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Post20 Jul 2007

Hello arjun,

Do you have an image of the Shankar/Parvati combined form? Or a link to one?

Many thanks.
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JJ Cale

Post21 Jul 2007

Does anybody like JJ Cale? Always sounding so mellow ... so cool!!!

J.J. Cale - Sensitive Kind
J.J. Cale wrote:Don't take her for granted, she has a hard time
Don't misunderstand her or play with her mind
Treat her so gently, it will pay you in time
You've got to know she's the sensitive kind
Tell her you love her, each and every night
And you will discover she will treat you right
If you believe, I know you will find
There ain't nothing like the sensitive kind
She gets lonely waiting for you
You are the only thing to help her through
Don't take her for granted, she has a hard time
You've got to know she's the sensitive kind
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Post21 Jul 2007

Pilatus wrote:Do you have an image of the Shankar/Parvati combined form? Or a link to one?

Dear Brother,

I did google search for the pictures of Hindu Gods and Goddesses and this is the first link that I got for pictures of Ardhanareeshwara:

The pictures of Ardhanareeshwara are displayed at the bottom two rows of the web page. The above pictures are for sale. So, may be one could search more on google for free pictures of Ardhanaareeshwara so that one could be copied here.

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Post21 Jul 2007

Just as an aside, relative to this conversation, did anyone realise that Erin Pizzey was amongst the first Westerners to take the 7 Day Course?

Her book (available online) on Male - Female violence is considered a standard.
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Post22 Jul 2007

Thanks for the link Arjun - had tried searching myself with both Yahoo and Google and only come up with text...
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Post23 Jul 2007

Dear Brother Mr. Green,
Yes, i also believe that although the soul-consciousness is stable in the Golden Age and Silver Age. This power of soul-conciousness starts decreasing from the 1st second of Golden Age, as it is said in the Murli and body-conciousness starts to grow very slowly. In the CA there is sudden downfall.

Dear Brother ex-l,
Yes, you are correct, i have wrongly pointed Buddhism. But why do you point Taosism as the origin of Yin and Yang. I thought it is a language issue. Is Taoism a language? If you are excited with precision, you should point where did these conceptions originated. Did Tao just invent them? Were they not taken from somewhere else?
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Post23 Jul 2007

andrey wrote:Did Tao just invent them? Were they not taken from somewhere else?

Its off topic again andrey, but is Taoism a religion with a preceptor? And if so, why is it not mentioned by any of the Babas as it is as old as any? But then why is Zoroastrianism not mentioned and Jainism not separated from Hinduism when it distinctly does have a preceptor? There are other examples

I have also never heard any of the BK Babas talk about Yin and Yang, Five Element Theory and many of the other aspects that distinguish it so, no, I do not think it was a memorial of the Confluence Age.

I suppose the Babas retrospectively bundle it back in with the mythic "Hinduism" (which itself did not exist until after the Moguls and British entered India)?
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Post23 Jul 2007

Dear Brother,

yes, it is an interesting aspect as to how do such believes that are not immediately associacated with a religious figure originate? I know ideas comes along with people, i mean there should be some person who carry these ideas. Ideas are human's phenomena. They don't float or hang in the air.

Very often the name is used of someone who has brought some reforms, like Mohammed, this is not a new religion, he just forbad the idol worship etc. He used to be powerful, so his influence. So which are the personalities associated with Taoism, Zoroastrism and where did they draw their ideas from? Did they invented them themselves? Did they take it from anywhere, was there a new soul coming?

If we compare the similarities of all religions, then it will be likely to assume they all ideas originate in one source. It is not a big thing to go off topic, but we should now go back on topic.

To arjun Bhai's comment

So on choosing a male, when the female looks at the body, then the body is big or small. If she looks at the soul, then character is contained in the soul.
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in the night

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the mexican way

Post23 Jul 2007

For all those who are following a life in an heterosexual or hetero-celibate relationship, I would definitely recomend the Mexican-style couple.

The man; compassionate and strong! ... the woman, delicate and wise :). ... Sort of like a perfect tango, where the man is in control but knows just what she needs. Give and take is older than life itself. Harmony in human creation.

I guess, we still have a lot to learn about "Vishnu". Perhaps it has also to do with knowing how to balance the inner Ying & Yang (or male and female ... inner traits). But, we must act our role in a magestic manner in order to feel complete, a man would like to be a real man, and a woman so too.
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Post23 Jul 2007

andrey wrote:So on choosing a male, when the female looks at the body, then the body is big or small. If she looks at the soul, then character is contained in the soul.

I agree that character is more important than the physical features while choosing a partner, whether male or female. Brother 'in the night' has given a good example.

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Post23 Jul 2007

arjun wrote:I agree that character is more important than the physical features while choosing a partner, whether male or female. Brother 'in the night' has given a good example.

That is true, but virtuous with a nice pair or virtuous without??? :lol:
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Yin /Yang

Post24 Jul 2007

Yes, sounds good, in the night!

This stuff never seemed a priority, in the BKWSU. Usually they just say that BB instituted the clever system of putting Sisters in front so they can become more assertive, Brother at the back so they become more humble and conquer ego. This is about it.

Simplistic, as usual! :wink:


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Post24 Jul 2007

Still we (woman) are a doorway to hell, that upsets me a bit :evil:. Does it say in the Murli that we (woman) are?

Love jan.


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Post24 Jul 2007

Hi everyone, I am still around!

It is amazing that the longer I spend living away from the BK world and its influences the more I realise how twisted and depraved the thinking is. It is simply sick, really sick. I read some of these posts with a new wonderment and horror that these ideas are embraced, all with a superficial polishing of spirituality when the real effect is one of abandonment and betrayal of others and oneself under the banner of loving unconditionally.

I wonder why the Brothers are still drawn to women, place the blame on them and when mixed emotions, guilt and fear surface they then drop all responsibilities and go and hide behind the skirts of a white sari, like little boys hidding behind their mother's aprons, all the while fighting within themselves, not wanting to admit that they are not a deity, but in fact a mortal who looks for an excuse to hide from dealing with life's realities instead of reveling and expanding on who they really are and the wonderful spiritual being they can be without having to turn they back on others and behaving like total p***s.

As for the women in this organisation that embace it to their core, I fail to understand why. Why would any woman hide from their families, abandon them for a heap of promises that have only proven so far to be false. Are the women also hidding from real life and refuse to risk opening to others in fear?

Are they just people that are trying to find a way to make sense and meaning of their lives or people who will do anything and use any excuse to be totally self centred and escape and this allows them to have a false 'contol' over their futures?

Of course their are many aspects and influences at work, psychic, psychological, physical situations and not to mention what us humans are best at - self delusion. None of which should be discounted not minimised. Is the 'high' from the meditation and the feeling of false security and acceptance so addictive and strong that people are so ready to allow themselves to be so controlled that they are prepared to cause such pain and commit such atrocities to their families, the ones they are supposed to cherish and look after before anyone else?

This is not to say that there are a few, and I mean a very small minority of people in this world that aren't the true yogis and spiritual leaders, but come on guys, not 900,000 of them. So I am not discrediting these section of persons that are truely meant to be of utmost purity.

In a nutshell, excepting in a few very special and isolated situations, men and women are designed to be in relationships. It creates balance and harmony, not destruction. It is designed to bring joy and stability to a very unstable world and all I see is extremest sects such as BK, scientology etc etc undermining all values and ethics and replacing them with a twisted damaged view with the proven result of creating havok and chaos. Now tell me this is what God wants his children to do...havok, chaos and destruction? Inflict the most pain and suffering you can on the people you have sworn to embrace and care for? That is not spirituality. Get real, for god's sake and grow a brain.

History has shown that the reasons for celibacy, marriage, fire and brimstone etc etc etc has been brought in to play for political and socialogical reasons. Haven't seen a lot of religion to do with it, just a way to control people's behaviour, all said under a religious banner. I am not saying it is all wrong, but the reasons aren't do not appear from god, rather directives from mankind under the name of God. Purely they are from a man made perspective. Show me where this is not so.

I cannot say strongly enough that the distance I have now from the BK influences in my life reinforces a new found truth of pure amazement at the b***s**t and what people are prepared to do to themselves and therefore how they affect others lives. People on the whole are supposed to be in relationships, its how we are designed. Full stop, end of story. That is how God designed it. No wonder people are jumping out of 5th floors with the mental distortions that are being implanted. Lets face it, if you don't isolate an individual and break emotional and physical connections with other people outside of a group (BKs in this case) you cannot have total control and domination over them.
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Post24 Jul 2007

jannisder wrote:Still we (woman) are a doorway to hell, that upsets me a bit. :evil:
Does it say in the Murli that we (woman) are?

Never mind Jan - the Murlis also say the boys are no good too ... its not safe to even speak to a Brother in case his breath smells of garlic and one will be tempted - but, hey, we know what we are! I am sure there's a song we can find that will help us through this ... do you know who Suzi Quattro was/is? She used to scream a song about a devil's gate or something like that? (Where's ABEk when we need him?)

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