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Re: Evolution

PostPosted: 02 Mar 2010
by nischaybuddi
Nishchaybuddi wrote:
on 07/02/2010
5000 years cycle seems to be unacceptable to us, as we have evidences of fossils, carbon dating, dinosaurus etc, which science has told us that they were existing millions years before. Tomorrow who knows science may justify the 5000 years cycle fitting these evidences some where in 5000 years?

You may be noticing that how fast time is flying ... and as far my knowledge is concerned, the happening of days and night depends upon the spinning of Earth round the Sun. is not it? So this is quite possible that with time, the speed of spinning of Earth, round the Sun may also be changing, and in early days (Golden Age onwards) the speed of spinning of Earth is minimum (i.e. the duration of days and night might be appearing longer) and today it is maximum (i.e. days are passing fast).

tete wrote
on 02.03.2010
2012??? How about February 27th, 2010!

Chilean Quake Likely Shifted Earth’s Axis, NASA Scientist Says
March 01, 2010, 2:28 PM EST

By Alex Morales

March 1 (Bloomberg) -- The earthquake that killed more than 700 people in Chile on Feb. 27 probably shifted the Earth’s axis and shortened the day, a National Aeronautics and Space Administration scientist said.

Earthquakes can involve shifting hundreds of kilometers of rock by several meters, changing the distribution of mass on the planet. This affects the Earth’s rotation, said Richard Gross, a geophysicist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, who uses a computer model to calculate the effects.

Follow the link to read more: ... -says.html

sounds resembling.... We ourselves will reach the truth one day...

It is now impossible to turnback ex-I

Re: Evolution

PostPosted: 03 Mar 2010
by tete
After 2010 Chile earthquake - Shift Earth's Axis & Shortened Day


Michio Kaku Explains The Earth Axis Shift Caused By Chilean Earthquake
No one is going to fall off the Earth, you're not going to get a shorter work week. However, the Earth did shift 3 inches off its axis, and the day was actually shortened by 1.126 microseconds. ...The Earth shifted six feet over a distance of several hundred miles. -Michio Kaku


How will you handle all there is to do in the day having lost 1.126 microseconds? :shock: Speed up that meditation I say...

As for ex-l turning back?...hemmm...he might blick and not even notice he lost 1.126 microseconds. :D I personally like Michio Kaku and love his common sense explanations and it sure calms the nerves, especially with the CRY OF DESTRUCTION about. :shock:

Re: Evolution

PostPosted: 03 Mar 2010
by nischaybuddi
It is not about Ex-I turning back, but as he advised me to start a new normal life, and I really appreciate his efforts to eradicate the hypocrisy, and other negative factors of the organisation. My intention was only to ask him that after spending so many years in the organisation, it becomes very difficult to get away from the memories and start again fresh ones. Every now and then the memories of BK group, their white clothes, the discussions, every thing pull your mind, and then it becomes un natural to function in the normal group, and hence the loneliness... Thats what I meant to say....


Re: Evolution

PostPosted: 03 Mar 2010
by tete

As you know, I don't know what it is like to be in, but I hear what you are saying. I imagine it is a little bit at a time, baby steps, if that is what one needs to do at any given time in one's life. :D

Someone that loved me dearly gave this poem (in a letter) to me when I was in transition and somewhat afraid of what the future held when I was young. I will share it with you today..., but you have to promise to smile. :D


After awhile you learn the subtle difference
Between holding a hand and chaining a soul.,
And you learn that love doesn't mean leaning
And company doesn't mean security,
And you begin to understand that kisses aren't contracts
And presents aren't promises.
And you begin to accept your defeats with your
Head high and your eyes open,
With the grace of a woman, not the grief of a child.
You learn to build your roads on today
Because tomorrow's ground is too uncertain for plans,
And futures have a way of falling down in mid-flight.
After awhile you learn that even sunshine burns
If you get too much.
So plant your own garden and decorate your own soul,
Instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers.
And you learn that you really can endure,
That you really are strong,
And you really do have worth,
And you learn and learn.....and you learn
With every goodbye you learn....

Anonymous know this really should be in another topic... I won't tell. ;)