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Re: A free and moneyless society

PostPosted: 25 Jun 2008
by john morgan
John wrote:The people who shout loudest do not believe in God, or at least God through the BK organisation. So this is a situation where those who do not believe are telling those that do believe how to believe. Unbelievable!
Tom wrote:You are surprizing me Chai Bhai, i am considering you as a Gyani soul with wisdom. This quote above is not a point. It is an insult which one should never make to anybody.

Just a small commentary on the above. The reason I wrote what I wrote was that I saw what I wrote. If there is truth in what I wrote how could it be interpreted as an insult? If it enters the mind of one who deals in insults it could be of course interpreted on that level. Let the goose stew in its own juice.

Re: A free and moneyless society

PostPosted: 25 Jun 2008
by ex-l
mbbhat wrote:Since BK is a non-profit organization and does not accept donations from outside.

That is a ridiculous lie mbbhat. Go read this forum. How long have you been in Gyan anyway?

That is just the propaganda. The BKWSU/Dadis are constantly accepting money from non-BKs and looking for it. Government money etc.

Re: A free and moneyless society

PostPosted: 13 Aug 2009
by rayoflight
When I first met the BKs, I was really amazed that the courses were offered for free. This seemed to reflect such good people. But as I made my way in deeper what I realized is that the old adage, "nothing comes for free" and, "there's a price to pay for everything" became clear.

As you get hooked, you are asked to do service and give of your time. First it's a little time, then it becomes all your time, until finally the Brahma Kumaris has become your life.

Time is money.

So maybe at first you are not paying money per se, but soon enough you are giving up your job to do service and to live in a center. If you still have your job, you are using that money to support the center. So, in essence you are paying and paying much more than you ever imagined.

And when do you see the rewards of all of your service?

In a future life you're not even sure you're going to enter!

Maybe it's better to just pay for what you get when you get it.

Because there are no free rides.

ironically speaking

PostPosted: 14 Aug 2009
by alladin
Right! Children believe that all rides are for free.

So, the BKs first make newcomers feel that they are "children" bacchee ..., bombarding them with titles such as "long lost and now found children", the list is endless and acts as a program firmly installed, and previously tested, in their minds, becomes also words, actions and forms habits ( as the BKs taught us). The idea is also instilled on a possibly even deeper level, by using images and metaphors, "swinging in the supersensuous joy swing" " being fed with a golden spoon" ...

In the end, as an adult, you will find out that, in order to please them and keep up with their expectations (and the self imposed ones, "I want to achieve a high status in Sat Yug, to come in The Cycle at the very beginning of the Golden Age, with Brahma Baba", become a deity from human so I can marry Lakshmi and similar nonsense that we rergurgitate), you are so busy in service and trying to keep up with all the disciplines (including washing yourself several times a day, changing the white clothes constantly, doing the laundry, cooking, offering the food ...) that you cannot even breath, you are exhausted, and guess what? Ironically, you will not have the time even to meditate, yes, the first reason that brought you into the RYC!! But by then, you will have understood the importance of doing everything in Baba's remembrance, good bway! thank you bwana!-

Karma Yogi 100%, and often Bhakti Yogi, performing alien rituals of worship to their spook/s and to the deceased :sad: old BKs, and the top knot ones still alive, Dadi Janki in particular. Sorry if I derailed, I got, as they say, intoxicated ;).