

and a male body, and a moustache ... how far would he get and how long would he last as a BK if he joined the BKs now? :wink:

PostPosted: 29 Jun 2006
by sparkal
Not so much responding to previous post here but have wondered if souls see Brahma Baba as an old man. That one is not an old man, and never has been an old man, ever and is always a point of light. Which makes me wonder why the BKs defy the Murli and have pictures.

One reason I once heard was to separate the BKs from Moslems who have no pictures. ( ? )

Does the body wear the spiritual jeans to some degree ?