How To Recognize Characteristics of Reptilian

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Re: How To Recognize Characteristics of Reptilian

Post01 Nov 2014

i never met jayanti. i think she went to an outside venue to speak, but i wasn't interested to see her, and i don't remember there being any great specticle about her. when i 1st saw her recently on this site, i just thought that she looks Tormented.
as far as costs for their visit, we never thought or questioned about that. we never did. i mean we know BK's get money of everyone and have money for Seniors to fly ect. they are big international organisation, so it's not in our minds then.
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Re: How To Recognize Characteristics of Reptilian

Post01 Nov 2014

quantum wrote:I am now seeing BKism like a 'kingdom' of "Hosts" and Baba being the original Jumbo Predator/parasite, creating hosts himself, with an umbilical cord each, feeding them up on his energy, and usurping it back to himself whilst taking bits of their own soul essence during the 'feeding' ... thus keeping the hosts dependant on the Jumbo, with the illusion that they are becoming Powerful and Virtuous themselves, 'like Baba' ...!!.. by constantly 'remembering Baba' ... = staying plugged into source Predator.

Yes, that is pretty much how I see it too. Whether BapDada is the deceased Lekhraj Kirpalani and some other spirit or spirits, or whether it is just some artificially created thought form or egregore, it does not really matter. The activity is based around keeping it pumped up not benefit the victims.

Let's accept for one moment that BapDada is the dead Lekhraj Kirpalani and human do live on after death, then it would appear that all BKism is really doing is feeding him and his "hosts", i.e. possessing spirits.

I emphasise "hosts" rather than "host" because there's no real way for to tell if there is just one or many spirits, or what their nature is, except that it is not very enlightened.

I have had a little experience of spiritualism but probably more than the average person, and the only thing I can absolutely say of it is, that the only thing reliable about any spiritualism - even good and benign spiritualism - is that it is unreliable. That you always need to remain in control of yourself and your own destiny and never give over that power to either the "spirits" or the medium.

In BKism, you are encourage to do both without resistance. The reward system is based on submission to them.
quantum wrote:ex-l, as far as my experience of meeting Janki & Jayanti goes, it was not much of an event for me personally ... and each BK waiting in long line to go and sit in front of her and she is just 'checking each one out' her style ... a 'parade of judgement'.

Good definition ... a 'parade of judgement'.

Yes, I remember them and how excited - and fearful - BKs were of the "line ups" ... how one was suppose to gain some mysterious "benefit" from being stared at and how staring lovingly at the senior Sisters on their thrones was the merest human intimacy BKs were allowed.

(* Please note, non-English speakers, a "line up" is the term for a group sex act where one female has intercourse with many males who "line up" to indulge in it. In BKism, the meetings with Seniors at special events are, kind of the spiritual equivalent).

I wonder how the ritual evolved?

I also think your analysis of the BK hierarchy as being like a "Pyramid Scheme" is also correct. Correct on two level, financial and, as you point out, psychically or spiritual.

You could also say it is a spiritual "Ponzi scheme"
A Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment operation where the operator, an individual or organization, pays returns to its investors from new capital paid to the operators by new investors, rather than from profit earned by the operator. Operators of Ponzi schemes usually entice new investors by offering higher returns than other investments, in the form of short-term returns that are either abnormally high or unusually consistent.

In BKism the "return" of all you investment is the most ridiculous "South Sea Bubble" ... a high status in a heaven on earth that was supposed to have happened by now, or at least be half build.

BKs are hypnotised and brainwashed to invest in this mythical property development scheme which is suppose to happen after non-BK human civilisation is wiped off the face of the earth by Destruction. The BK leaders take the wealth of the relative poor investors and give it as gifts to the rich, powerful and famous. Meanwhile, the BK leaders pocket the rest of the money and spend on publicising themselves, their Ponzi investment scheme, food, clothing and many expensive properties.

As in a proper Ponzi scheme, a few initial investors often get large returns to encourage the mass of later and often smaller investors who are destined to lose everything. In the case of the BKs, at the top of the pyramid are those "initial investors" would be the handful of original Om Mandlites - aka "Original Jewels" - made it through the Beggary Period. Lower down, they are the centre-in-charges in charge of their own mini-pyramid scheme at the bottom.

For example, for every center-in-charge the BK systems require 10 or 20 investors - aka "students" - to keep them financially afloat without working. In the West particularly, this is not easy to achieve and so the original investors have to keep working in order to inject sufficient finances into the scheme to keep the bubble pumped up enough to float. Once a BK has established their ability to pump up a bubble, and keep it pumped up, they can then move up The Ladder slowly to become a zone-in-charge in charge of pumping up center-in-charges to pump up local centres.

A perfect example of a Ponzi/Pyramid sales scam ... especially as the contract states that investors will not get a return until after both they and the scammers are dead !!!

Please note, if once you are dead ... even if you believe in re-incarnation ... you cannot sue someone for fraud!!!

However, just hope Karma is not real, otherwise it still come and get you. Funnily enough, despite the BKs teaching it Karma - as a tool of control - I don't think they really believe in it. Or at least, they believe that by remembering their Baba they avoid karmic returns. Somehow I don't think that works either.


Re: How To Recognize Characteristics of Reptilian

Post01 Nov 2014

Bravo ex-l, thanks for sharing the above, re-pyriamid scheme etc and Baba spook host possibly being more than one, or a group entity/thought form. Apologies for the term 'line up' ... I did not realize it had other double 'sexual session' meaning, which is very degrading to woman. Well, if it can be considered the 'spiritual equivalant' to Bkism, meeting Seniors at special events, the tables were turned here, as the Toad, Janki, really got "screwed" ... by yours truly! ... hah ...

Maybe BK info can be considered 'their judgement days' ... I am sure 'the heat is on' for all BK reptilians and toads alike ...
everything comes out, and works out in the end! ...
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Re: How To Recognize Characteristics of Reptilian

Post01 Nov 2014

quantum wrote:Apologies for the term 'line up' ... I did not realize it had other double 'sexual session' meaning, which is very degrading to woman.

Some women enjoy taking a line up of men ... "pulling a train" is another term for it ... as men have more limited sexual capacities than women it one way of resolving that difference. I am all for women experiencing sexual satisfaction at least once in their lives. Who am I to judge ... ?

My lasting impression of going up for dristhi from Dadi Janki is that I felt nothing and the experience seemed hollow.

She said to me, "good soul" and I said back to you, "you too" and I have to say even back then it felt utterly false and empty. I knew in my heart I did not think or feel it and immediately regretted saying it.

There was another time when I trying to adopt a healthier diet, as I am allergic/intolerant of dairy, and instead of giving me dristhi, she made a big show of giving the milky sugary toli dristhi instead. I thought it was unnecessarily coercive and controlling, especially when some people genuinely are allergic of certain foods. Even dangerously so.

Submission comes first. The reptiles like tame pets.

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Re: How To Recognize Characteristics of Reptilian

Post01 Nov 2014

quantum wrote: It's a Bhakti symbol from the 'Shivites' religion, I think ... it's supposed to represent 'the God Shiva' in the form a Shiva-lingum-or male phallus? ... woh (hot rod) ... they have 'em made of stone at the 'Shiva worshipers temples' ...??

Come on .. it's not what Shiv linga actually means. It is worshiped in Hinduism with devotion.

You are right in your interpretation of form that it is symbol of reproductive organ of male accompanied with that of female sculpted at base of Shiv linga but what it symbolizes is the 'source' of birth of a human being potent to become whatever he wishes. As there is lot of importance given to human form in Hinduism & Jainism as it is the only life form with which full omniscience & liberation can happen, so it becomes worth worshiping. But truth is people here worship without understanding what it actually means, hence it becomes only a ritual, yet it's good so that they remain on path of religion.

It's also a sculpture not a real organ, so quite different than way people see. That is interpretation given in religion and according to spiritual knowledge, it represents self realized being, those who have attained samkit or smayakatva.

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Re: How To Recognize Characteristics of Reptilian

Post01 Nov 2014

quantum wrote: As I watch this 'parade of judgement' I felt angry and belittled and an injustice occuring, and a fear and tension in the room that I had not seen before! ... As I am waiting, I was thinking; 'what is this?' ... 'who the hell does she think she is?' ...

Now that is the approach which every BK should adopt. I think every BK who faces her disapproval must have same feeling, it different that they do not express due to fear. It appears like a prison...a cage. An actual physical prison is better than that mental cage of forced thoughts, belief & ill judgements of evils. I think she gave her approval to vulnerable ones & disapproval to those who were yet to reach that state.

Well, this form of judgement is same as if a corrupt politician starts telling the level of honesty needed in a person. Surely, if she has seen all forms of corrupt things in herself, she can tell others what all dirt resides & need to be worked out. But that's not the case here as she already considers herself in top8.
ex-l wrote: She said to me, "good soul" and I said back to you, "you too" and I have to say even back then it felt utterly false and empty. I knew in my heart I did not think or feel it and immediately regretted saying it.

Funny. Nice to know that you had that courage to speak on her face, especially in an environment when every other person is kneeling down right in her feet & ready to accept those false opinions of an evil witch.
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Re: How To Recognize Characteristics of Reptilian

Post02 Nov 2014

There's a great play in such events ... this, I think, was at some rakhi ceremony or something. It was a big deal when the entire class and many visitors would come and queue up at the end for even an hour to receive it. For many it was the only time they'd interact closely with the Seniors. Silently.

Some would get long chit chats, others "blessings", i.e. a special phrase from the Murli about what kind of soul they were which they'd carry with them for a year as if it had some special meaning; some would get the silent treatment - and bear it royally even though in their hearts they really wanted to be told something special, they then believe or be told that they must be strong for Dadi to have said nothing to (!) - some would get tellings off. I got one once, I cannot remember over what ... probably not going to class every day, by that time I was slipping out ... but I remember others coming up to me and telling me how if Dadi has accused them like that they'd crumble. It did not both me.

But that time I mentioned, I really remember. I said what I said trying to be pleasant ... and, I suppose, equal ... but, I tell you, it felt so empty ... I realised that I did not believe it at all. Everyone knows what it feels like to say something nice once does not believe. Someone says to you, "you are looking well", and you say back to them, "Thank you, so are you". It's just phatic communication. But this was different. I knew I did not believe any more. Or, at least, that I could no longer suspend my disbelief.

Janki is look very frail now and she does not, in my opinion, look like a very happy contented old person. I don't know what others think ... a little old poison toad who's eaten flies all her life, rather than a nasty cannibalistic lizard from outer space though.

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Re: How To Recognize Characteristics of Reptilian

Post02 Nov 2014

I got one once, I cannot remember over what ... probably not going to class every day, by that time I was slipping out ...

Same here.
it felt so empty ... I realised that I did not believe it at all.

This must be every other BKs' experience there.
Janki is look very frail now and she does not, in my opinion, look like a very happy contented old person. I don't know what others think ...

I think she is just facing old age problems & that's it. As long as there is ego in person, he/she will keep enjoying all worldly pleasures. Do you think she does not like the attention, the respect bestowed upon her by her servants, the comfort zone from where she can control a big org. like BKWSU & can make any BK run for his life if he ever raises anything suspicious ... though she might not be liking excess of it. But still she is in best position there ... see the pain Gulzar had to go through in all those rituals. Gulzar is shoved Bhog without any mercy & had to carry whole ritual lonely. Feel sorry for her deplorable condition.

... Well, whatever is Janki's possession, it's all due to her Punya or meritorious karma, no deviation can be from laws. All happiness comes as result of punya. But this type of punya is a bit different called paapanubandhi punya karma which is bound when a person hurts few to gives happiness to some other person. This karma bring those sorts of luxuries & happiness which take person down in evolution & causes adhogati.

It is like the one done by Robinhood who robbed riches of rich & donated to poors but here the case was a bit different. Currently, BKWSU is looting poors & medium class people for their own comfort & so accumulating paaps. But they will also bind punya for whatever happiness followers get from them, even if given through deception. But they must understand which one would weigh more-accumulated paaps or punyas???
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Re: How To Recognize Characteristics of Reptilian

Post02 Nov 2014

Yes, the original inner circle Om Mandlites came from extremely wealthy business caste. There is a story of one of the great "charities" a Senior Sister did ... she never wore a dress twice and so her "charity" was giving away her once-worn dresses to "the poor". In another story, there was a marriage contract for one of the girls and it stated that she must "never walk on uncarpeted ground" in a house. They had cars and drivers even back in the later 1920s and early 30s.

How many Europeans had automobiles, never mind Indians?

Janki Kirpalani's psychology is an important one to study, however, I do not know how important she is within the Brahma Kumaris in India where there are other BK Emperors.

Her empire was the Western world which is relatively small in number ... however, it does bring in a lot of money for the BKs and it has been useful tool for impressing Indians about the power of the BKs (white people were generally seen as being rich and powerful in India, "look, we even have white people following us!").

Janki is still portrayed as being "One of the 8" top souls in the world ... what a joke ... and it is said she will become one of the 8 future emperors of the heavenly Golden Age on Earth, but who knows how she is really seen by the other BK leaders.

I would also be interested to know, specifically, how she is seen by Hindi speaking Indians. How she comes across to them, her manners and intelligence, what they see as her powers or gifts.

Back in my time, when she was in her prime, she could be really stupid, rigid and unstable. She did not come across as being a natural intellectually. Indeed, I found her to be pretty disappointing when it came to understanding and answering more in depth questions.

She could understand more English than she let on ... and, more importantly, with the amount of time, free servants and devotees she had she had time to learn to speak English properly ... but I think she used her translators, especially Jayanti Kirpalani, 'artfully' to project a different, more refined impression of herself and to buy time to think up answers. She was a good entertainer, even a comedian. She played on her looks and became 'everyone's favourite grandmother' type character.

However, I found if you asked her a question she could not answer she would never admit it but turn it back on you, become irritated, ignore it etc ... and increasingly, as she got older and the audience got larger, the BKs started screening any questions which were given beforehand. Therefore she would only answered the ones she could or wanted to.

She was a good actress and even a charismatic entertainer who played with and on audience.

From what she said, I think she had deep seated insecurities in comparison to the other Om Mandlite and was, perhaps, driven by them. Her parents were Om Mandli followers but she married and had a child which later died. I find that a little suspiciously convenient. Therefore she was late to return to the Om Mandli and no longer a pure and perfect virgin like the others. Her copy book was "blotted". There is no way she could have come out of such a traumatic event as an infant child dying ... or even being neglected until it died ... without serious mental scars, and she often spoken about how she would make extra efforts to try and catch up with them.

I have no idea how and why she was married if her family followed Lekhraj Kirpalani. Perhaps she wanted to ... which she would later see as a fault or weakness?

At the time she returned to her lover boy Lekhraj, there was still no God Shiva and God Lekhraj Kirpalani was her saviour for taking her back and in. She was obviously devoted him and would often speak of him, like an immature lover she was at that time, "My Baba". However, within the Om Mandli/early Madhuban set up, I think she had a low status and was not special at all. Other Sisters like Om Radhe, Prakashmani and Manmohini rose to the fore. I suppose being 'impure' she never had roles such as being a medium. She seems to have been in the background.

The BKs, as ever, have whitewashed and exaggerated her past. They claimed she was a "nurse" who tended to "the sick", as if she was some kind of Mother Teresa figure. bullsh**. She was neither ever. She had no training but, yes, one of her task was to work in the sick room of Madhuban when there were only 70 or 80 BKs ... how sick did anyone get for how long, so what did she do with the rest of her time?


Her money grabbing tendencies must have arise out of her cultural heritage and their desperation during the Beggary Period when Lekhraj Kirpalani's money ran out, allegedly, their income was very little, and they needed to bring in donations to feed Lekhraj Kirpalani and the inner circle. She went out on such service and started to bring the money in. She got better at it ... practise makes perfect ... and it became her sanskar.

I was there the day she was laughing in class, whilst sitting on the throne, when a group of visitors came and she was joking how, "we tell them everything is free ... and then we take everything". Of course, at the time, we - the class - laughed with her too about it.
"Wah Baba ... what a big joke!!! Yes, first we tell newcomers "everything is free", and then we make them surrender everything; their body, their wealthy, their property, their life ... they end up becoming our or Dadi's - [i]sorry, Baba's]/i] - servants".

Not even 'unpaid servants', they have to pay us to serve us!!!


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Re: How To Recognize Characteristics of Reptilian

Post29 Mar 2016

If I may offer an additional interpretation.

There are certain human behaviours which are referred to as "reptillian". It is used in this context as a reference to our basic animal traits from our lesser evolved past, and it covers things such as kill, eat, procreate, etc. It is activity that is primal and disregards our higher evolved brain power and operates in the background to take care of things we otherwise would not consciously think about.

In the modern context, I have heard it used in reference to dogmatic behaviours, e.g. politicians, warmongers, and - you guessed it - practitioners of faith-based dogma which controls the actions and behaviours its members, a la the BKs. It is not to suggest that BK members are all reptillian, but it fits with the strict use of dogma by BK Cult HQ.

Sadly my wife has become engrossed in BKs and there is an impenetrable barrier to which dogma is responsible. When she says that she is following a spiritual path, I counter and say you are following a dogmatic path, and there is nothing spiritual about dogma. Dogma is the invention of those who misunderstand or manipulate the origins of spiritual teachings for their own power and profit.

On this, the BKs are nothing but reptillian.
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Pink Panther

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Re: How To Recognize Characteristics of Reptilian

Post29 Mar 2016


When someone is struggling psychologically/emotionally, through grief, trauma or similar basic states, it is difficult to keep the higher order functions engaged to an extent greater than minimally ’necessary’ for just getting by, i.e. to be very conscious, acutely critical, practically logical takes a lot more energy than you realise.

If you have ever been bedridden with a severe virus or other severe physical distress or pain, you'd know how the last thing you want to be doing is dealing with high order abstractions and concepts, complex problems, numbers or any serious decisions etc. So too with mental stresses. We revert and operate much more from the limbic system, that which is basic and has become habitual.

For someone in this state, life’s daily demands - work and responsibilities - can easily use up what little ration of "reasonableness” we have. If a simple set of routines are available which give some headspace and makes life livable, ones that do the thinking & evaluating for you, you can at least maintain a semblance of "functioning” and have enough rationality to do the daily tasks. It is a level of consciousness which is supported by a crutch, without which a breakdown could very well ensue. The crutch is not seen as a crutch but as an extension of one’s self.

In almost all cases, you cannot talk someone out of their religious/spiritual beliefs by logic and reason. People convince themselves, discover ”insights” for themselves, or at least like to think they do! Others can convince them or reveal something to them only if they are agreeable to being convinced by them or looking to learn from them. You cannot force a realisation on someone. Beliefs are psycho-emotionally driven, i.e. people rationalise their beliefs, or as Neitzche put it, the Logos grows out of the Mythos, not the other way around. (The Brother of a suicide bomber said that his Brother was easily radicalised because he always wanted to be the hero in his own story, i.e. the rationalisation could fit the desired narrative or internal, non-verbal 'dialogue')

The BK hooks include encouraging people to spend more time with BKs and as little time with ”lokiks” (worldly, a.k.a non-spiritual) people as possible, attending classes and BK events as often as possible, and so on. Enculturation. Which includes identifying and labelling attempts from spouses and family as ”tests” or ”karma”, and intellectual critiques as ”Maya” (illusory thinking) or ”body consciousness” (materialistic/unsubtle/unspiritual) . That is, they teach people to close off from other influences ”for their own spiritual well-being”.

My advice based on your post and the other post you made (both succinct and insightful I might say) is to suggest that you be emotionally supportive for her but do not get into debates & arguments based on words, logic or reason. This will just alienate you from her.

Life itself is the best healer and in cases like this, it is through activities, relationships and practical experiences that a person can make new connections between the habitual, easy-to-act-from limbic system and new insights from new experiences. Tilling the same tired soil won’t bear fruit.

I’m talking about things like bushwalking and picnics, hours and days at the beach or in nature, time with animals & children, sports, dance or similar high energy ‘play’, dinner with undemanding friends, connecting with old friends ... and so on.

Good luck. Keep us informed.
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Re: How To Recognize Characteristics of Reptilian

Post29 Mar 2016

I agree with what Pink has said. I am not sure all people seeking something in BKism are suffering from that sort of crisis but I do think part of BKism is to encourage it using numerous tools, such as the End of the World etc, to do so.
Redstone wrote:Sadly my wife has become engrossed in BKs and there is an impenetrable barrier to which dogma is responsible. When she says that she is following a spiritual path, I counter and say you are following a dogmatic path, and there is nothing spiritual about dogma. Dogma is the invention of those who misunderstand or manipulate the origins of spiritual teachings for their own power and profit.

Welcome, Redstone, and thank you for your thoughtful and clear sighted contribution.

I agree. BKism works because it has been refined to 'plug into' a basic level of mind, or at a basic (unconscious) level of mind in otherwise normal or intelligent individuals, and it work on the basis of "acceptance via repetition" and a manipulation of language.

As I think you are already seeing, the best way to related to it is not via appeals to reason but at its own level, of an opposite and equal repetition refusing to allow the BKs or their adherents to redefine that language.

The extent of that manipulation, taking many common words and deities, will surprise you. And probably exhaust you as the BK mania infects your partner.

I apologise for using that term, as it appears to quite extreme, but that is precisely what it is like ... an infectious mania which will likely completely consume and destroy the individual you once knew. Again, that sounds extreme, but it is the BKs agenda ... to encourage individuals to "die alive" and surrender everything to them; mind, body and wealth. Anything less is a portrayed as failure on behalf of the adherent.

Let's us help you decontruct what is going on and their language if it helps you ... and get your affairs in order to ensure the Brahma Kumaris don't end up breaking up your family and taking its wealth and property. If it comes to it ... be prepared for her to leave but demand she leaves everything behind. Do it now whilst she is still in an in-between phase and perhaps does not even know BKism herself.

I am not joking about this. We have seen and heard it happening many times all over the world.


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Re: How To Recognize Characteristics of Reptilian

Post01 Apr 2016

Thanks Pink Panther and ex-l for your supportive comments.

Sadly, my wife is not a starry eyed new convert as she had been with them many years ago for a period of years. I agree that it is counterproductive to try reasoning, but sometimes their infantalised doctrines and promises are too ridiculous to resist, but I try and I think I have overcome the initial shock wave.

I think she is putting in extra effort to accrue status to show she can be trusted, having left them before. When she bought the white gowns I knew I was either in for the long haul, or that I need to make plans to leave. She was the love of my life, and I and others see a highly intelligent, gifted and vibrant person reduced to a 3D hologram of her former self. What a waste of life.

As Tom Robbins once wrote, if you shelter and detach yourself from family and relationships for some dogmatic spiritual practise, at the end of it all, what have you gained ... how have you honoured the life you have been given.

There is much that is narcissistic in BKs.
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Pink Panther

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Re: How To Recognize Characteristics of Reptilian

Post01 Apr 2016

I think she is putting in extra effort to accrue status to show she can be trusted, having left them before.

Yes and Yes. As you are probably aware, there are many signals that are is tacit and indirect.

The idea of what is required to be worthy is addressed generally through the classes and Murlis, i.e. the seed is spread, the "suggestion" put out there. The individual who is needing acceptance will invoke such signals from those who have learnt to pick up on who is "needy” and can be drawn in. The way those who are ”senior” are given more respect, or those who walk and talk and look at others with a certain expression are treated as more "in" than others who don’t.

There is nothing more disgustingly icky than the play-acting of piousness or ”spiritual-ness” and the unnatural put-on voice many BKs use, often imitating one of the high ups.

Self-realisation? Give me a break. It’s self-deception to fit in to an imagined ideal.

Is your wife from a Roman Catholic or similar background?


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Re: How To Recognize Characteristics of Reptilian

Post01 Apr 2016

No, she was raised in a secular household and both her parents were teachers and non-religious. Though from a Protestant background. Her mother traumatized her childhood through constant yelling and general craziness (something she herself admits). Her Father was a very kind gentle man with whom she was strongly attached and devoted (and who left her mother when she was 16), and who died a few months before the BK thing started, so along with her anxiety and health problems, you can can see the stepping stones which led her to the BK door.

I was raised a Catholic though I rejected it as a child, and I recall a commentator years ago saying there is an advantage being forced to go to Christian schools, even though you reject it, because it equips you with the ability to spot nonsensical faith-based churches. It was a reference to charismatic evangelicals but it works for me re BKs et al. A speaker on RN's Big Ideas recently was lamenting the lack of religious education in Australian schools for the same reason.

My wife has studied comparative religions at university, as well as psychology. Pre-BKs we had often talked about the manipulations which can be used via meditation, particularly in groups. I don't believe my wife subscribes to the whole BK doctrine, and though initially strict about who prepares her food, she is now prepared to eat out again (but without onions and garlic etc). She regards the 5000 year cycle as symbolic as opposed to being literally true. She does however believe in the whole Kirpilani-as-god routine.

There is a strong sense of belonging she gets from BKs. She passionately expresses her sense of belonging, and I know she is seduced by the calm and peaceful atmosphere of their retreats. I truly believe she is in the throes of a grand delusion, and has sequestered her critical faculties to some inaccessible part of her psyche. I know she knows much of it is nonsense, but the comfort and slick welcome she is receiving (including a syrupy card from BK Charlie) is making that world much better than the one she left six months ago.

She has suggested I go with her to a retreat but I find the whole thing repugnant and narcissistic and devoid of any human or humane intent. That their so-called spirituality has no wider application nor anything to offer humanity in general substantiates my disdain. To actively promote detachment from family and loved ones undermines a fundamental tenet of human existence, but as we all know, they ironically become attached to BKs.

And is not that how it was always meant be?

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