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PostPosted: 08 Nov 2007
by andrey
If the moon landings are ever proved to be bogus, what does that say about the comments in Murlis?

Will it mean that ShivBaba becomes knowledgeful through coming to know from the radio, tv, newspapers and internet as we do?

There is a saying from the Murli that some children come and sit in the gathering to test Baba to see if he is God, "will he guess whether i have been indulging in vice or not" and he says, where is the need for me to know this? Whatever one does he receives the reward. He gives The Knowledge of the spiritual laws that what to do and what to get, he maybe does not even give anything else directly, but enables us to achive. So for this he need not know many other things as well.

PostPosted: 08 Nov 2007
by john
Or does it mean they were Brahma Baba's words and his understanding was also based on the media?

PostPosted: 08 Nov 2007
by bkdimok
john wrote:Or does it mean they were Brahma Baba's words and his understanding was also based on the media?

Om Shanti. When God speaks through Chariot, He uses to say "that one thinks or makes" about this Chariot. That was with BB. If something is in the Murli, then apriory it is true, nomatter which understanding it is.


PostPosted: 09 Nov 2007
by andrey
We should be sure that the moonlanding is false, or else we fantasize.


PostPosted: 09 Nov 2007
by ex-l
I am sorry to be harsh to john on this matter, but such conspiracies are like bubble gum for the mind.

By that I mean, although the jaw goes up and down a lot, there is nourishment for the body (or soul) in them. Fun and lightness ... but they take the place of real food and indulged in for too long cause ultimately cause tooth rot (or truth rot).

Yes, I see the Gyani point. And I think the old "how do we get rid of the flag on the moon and all the space junk" is a very valid question for BKs. there is no question of all the satellites, astronaut-poo and rocket parts floating about in space for next Kalpa. Whether it is true or whether it is false about the moon landlings and UFOs, it is beyond the power and influence of we individuals to know. Even if we did know, it would be of no advantage. What is important is to humbly accept our present position in life and work on improving those things that are immediately within our power.

If you accept the philosophy of Gyan, we are weak and in our final birth. We have had our times of greatness. It is the life lesson of others to experience being world masters and learn the lessons of power, influence and intrigue ... deciding for the masses what is best. I think this also fits into other spiritual views.

Unless it is your karma to have been born into, and to deal with, the Skull and Bones Club, Bilderbergers or whatever ... forget them. Even if you are into conspiracies ... focus on the Brahmin conspiracies where you do have great power and influence to change the family. Here and now not back in.

In case non-scientists are not aware, the lunar module Eagle on the surface of the Moon at 4:17:42 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time, July 20, 1969.

My 2c ...

PostPosted: 03 Jan 2008
by arjun
Quoted from the BK Section for record purpose:


"Beej bhi ek hai toh jhaad bhi ek hai. Aisey nahee aakaash may, paataal may, Surya may, Chaand may duniya hai. Yah toh science vaaley Chandrama may jaakar rahney kee koshish kartey hain. Parantu yah nahee jaantey ki science say saari duniya ka vinaash hona hai aur raajya tum ley lengey." (Brahmakumariyon dwara prakaashit revised Sakar Murli, dinaank 06.11.07, pg 32)

“There is only one seed and there is only one tree. It is not as if there is a world in the sky, in the nethermost world (i.e. underground), in the Sun, in the Moon. The scientists try to go and live on the Moon. But they do not know that the entire world is going to be destroyed through science and you will obtain the kingship." (Revised Sakar Murli dated 06.11.07, pg 2 published by BKs in Hindi, narrated by ShivBaba through Brahma Baba; translated by a PBK; the words within brackets in the English version have been added by the translator to clarify the meaning)