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Re: Make 2007/2008 changes and call off celibacy vow!

PostPosted: 03 Sep 2007
by Mr Green
jannisder wrote:Love as in the perfect love! and you know what, it really exist ...!

Perfection is only a matter of opinion, it is not an absolute ... so for some it exists for others it doesn't

Apparently Lekhraj achieved perfection as a living being, but not in my eyes ... but for many he is perfect

PostPosted: 04 Sep 2007
by bro neo
You could be the President Abek ... :).

PostPosted: 04 Sep 2007
by paulkershaw
bro neo wrote:You could be the President Abek ... :).

KEWL! A president that can think for a change (!) and one who knows his music too. What will we become I ask you? :)

Re: Make 2007/2008 changes and call off celibacy vow!

PostPosted: 05 Sep 2007
by ex-l
bro neo wrote:In regards to the BKWSU's point of view, there is absolutely nothing in existence more evil, dirty and corrupting then sex ... except maybe me ... or ex-l

But the question is ... have I got an memorial in Bhakti yet? You ain't nobody 'less you got yourself a memorial, baby.

PostPosted: 25 Sep 2007
by jann
Any way ... since it has been researched ... man can better have a normal sex life than to be or trying to be celibate with all desires all over. Celibate Living, or try to live celibate, leads men to desires like porno. Well ... that looks good on a BK ...

Let them show normal relationships ... very good for the BKWSU business.

PostPosted: 25 Sep 2007
by ex-l
It cant happen. Its not a negotiable philosophy. The two things are mutually exclusive (although some manage to combine them ...). The theory is the experience of sex blanks the subtlety of the experience of the Yoga connection and binds the soul to other humans and new karmic accounts. They say it is "worse than murder" and call it a sword of lust. Unless they "disbelieve" the source of the teachings ... and that wont happen either but I think it should. "A god" may be, "The God" ... to presumptuous. But would the magic work without the mania?

Everything in its context ... celibacy is not a bad idea for India. I was depressing myself by watching a documentary on child kidnapping and child prostitution India. Beautiful little Nepalese girls drugged, kidnapped and taken to Bombay. Today I am thinking that MASS STERILIZATION is not a bad idea! It appears that men's testicles continue to work as long time after their brains and hearts stop functioning.

Elsewhere, I linked to a video of God tugging a string. Apparently that is the God in the body of the woman in the middle. The deceased Prakashmani, future son of Naryan, is to her right. I am interested in your response, as someone that never bought into it.