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PostPosted: 23 Jun 2007
by andrey
I have not been to Middle East or Africa and cannot say from own experience.

I know Baba via Virendra Dev Dixit says that Muslims have a lot of purity. There are very strict laws there. You know in many countries females walk with veil. If someone assaults someone else's wife then his leg or arm is cut. Africa ... i have some impression peole are very happy there, somehow carefree.

PostPosted: 23 Jun 2007
by ex-l
andrey wrote:I know Baba via Veerendra Dev Dixit says that Muslims have a lot of purity.

How can they have any purity at all if they do not know the One?

A problem I have with Gyan is the nigh psychic powers one needs to have to work out which definition of any word is being used at any time. But I believe my point is correct.

As BKs/PBKs do we need to bow to Muslims for the fear that they will bomb us if we make well researched, objective statements? I believe new_world would call this "being royal" with one's criticisms.

But how do we know when it is Baba speaking and when it is Virendra Dev Dixit ... or Lekhraj Kirpalani!?!

PostPosted: 24 Jun 2007
by arjun
ex-l wrote:How can they have any purity at all if they do not know the One?

Actually, the matter of purity of Muslims is with reference to those Iron-Aged souls of India who become more sinful than the Muslims in the sense that they unofficially marry more number of times than the number of official marriages permissible among Muslims.

In the Copper Age, the Islamic people were definitely more adulterous than the souls belonging to the deity/Hindu religion because they used to have more number of wives than the deity/Hindu souls. But in the Iron Age the same souls belonging to the deity religion become more sinful than the Muslim souls.

Officially, I suppose Muslims are allowed to have 4 wives. But in the Iron Age the souls belonging to deity religion/Hinduism become more licentious than the Muslims in that they marry/indulge in sex-lust with many unofficially. They even wrongly quote the example of Krishna to justify their impurity.

So, because of this comparatively higher purity in the Iron Age, the Muslims are able to establish greater unity than the souls of deity religion in the Iron Age.


PostPosted: 24 Jun 2007
by ex-l
I'd like to explore this whole issue of "purity" in greater depth, elsewhere. Have we started a thread on it before?

But, who are we talking about when we say, "India"? The royalty kept concubines and servants, there have always prostitutes including temple prostitutes, tantric taboo breakers of the "left hand path", tribes that practised sex magic where women would lie with horses, the hermaphrodite of India inhabit a special place in society ... most historians consider that the literature shows that ancient Indian society was perhaps more sexually tolerant as many modern European and East Asian countries.

Conservative Islamic ideas that dominated India from the 11th Century, force the people in of India, irrespective of religion, to practice interpretations of Islamic law and changed the common idea of modesty and prudishness. But it was the arrival of the British, that had the largest effect on the culture of India and its attitudes to sex which led to the stigmatisation of Indian sexual liberalism by Indians within India itself in an attempt to live up to the ideals of the ruling Victorian. Hinduism, and its liberal attitudes were condemned as 'barbaric' by Europeans, proof of inferiority of the East.

I would say a sort of double standard existed, and still exists, where India had always allowed individuals sexual latitude within the home but impose strictness in public. This hid sexual abuses such as incest and the rape of child brides, aged 8 ad upwards, from public view. It was the influence of colonial morality, new ideas of 'temperance' and good conduct which reinforced ancient ideas of asceticism and 'brahmacharya'. The modern status of homosexuality as a taboo is probably also connected with British Victorian morality and the influence of Islam which considerit as a fundamental sin.

In response to which countries score higher on the degrade-ometer than India, the answer is many African countries but also China where millions have been killed by their government.

I would not have wanted to live in Congo, Rwanda, Sierra Leon, anywhere they have drugged up child soldiers being fed gunpower and engaged in ethinic clensing with AK-47s ... or practise infibulation (female circumcision) which is many of the Islamic tribes/nations. Of what I have seen of most Western cities, few Africans - including North Africans - want to live there too.

North Africa Islamic nations, I have see I find desparate, empty and corrupt. They may "apparently" have purity on paper but they make up for it with homosexuality and violence (including towards women). So everywhere is a flavour of hell.

It is hard to tell what would have happened to Africa if the Imperialists had not raped it and the multination corporations continue to do so ... how does it look from an Indian point of view? No Krishna, no Shiva, polytheism and witchdoctors ... indigenous slavery, as many wives as you can afford (in some tribes) ... monkey, ape and people eating ...

I do know a few remarkable things about its history that most Westerners do not ... but I think it is one great big denied continent as far as the BKs will go. Is service there just aimed at mainly at Indian immigrants? I find it hard to see how they would adopt well to Gyan.

Did you read that telephone sex operators in the West are now outsourcing their services to Indian call centers? America I would say is going to fall to the lowest in these sakes.


PostPosted: 26 Jun 2007
by alladin
Brother Andrey,

sorry if I address this mail specifically to you! I, personally, think that the way women and people in general, especially in Western countries, are shown on advertisments, in the media and encouraged, in fact, compelled to look and dress (or rather undress) showing ample parts of their bodies is degradation, and has created a generation of anorexic girls BTW!

However, you cannot believe what sort of underwear Muslim veiled women choose at market places for themselves! No cotton plain ones, my dear!!! Kinky leopard or zebra prints (roar!! I am gonna devour you!!) and only 100% polyester lace sea through, strictly black or red. :wink:. So, please let's not be tricked into thinking that veils equal purity.

Anybody who has experience with Muslim countries, even the most fundimentalist ones such as Saudi or Iran, knows that once home with friends - and hopefully no spies!! - women wear just anything as in Paris and men drink their whiskeys.

Sure, they have separate seatings on public transports and beaches (like the BKs!!), even skilifts. Typical Kaliyugi nonsense and hypocrisy, is not it? And none of that very royal or inspired by "free will". All to do with "conforming" either to this or that system!

Re: veil=purity

PostPosted: 26 Jun 2007
by ex-l
Koran 33:50 wrote:"Prophet, We have made lawful to you the wives to whom you have granted dowries and the slave girls whom God has given you as booty"

Why is the blame always placed on women? Why cant the men wear blinkers, or a veil on their eyes and mind? I wholeheartedly agree there is something deeply wrong with the male sexual and violence obsessed consciousness, but why do the women have to pay for that? All Islamic women ought be protected ... by allowing them to come to liberal and West countries where they won't be stoned or beaten.
andrey wrote:in Middle Eastern contries, the customs surrounding relations between male anf female are much stronger. Still there, it is not common to have a girlfriend before marriage. In Western countries, during school times, one has to have at least some.

I have quite a few Turkish Muslim friends. It is not common to have a girlfriend but, in the villages especially, it is common to have had a donkey or goat. I should imagine that is widespread.

But you know, this is all dream-like garbage again ... where are the statistics and direct experience? Basically they all have boy and girlfriends or homosexual lovers, they just do not do it in public or they come to the West to have flings or prostitutes. I have seen this with my own eyes. What proportions, I do not yet know.

    Does cutting women's heads off for not wearing a veil constitute "Purity"?
    Murdering a Sister "out of honor" because she loves a boyfriend and does not want to marry in an arranged married for money constitute "Purity"?
    Scraping a young girl's clitoris off with a piece of glass or metal and sewing up her hole constitute "Purity"? (That is both African and Islamic).
There is reality for your Baba. What does he say now? How many people actually follow this "Islam" you talk about?
alladin wrote:Brother Andrey, you cannot believe what sort of underwear Muslim veiled women choose at market places for themselves! No cotton plain ones, my dear!!! Kinky leopard or zebra prints (roar!! I am gonna devour you!!) and only 100% polyester lace sea through, strictly black or red. So, please let's not be tricked into thinking that veils equal purity.

I think that for the sake of accuracy, and to provide strong, uplifiting evidence, you should post some images or links for the Brother so that he can see for his own eye. We should not take such matters on blind faith. Let us also bear in mind that purdah, or the veil, has little to no real legitimacy in Islam. Strictly speaking, the Koran only refers to a curtain to hide Muhammed's wives from visitors to his tent in the desert. The rest is Moslem manmat. But I suppose this superficial, conformists "purity" is sufficient to satisfy the BK intellect. Try also doing a Google for "Islam and slavery" or "Islam and sex slaves" or "Islam and rape"

PostPosted: 14 Aug 2008
by patsan31

Good question, I also want to ask similar question.

In the world I think 45% are Muslim, so I just want to know whether they know about this knowledge?


PostPosted: 14 Aug 2008
by ex-l
patsan31 wrote:In the world I think 45% are Muslim, so I just want to know whether they know about this knowledge?

They say 21%, about 1.5 billion followers.

There have been a few posts about BK service in the Middle East and Indonesia, mostly in a very light or disguised form.