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PostPosted: 26 Mar 2007
by abrahma kumar
mokshakiprapti wrote:You will keep on debating on the truth on my statement and will reach nowhere. Trust is the key. I trusted BK and then PBK and that trust transferred to me and and then to Supreme Soul . It was not transfer of mistrust. It was transfer of trust to BK , to PBK , to myself and to Supreme Soul. You guys do not have depth of trust. You guys are only shallow argumentator. Your brain is more active than heart. That is why I offer you synchronise your heart with mine. You will receive a lot.

Choice is yours.

Dear Moksha Ki Prapti, I hope that you will get my meaning quite clearly in this post. You address us as 'debators' as if it is a 'smelly, inferior' way to be, however if you for one minute get off your soap box you might realise that you are actually asking us - via your weasel words and un-evidenced wisdom - to foresake what is perhaps the only thing we have to hold on to! Personally I do not give a fig if Almighty God Himself sent you to expressly to come and get this ignorant sinner out of hell. I refuse your invitation - and that is my right.

Look again at your last few words: Choice is yours. Do you really respect that freedom of mine? Do you really respect it? Or is respect just another one of those fine virtues that we BK's spout at the world in that lordly way of ours? In cyber we are free.
Your love-bombing won't work unless it is evidenced by what I find to be reasonable for a human being to fit into their life.

I am glad you continue to post on this site because by your very own words and attitude you reveal yourself to us and so we can be aware of the dangers that lurk out there in the world. Everytime I go onto a BKWSU public platform I am careful to pay attention to the souls I speak to. I feel that i have to listen to them or else i would be no less an abuser that those who abused me for 14 years. I can no longer go on doing that to souls ... and mokshakiprapti I have not been a angel. By which I mean that i do really hiope that God has His eye on me. Luckily we hear say that the role of the Almighty is to redeem the hopeless sinner.

Your methods are abusive but you are not able to see it. You are no different from anyone I may meet in face-to-face in the world - by this I mean that I give you 100% regard as a fellow human being. I am netheir inferior to you nor superior to you. I have no knowledge that makes me a guru or you a follower. I respect you but I do not have to kow-tow to you or those of your ilk. Neither do i expect you or anyone else to fawn over me for whatever I choose to utter from my lips. I am a soul and my Birthright is Mine. Hopefully it is a God-given right.

I have asked the question elsewhere on this forum whether the manner of these invitations educates us about the different attitudes towards human rights that exist in the world. You may not realise it yet but so long as we respond to your posts you can continue to learn but the minute we stop your chances at SUCCESS become doomed to failure - unless you want to keep YOUR GOD and YOUR knowledge all to yourself. I will listen to you but I do not care to accpet your offer. Thank you.

My words may have been strong but I hope no stronger than your own convictions and so we are equal since I too speak from my own convictions.

Om Shanti


PostPosted: 26 Mar 2007
by driedexbk
mokshakiprapti wrote:You guys do not have depth of trust. You guys are only shallow argumentator. Your brain is more active than heart. That is why I offer you synchronise your heart with mine. You will receive a lot.

Dear Moksha,

If one defines trust as the firm belief in the reliability, "truth," and strength of someone or something, then you are mistaken in your opinion. Indeed, I have depth of trust. Now, do I accept that you are the embodiment comprised in this definition of trust? NO. Attitudinal judgments, like yours, are not proof of a better argument, but rather a truculent behavior of an antagonist.

The judgment you formed about me and the others is just and opinion not necessarily based on any fact or knowledge of us. Let me make this very clear: I do not need anything from your heart, Brother/Sister. Thank goodness I am free to make it my choice![/b]


PostPosted: 26 Mar 2007
by Mr Green
mokshakiprapti wrote:I trusted BK and then PBK and that trust transferred to me and then to Supreme Soul. It was not transfer of mistrust. It was transfer of trust to BK, to PBK, to myself and to Supreme Soul. You guys do not have depth of trust. You guys are only shallow argumentators. Your brain is more active than your heart. That is why I offer you synchronise your heart with mine. You will receive a lot.

If you trusted them why did you leave and do your own thing?

Good luck with it all the same, but if I was you I would accept donations 8).

PostPosted: 27 Mar 2007
by alladin
Amazing, the amount of time and energy some posters give to one person. Must have felt the pulse, that soul needs attention and good feelings!

I spare half a minute too: dear Mokshakiprapti if you define posters as debators, shallow argumentators and heartless people, it's probably because something at present prevents you from catching the good vibes and atmosphere of the Forum; the depth, the meaningfulness, the humility, the sincerity, the emotions, the hurt and the hopes people you are insulting have in their hearts and the courage they show in sharing all that.

And the Sisters participation and feelings, since you name everybody as "guys". Om Shanti, Bhaavna to you especially.

PostPosted: 30 Mar 2007
by arjun
Alladin wrote:Om Shanti, Bhaavna to you especially.

Dear Mokshakiprapti,

Me too. Wish you good luck. :D


Sisters and Brothers are equally invited

PostPosted: 02 Apr 2007
by mokshakiprapti
Dear Sisters and Brothers,

I have full compassion with you all. I know that you have lost the path of cosmic love. I am sensing that you need Love and Compassion. You need true love. I am fully Compassionate with you all. Sisters are equally welcome in the strife of LOVE. Let us love each other with Heart not with brains. All problems will be sorted out once the true love emerges from within.





You're having a laugh ain't yah, mokshakiprapti ?!

PostPosted: 02 Apr 2007
by abrahma kumar
Hi mokshakiprapti, Welcome back. Good to observe that all's well with you. Take care.
(... then sometime later) See what i mean: Abek unsurprised to find Lovebomb number one served to the backhand side of the court runs right around that ball so that she can play it with the full might of that majestic forehand of her's and bang! she nails it for a clean winner. We know your games!


PostPosted: 02 Apr 2007
by mokshakiprapti
MY DEAR Sisters AND Brothers,



Re: Sisters and Brothers are equally invited

PostPosted: 02 Apr 2007
by john
mokshakiprapti wrote:I have full compassion with you all. I know that you have lost the path of cosmic love. I am sensing that you need Love and Compassion. You need true love. I am fully Compassionate with you all. Sisters are equally welcome in the strife of LOVE. Let us love each other with Heart not with brains. All problems will be sorted out once the true love emerges from within.

If you are genuine, then whilst you're in your intoxication of love, what's to stop a thief from entering your back door.

As well as love I feel we need to be pragmatic and not wallow in clouds of fluffy delusion.

Dearest Souls

PostPosted: 02 Apr 2007
by mokshakiprapti
Dearest Souls,

You are welcome. In an open universe there is no back door, no front door. For an open heart everything is open and transparent. Come on let us love and respect each other

Love Love and Love

Moksha Ki Prapti

PostPosted: 02 Apr 2007
by andrey
Dear Brother,

Should we also synchronise our intellect - understanding and our sanskaras - nature amongst ourselves.

Why I can notice that Sisters are especially invited to this synchronisation, whilst you have a wife why do you seek synchronisation?

You may say there is no gender to cosmic love. Yes, indeed. You are a source or just a channel to this love. I mean if we can also become like you then we all can very quickly syncronise the whole world and turn it into a world full of cosmic love. You say we have lost the connection, but if you have it, why do you keep the secret to connect only for yourself? You say key is trust. Trust in whom. You or someone else?

Let us all connect. Tell us your secret. Or do you like us to become dependent on you or make us free? Love will make us free is not it.

Spiritual Male and Spiritual Female Energy Reunion

PostPosted: 02 Apr 2007
by mokshakiprapti
LOVE is very deep.

+VE Energy Source and -Ve Energy Source of equal quantum should meet without body consciousness and the result will be TRUE LOVE, TRUE ECSTASY. I can be the channel for such an open love but you all are free to love each other. I can be guide for such love of Zero State but you all are free to love each other.

Sisters are invited because their body is -vely spiritually charged and if met with Brothers of equallly +ve charge , will create zero state or state of soul consciousness.

I offer myself as a guide and channel to you all for such a bodiless still a true love making.


Moksha Ki Prapti

PostPosted: 02 Apr 2007
by andrey
So are you + that looks for - or are you a zero on your own. If you are a zero on your own, you'll not destinguis. Multiply zero to +/- it will remain zero. Still deep secret.

Zero State is the ultimate

PostPosted: 02 Apr 2007
by mokshakiprapti
Unless you arrive to zero state u will not be able to realise how sweet the experience is?

I am at zero state so I love u all

Moksha Ki Prapti

PostPosted: 02 Apr 2007
by andrey
Have you been a zero all the time or were you a + that met a -. Can we become zeroes on our own.