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Demons in Dreams

PostPosted: 17 Nov 2007
by bro neo
The attacks from demons in my sleep seems too extreme lately. Sleep is hard to come by. Analyzing the demons from the perspective of symbolic dream analysis, the demons are the auto pilot programs in my subconscious which have taken over all the powers (I have acquired recently) to use against myself.

Most recently the demons in my dreams seem to have acquired advanced ability to control time, space, mind and heart. They hold me prisoner and try to kill me. fighting them one on one is almost impossible now. I need to remember God. The real God still eludes me though, but in the past it is this faith in God which destroyed the demons in my dreams by the truck load.

Could it be that the symbolic reference to God within the subconscious collective of the human mind is more then just reference to our core soul and awareness, but that there is an overlord brotherhood or group of guardian spirits watching over the greater good of humanity?

PostPosted: 17 Nov 2007
by bro neo
Then again I haven't been doing my meditation enough lately so ...

DIY God means to take personal responsibility for present circumstances and to work to change what is not acceptable or disrespectful to the true self.

PostPosted: 19 Nov 2007
by bro neo
Had great sleep last night 8). Wonderful but only 5 hours. I have been too busy lately.

PostPosted: 20 Nov 2007
by bro neo
I had another excellent night of sleep and insightful dreams. Staying happy, active and in self respect during the day is great for after we close our eyes, IMO. Deepak Chopra has an excellent program on insomnia for those who are interested.

Re: Demons in Dreams

PostPosted: 20 Nov 2007
by paulkershaw
bro neo wrote:The attacks from demons in my sleep seems too extreme lately. Sleep is hard to come by.

Suggest (with kind permission ...) that you try to use a clear quartz or rose quartz crystal to 'breathe' all the days events into before going to sleep and your dream time should be more quieter ...

Kop Khun Khap

parasitical pests

PostPosted: 20 Nov 2007
by sparkal
I suspect that those who don't meditate as much as they used to would do so if they/ we knew the true depth of interference from these beings.

To wake up more tired than when you "turned in" requires explanation. Anger towards them will only feed them with the negativity they enjoy(?) and this draining makes it difficult to muster up love towards anyone.

We need to dig in and sort this out once and for all so we can get on with building a more positive vibrant world without this parasitical pestilence.

Revolt at Tennyson Road

PostPosted: 21 Dec 2008
by joel
I've long been drawn by the emotional power of my dreams, my unconscious working to make sense of my life. People deprived of REM sleep (during which dreams occur) exhibit a variety of problems. Recently dreaming has been shown to be a part of the process of establishing long-term memories.

Over several years, dreams have been a powerful tool for me to work on myself, sometimes with the assistance of a therapist. Once in a group I re-enacted a dream involving several of us on bicycles. I chose other group members to be the other two riders and one for the bicycle. Under the leader's direction, I swapped myself into the various roles and came up with some valuable insights from even this rather simple pedestrian (haha!) dream, despite the rather sparse details.

When I note down a dream in my journal, the writing itself is a creative act. A narrative appears on paper where none was before. I give myself credit for that. In school I learned to crave credit from the teacher. I spent hours with my hand raised. I knew what the the teacher was getting at long before she even framed the question. Even with good teachers the pace was slow. It was the teachers' or the classes' pace, not my pace!!

I am in a lifelong process of rehabilitating my reward system - connecting more internally - in the aftermath of school and later after my years as a BK. Learning to hug myself or pat myself on the back or give myself a kind word or two. No wonder so many cult-ures stigmatize masturbation and other forms of sexual expression: they want everyone's reward system wired through an external control system. I am not sure about who "they" are, but I am sure they're out there!!!! Some kind of aggregate social entity that is powerfully manipulative.

Okay, here is the story, for your education and amusement.

Revolt at Tennyson Road

I am with the BKs at Tennyson Road. Trouble is brewing. Disobedience, free-thinking, revolution.

I have been working outside, and my face is covered with paint. It influences how people see me.

I am a guest, expected to be quiet and behaved. Yet my very presence brings a hush, with unsettled murmurings in the corners.

Jayanti and Co. are confronted with the biggest challenge of their careers. An actor, a pied piper, has come with all the heat and intensity of Mick Jagger. He has an odd gait, a skinny intensity in his narrow, waspish frame. He is leading a breakaway group, who at this moment are walking behind his hypnotic figure, Brothers going together down the hall to a new wing.

I am instrumental somehow, not the leader, but sitting among them, still unaware of the paint on my face, an outsider, as others bring their conflicts in front of Maureen Goodman, the wife of that kind pediatric dentist - I had forgotten they were man and wife! - and Jayanti, tireless and focused.

My comments to others, the odd cough, the fact of my living outside the trance of others in the world of my own pace is somehow catalytically subversive.

I wish I could remember the brilliant comments I made to the group on those one or two brief occasions that it was appropriate. To those who were in tune, it was like the leading sparks of a passing firestorm, leaving behind change in its wake, unidentifiable present of a transformed past. There was a rhythm and strength of the moment.

Even going to the toilet! I forgot to wear the special toilet slippers and put my socked feet on the questionable painted concrete between the edge of cleanliness and certain filth.

A Brother comes to caution me, robed in white as they all are. I have already put on the slippers, a kind of gummy tacky plastic that is unashamed of its abiological origin. (Well, petroleum did originate in the biologically stored form of solar energy, but that was a long time ago. Now the two have diverged. one wouldn't usually ingest a petroleum product, although wax and mineral oil are a common exception, being safe to take internally, in the intestines, but not in the lungs.)

He points at the mirror and I smear paint around my right, no left, eye. The mirror turns things the other way. I begin to wipe it off. While doing so I see myself as a kind of warrior in my own right.

Even the odd comment about the TV - British TV is much cleverer than in the US I say, during a brief moment that the TV is on.

And when I sit back and pause quietly, I feel the hands of some young BK, one not fully conditioned to inactivity, who has come up and is massaging my shoulders. Oh, the perks of the spontaneous revolutionary!

He sees my childlike directness, sees me as special, and gives in a gentle way that is both respectful and intimate.

Jayanti and Maureen are stressed by the effort of guiding others' behavior. Their control of others' attention is now threatened by the gyrating Jagger figure.

In all the talk and confusion, I am led to learn of the backdoor passageway between London and Madhuban. It is narrow, the width of a single plank. First I notice the office of a man, who I instinctively guess is Mruntyunjaya. The office is simple: a desk partitioned off with white sheets, loose enough to flap.

As I walk further, I see the hubbub of activity on both sides. People crowded together, bankers, businessmen, shopkeepers. I had thought the wave of revolution was going to transform everything BK, but now I see that this huge superstructure or infrastructure will go on, regardless of the principles or leader of the spiritual path. An Indian man with asian-dark skin, a check suit of matching tannish tones, contrasting against a full head of gray hair. These people are in it for the long haul.

Imagine! Every year flying to India, I had no idea I could reach it from London!!! And so easily.

"You have to meet this Brother," a young Western Brother had told me. "He was with the BKs, now he is independent and has his own shop there." I find him, away from Madhuban, among a number of merchants who serve the ashram. He, too, is a kind of subversive. We sit, the three of us. The BK-turned-shopkeeper rolls a spliff, lights it and offers it to me. Usually I would be an eager participant in this relaxing ceremony of bonding and uninhibition. (Listen to how the adjectives roll! I was taught that vigorous writing has few adjectives, so that the narrative advances by action, rather than being substantiated by what is ultimately distraction.)

I accept the gesture, without actually smoking. I sit with them amidst the cloud, in that tiny shop. At the first glance, I see in his manner, in the calculated hipness of his stubble-beard, a creative man who applies himself responsibly to sustain his children. Seeing him, it is clear that he has a boy to take care of, and a wife, accepting all of life, confident arms and angular jaw in his long-sleeved brown sweater. His eyes are dark.

He makes an odd reference, says something about a butt-plug, as though it is an unpleasant thing. "Are you kidding?" I tell him. "Try doing an internet search and you will see how many pages come up!"

Re: Revolt at Tennyson Road

PostPosted: 22 Dec 2008
by ex-l
joel wrote:As I walk further, I see the hubbub of activity on both sides. People crowded together, bankers, businessmen, shopkeepers. I had thought the wave of revolution was going to transform everything BK, but now I see that this huge superstructure or infrastructure will go on, regardless of the principles or leader of the spiritual path. An Indian man with asian-dark skin, a check suit of matching tannish tones, contrasting against a full head of gray hair. These people are in it for the long haul.

Whew ... my guess this is a fair enough assessment of the situation. There is a fair degree of social inertia built up and any religion that performs a basis set of requirements is a perfectly good vehicle for the vast majority of individuals swept along by it.

Can you qualify the significance of 'sticking a plug in it'?

Re: Revolt at Tennyson Road

PostPosted: 22 Dec 2008
by joel
The dream I decided to share, unedited. The significance I leave to each one's interpretation. So, the answer is: "whatever it means to you." There could be a tease or a wink, if that's where you're at in your psychospiritual development.


Re: Reflections on Childhood Abuse Prior to Becoming a BK

PostPosted: 24 Mar 2009
by Terry
rayoflight wrote:Do you know what happened to me last night? I had the first BK nightmare since joining this forum. I saw the point of light pulling me in with its gentle-loving tug, and I felt like an addict who really wanted her fix. I did not fall for it so then the justifications came in: "but you liked it remember? and it felt so good. just do it once, it'll make you feel better because you don't feel so good right?" I even ripped a button off my pajama. Pretty wild aye? Must have been fighting for my life.

I was dreaming of people in rifle shooting practice using blanks, but then the opposing team let go of real "fire" and a young attractive girl caught on fire. I saw her shocked face while she burned alive and I started screaming. That's when I woke up. I know what this dream is about. It's the ego trying to shut me down again, trying to scare me because I am freeing myself. The girl burning is a reminder of the witch hunts when people burned truthsayers alive.

It used to be an irrational but real fear of mine mainly because while I was in Madhuban I had what seemed like a spontaneous past life regression where, in meditation, I was shown a "movie" of such a death. It was so real I cried for two days and wanted to leave immediately, but I was convinced to stay on. Was it a past-life I was remembering? Or was I picking up on the "no-speak or suffer dire consequences" energy? Or was the entity giving me a scare to "warn" me to keep my mouth shut? I don't know anymore. But [u]I DO.

I am posting this PM with permission of rayoflight:
rayoflight wrote::I had [my] first BK nightmare since joining this forum.

Nightmares are good dreams. They present an issue in a clear, impossible to ignore way - usually people have had "milder' dreams about the same issue, but don't respond or change to what they (and other instincts) are saying, so the dreams become more virulent until ...
I was dreaming of people in rifle shooting practice using blanks, but then the opposing team let go of real "fire" and a young attractive girl caught on fire. I saw her shocked face while she burned alive and I started to scream.
Personally, I would prefer to keep my mouth shut and be a good girl because confrontation is difficult. The counter attacks can be brutal and my sensitvity to energy absorbs them like poison.

Hey ROL, were you conscious of the parallels between these sentences? Your first interpretation is close
I know what this dream is about. It's the ego trying to shut me down again, trying to scare me

(though ego is the wrong word). Dreams try to make sense of things. it can take years.

The second sentence above from your life experience, not your dream says- "... confrontation is difficult. The counter attacks can be brutal and my sensitvity to energy absorbs them like poison." although a different metaphor is more like the dream. it is almost paraphrasing it.

"I" in a dream is the "ego" aspect of you - how you see yourself (after all, ego just means "I" - egotism is another thing, an inflated sense of ego). The other "players" are aspects of yourself. You are an observer in the dream not a participant, seeing two sides of yourself. Then a specific part of you, the young attractive girl draws the fire, absorbs the poison. Rather than confront, a part of you dies to reconcile the opposite energies, a sacrificial lamb.

The scream you let out is the first time you act, up till then you are a passive observer. The scream is you consciously coming into realisation of what you have been observing but not acting on till now. It is no coincidence that it came after the "processing" going on here over the last few days.

The two sides can represent more than one of many aspects of duality, and would be a good subject for you to work on the dream with. What was the target? What were the blanks in your life and what were the real bullets? The clue may be in the young attractive feminine that takes the bullets - how young is she? (Different ages can mean different things, or it can be that it was at the same age when that part of you took the hit. Maybe explore that.

You later mention your attraction to addictive personalities (though you say they are attracted to you). Were those people appearing to be hitting a target that you were only firing blanks at? if the BK and the addict in your life have similar personalities, does that indicate that you seek to play with blanks in their game and to reach the same target they aim for, some kind of high, or intoxication, but it kills off part of you, because it is their target not yours? their game, not yours? is that part of the co-dependency?

Being drawn to dark energy like drug addicts means that likely you seek outside for that part when you could be intergrating your own dark side (I place no value judgement on dark, the night is as beautiful as the day) Persephone & Hades would rule the Light unseen BK world as much as the dark unseen druggies world.

Drugs have been called "an inferior form of spiritual experience". I would call the yogic life as lived by BKs as "an artificial form of spiritual experience".

I am impressed by the work done on yourself since you joined the forum Ms R.O.L.! Your contributions have been valuable and inspiring.

Re: Reflections on Childhood Abuse Prior to Becoming a BK

PostPosted: 24 Mar 2009
by paulkershaw
I would call the yogic life as lived by BKs as "an artificial form of spiritual experience".

A 'classic' post comment perhaps? If not, one definitely to go into the ex-BK T-Shirt competition we had going last year.

To all BK's: "Come to the Dark Side - we have cookies".

Re: Reflections on Childhood Abuse Prior to Becoming a BK

PostPosted: 24 Mar 2009
by rayoflight
I am posting this PM with terry's permission:

Thank you so much terry for taking the time to analyse my dream. I am really grateful. I don't mind if you post it if it can help others. I think you are right on with everything you said and I like your positive take on "nightmares are good dreams." The idea of reconciling the dark and light is something I clearly need to work on. Thank you for explaining it.

The young attractive girl in the dream was in her late 20's, a few years younger than I was when I got divorced and met the BKs. I am youthful in many ways and I definitely think this girl represents the lamb I sacrificed when joining the BKs. I felt so guilty for being pretty that I even cut off all my hair (but not shaved) at one point to try to distract the attention. It was more like a sign that I was beginning to feel ugly inside. Then came the point when I started behaving ugly. I needed to constantly defend myself. I felt constantly judged for who I was which slowly but surely put out my light. But I felt like I was doing the "right" thing. I was "fixing" myself and erasing all the negativities that had caused everyone in my life to be unsatisfied with me especially my ex-husband.

As far as the target symbol goes, what you describe is something I used to call, "keeping one foot in the dark and one foot in the light." My personality likes to "go where angels fear to tread," because I am curious and courageous. But there is a fine line between between courageous and being stupid and at times I find that I can be very foolish. But I have been very lucky to have been protected throughout all my adventures. I was even "saved" once when I fell off a mountain and was caught in the arms of an invisible presence I like to believe were my guardian angels. I flew whilst everyone thought I was dead. I had one scratch and the audacity to say, "I wanna do that again!" Perhaps my real addiction is to adrenaline and excitement and to testing my limits.

I find this part you wrote really quite fascinating:
... it kills off part of you, because it is their target not yours? their game, not yours? is that part of the co-dependency?

You have just opened up a hidden doorway on something that has always mystified me. Do I intentionally find those whose target is to kill off a part of me? If this were the case, then perhaps I am just being the sacrificial lamb again, allowing myself to be projected upon as the part of them that they wish to kill off. (Like the Brahmin Brother who kept telling me I was "dangerous." Bumblebee! (my replacement word for profanity) He's the one that was dangerous but he couldn't see it in himself so he projected it onto me and then found a good reason to make me "impure" regardless of whether it was true or not so that he could keep his own halo shining.) This sheds a whole new light on being a good girl doesn't it? A martyr. A saint. An angel. They do manage to "kill" me every time, but I always get back up. ;) So how does one cure this sort of thing???

I am shaken and moved by all the shifts within that have occured since I joined this forum and I think it is great that we are able to psychoanalyse each other with such awareness. Thank you for your kind support. This confirms that there is a God watching over us after all.
terry wrote:Well, confirms a few humans are at least ...

Yes, at least :D.

Re: Reflections on Childhood Abuse Prior to Becoming a BK

PostPosted: 24 Mar 2009
by Terry
hey ROL,
That is a very brief analysis, and even a complete one is only the beginning of working with your dream. Keep it all in mind, and see what other insights pop up. I'd be interested in any description you can put to the two groups who are shooting at targets. If not apparent from memory of the dream, you could do an active imagination exercise, where you go back into the dream, and allow your imagination to fill in the gaps, or dialogue with the parties, or continue the narrative. the main thing is that it has to be free flowing and without preconception. Sometimes drawing the scenes, with coloured pencils or similar brings up feelings or ideas as you muse on it. The main thing is that what was unconscious has now become conscious, the work is to keep it in mind and adjust attitudes & behaviour according to the new understanding.

Don't just slip back to old patterns. This dream scenario is essentially what is called a "lesser conjunction" i.e. there is a presentation and meeting of two opposing energies, but they are not resolved or intergrated. If there was a scene of resolution in the dream (the greater conjunction), it would signify that it had become a part of you already.

Re: Dreams narrated, dreams explored

PostPosted: 24 Mar 2009
by rayoflight

As I try to look deeper into the symbolism of the dream, what comes up is that I am in a game playing with friends who then suddenly and mercilessly become enemies. Playing with blanks is harmless, and I am in it to play, but the enemy "plays with fire" which is not playful at all but dangerous. There is definitely a theme on betrayal and "you cannot trust your friends," going on. I did not intuit them turning on me at all, but they definitely were revealing a premeditated, hidden agenda when they opened fire.

    When I ask them, "what was your agenda?" the answer I get is single-minded: "to annhilate."
    So I then ask, "what do you want to annhilate?" and the answer I get is: "the weak."
    So I ask, "what is your perception of 'weak?'" and they say, "sweet-kindness."
    This causes my heart to beat but I continue.
    "Why do you think sweet-kindness is 'weak?'" and they reply, "because it disarms the world."
    "So it is powerful," I say. "Not weak."
    "You cannot disarm the world. It causes others to be vulnerable."
    "Is there something wrong with being vulnerable?"
    "Yes. There are no more defenses. You are rendered weak."
    "So what happenes when one is 'rendered weak?'"
    "They are vulnerable to those who aren't. And open to death."
    "What is your biggest fear?"
    "To fall for your kindness."
    "And then what would happen?"
    "I will become vulnerable to you."
    "But what is wrong with that?"
    "I don't know if I can trust you."
    "So what can I do to prove to you that you can trust me?"
    "Be my friend."
    "I was your friend. You were the one who opened fire."
    "I just attacked before you had the chance to."
    "I was never planning on attacking you."
    "Yes, but I did not trust you. You could have killed me first."
So what do you think? I think this is directly related to my experience with the BKs whom I felt I definitely could not trust. Too many betrayals from too many Sisters. And misleading Brothers using their power of attraction in the name of Baba. Too many games and too many power plays. It's dangerous to play with people, like "playing with fire." But it could also be connected to my betrayals pre-BKs as there were some then too.

On another note, today I went out and everything looked new. I breathed in and thought, wow, the time has finally arrived to move on. And I had a good hair day to boot. Yeah, I wasted a perfectly good thought on body conscious vanity instead of thinking of Baba or praying for the world, but you know what, it felt GREAT! I felt like Mary Tyler Moore. If I had a hat I would have tossed it in the air and shouted, "we're gonna make it after alllllllllll!" (this is a reference to an American TV show from the 70's for those of you who don't know).

Re: Dreams narrated, dreams explored

PostPosted: 25 Mar 2009
by Terry
Thanks Admin for moving these posts to this topic. I did not know it existed! There was reference to Joel's dream in another post, I looked around but never found it. If I can request please - it would be helpful if the actual dream rayoflight narrates on 24th March (in "reflections on childhood abuse before BKs) is brought over too, so the correspondences that follow make sense.

I am fascinated by what I have read here, won't respond to much as dreams are usually very much of the time. Just to say to ROL, interesting follow up there, and I do think what you touch on in the last paragraph is the right direction. There are common traits between pre-BK you and BK you to explore.

I'd like to comment generally on lucid dreaming. It is a specific term, not just a description of a clear vivid dream. It is where you try to consciously make the dream go in a specific way. As Mr Green and others have said, it can be amazing. It comes from shamanic and other older traditions where the distinction is blurred between conscious and unconscious. It is not so defined as it is for us.

Personally, I have an issue with lucid dreaming for we moderns. I feel that, as the value of dreams is because they manifest when the filters and censors of the ego are shut down, it is corrupting the unconscious processes by attempting to impose ego into it. Like controlling heart beat or digestion consciously. We use consciousness to control ourselves and other things, which is not bad in itself ... we invented plumbing that way!

But we've overdone it. We moderns are already too separated from the body, the earth, the senses, instincts. So we have the many modern illnesses, both within and ecologically, and so on. To impose "control" into our unconscious is like corrupting the last wilderness. As I said, its my opinion only, not read or heard similar elsewhere.

The dream that Joel relates on 22-12-08 - I had a very similar one (among others) that signalled time was overdue to leave it all behind. Won't bore you with all the details here, different scenarios but same theme. One part is I walk through a door and am in Mt Abu at night, looking up at the Mahavir statue (which always had significance for me) and the starry sky. I see that they have dug into the mountainside, there are bamboo scaffolds, a lot of building work going on.

I meet Dada AK, who proceeds to show me around the many building sites, like it is his job to be the guide. He says, this will be such & such a building, this will be for that" etc. I am the opposite of impressed, wondering, "what is going on here". But the main thing I notice is that he really has no enthusiasm for it all either. He is speaking with a deep regret, wishing it were otherwise, but he is dutiful. There were a few other scenes. Let's leave it there.