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Garlic and onion

PostPosted: 01 May 2008
by jaycdp
Dear brahmakumaris, anti-brahmakumaris, pro-brahmakumairs and ex-brahmakumaris.

let us have some light about garlic and onion. Garlic and onion is restricted by Brahma kumris and other celibates due to its aphrodiasiac activity. It is not an aphrodiasiac to the extendextent of viagra. but it can be compared to a aswaganda . aswganda may be more effective than garlic and onion in this area.

Some BKs think garlic and onion is evil and impure. Garlic and onion is not impure. It is impure only when you have no control over your sexual desire. On the other side garlic and onion is not recommended by doctors and pharmacist for who ever has GERD (gastro reflux disorder) these food tend to increase the LES. Garlic is also good to control your cholesterol (but may not be as affective as statin) but it is good for older people who has heart disease. Who has diabetes. Who has blood pressure. Who has a potential MI or (UA) , etc.

Ginger, garlic , turmeric are all considered very good as part of your diet. Discovery chanel recomend turmeric as a magic drug. It is a potent anti oxidant. turmeric is good to manage inflammation. And thank god turmeric is found to be very effective against MRSA is a staphylococcus that can with stand methicillin . Three teaspoon full turmeric in milk a day is helpful. There is lots of benefit in some of the food we eat.

Reference Remington's Pharmaceutical Science, 2005 edition. Chapter 22 on herbs.

Diabetes is major issue and concern for modern Indian. Modern indians eat crapy food. Even though they are vegetarian they have very bad eating habit. But, as I said, my grand parents had good and healthy eating habit.

Thank you.
jayadeepan manoli( jay man)

Re: garlic and onion

PostPosted: 01 May 2008
by andrey
Garlic and onion definetely smell very badly. We should not eat anything that smells so bad. The taste is also very strong.

Re: garlic and onion

PostPosted: 01 May 2008
by Mr Green
Viagra is not an aphrodisiac.

Re: garlic and onion

PostPosted: 02 May 2008
by jaycdp
Yes, mister green, good correction. Viagra is not an aphrodisiac. An aphrodisiac increases sexual desire. Viagra use to cause erection in man. The reason viagra is not an aphrodisiac because it does not work on brain.

Thanks, good job, good correction.


Re: garlic and onion

PostPosted: 02 May 2008
by jaycdp
Garlic may smells bad true. There are garlic pills that do not smell and are available in market. As far as my village is concern people like the garlic and onions very much . I think garlic is preferred flavor all over the world . I am not pro herbal or anti herbal. If herbs help you then use it. Some times you need pharmaceuticals to save your life.

ShivBaba is not talking to people who live modern life. In modern life you do not follow natural life style. So you are not immune to so called disease. You need modern pharmaceuticals to survive in the modern world. I am not anti ShivBaba. I love ShivBaba. but u need to live in the reality. You cant think like those Christians who think Jesus can cure cancer. Sure cancer can be cured or prevented by your lifestyle. But remember there is no magic at all. There is miracle for sure. But do not depend on miracles.

For a bald man propecia is a miracle. For an old man viagra is a miracle. It is how you look at life. There is miracle for sure . But you should be able to look beyond miracle that is when you are a true yogi
