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PostPosted: 27 Jan 2007
by proy
amaranthine wrote:I'll listen to the show and report what he says if you like.

Yes, please do. Maybe we will be able to listen to it in the same way as it is possible to listen to many shows after they have been aired - i.e. over the internet?

PostPosted: 27 Jan 2007
by amaranthine
To listen to the show I had to pay a yearly subscription of $55. It's a US radio station that is also streamed on the internet, with the shows also being available for download (without the adds) so the $55 is for the bandwidth.

PostPosted: 01 Feb 2007
by ex-l
I was looking at an archive of the BKWSU own website and it was clearly stated by them then that Shiva actually said "Destruction" was to happen around 2000 A.D.
BKWSU India wrote:"In another vision, he saw souls, as points-of-light, descending from on-high and taking the form of a deity-prince or princess in or near a wonderful golden palace and Dada heard the Divine Voice which said: "This new world will take shape soon (around the year 2000A.D.) and you have to become an instrument for laying the foundation of this world." These Visions greatly changed the mind of Dada."

Web archives

PostPosted: 02 Feb 2007
by abrahma kumar
"This new world will take shape soon (around the year 2000A.D.) and you have to become an instrument for laying the foundation of this world."

Is this why we bought our blue plastic jerrycans for emergency water supplies - I still have a couple of the things in my loft - maybe i should auction them on e:bay. Not to mention the extra food we were to stock-up on as well, "just in case there was a run on the Supermarkets".

I can recollect the scene even now: myself and a whole room full of others sitting there being given instructions on how to unfold the blue can from its' flat-pack appearance into a receptacle for the storage of water 8) and how could I forget the purification tablets. Boy what a wheeze! They must have laughed all the way to the Bank.

Anyone else remember that part of Yagya history? Around the same time we were issued with some handouts that we were to study in order to create and advise BapDada of our vision for Y2K and beyond. Little did I know that the blighters were really thinking that we weren't going to get much beyond that. Maybe I flunked that paper because I did not attach my last will and testament - maybe no-one did and that's why destruction did not happen. Ah well maybe next time. :P

Just what would new souls think if we had a "i-remember-the-good-old-days' bhatti around a campfire. I think those stories could go on and on and on and on and on.

I think i will continue this chat in my little corner. Have fun all.

PostPosted: 02 Feb 2007
by amaranthine
Like the post, Abrahma - gave me a few chuckles.

Yes, what a silly scene that all was. Was it to do with the Y2K thing, I really cannot remember. There were some instructions that came round as well, including such things as how to dispose of human waste nice!

Funny thing is, take away the Y2k nonsense and I think its pretty good advice to have a good supply of essentials provided they don't just sit in the basesment which is what they did at my centre.

Love the campfire idea, sounds like a new thread to me.

PostPosted: 02 Feb 2007
by abrahma kumar
amaranthine wrote:Yes, what a silly scene that all was. Was it to do with the Y2K thing, I really cannot remember. There were some instructions that came round as well, including such things as how to dispose of human waste nice! Funny thing is, take away the Y2k nonsense and I think its pretty good advice to have a good supply of essentials provided they don't just sit in the basesment which is what they did at my centre.

Yes amaranthine, for all my light-hearted joshing I couldn't agree more that it was good advice coming out of the Yagya. On a broader note - and perhaps reinforcing the usefulness of the idea - by observing the impact of many natural calamaties that befall us nowadays we can see that they often give rise to myriad knock-on effects that compund and even persist long after the initial incident.

As a for instance, in the event of an earthquake many, many more people are affected because of water shortages or contamination of available water supplies, disruption in electricity, outbreaks of contagious diseases. So that one event then triggers the need for a humitarian response to tackle tragedy from all imaginable angles.

I think that this is why the experts say that disaster planning is an absolute must for any society that professes to care for its individual members. Imagine facing the prospect of dying from thirst but yet being told that a particular source of water CANNOT be drunk because one might fall fould of water-bourne parasites and die. I think most humans would prefer to take the chance to quench the immediate thirst praying that the disease will pass them by.

As Baba says these are all examples of the duality of human existence nowadays.

Take care


PostPosted: 11 Feb 2007
by proy
worldpeace wrote:Hopefully if my karmic accounts don't kill me before that I will be a good 52 year old man then, and that gives me a good chance to take over this forum or I will create a spin off called Y-BKs and appoint myself the ruler :lol:

Hi worldpeace. I like your attitude. We already have a "Youth Camp" section on this forum now, but if my arithmetic is correct you are 22 now and two years too old to post there. Maybe the Admin of this site will make an exception, or maybe you know some people younger than you who will post.

I see you are in India. News from India and what is happening there is very interesting to me. As you will have seen the BK centres and BK life in the West is very different from in India. Also it is a very different matter being a Western ex-BK. Anyway it is nice to know someone will be ready to have the torch of this forum passed on to them and is willing to receive it.