Heart to Heart Meditation/Love/Synchronization Offer

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Heart to Heart Meditation/Love/Synchronization Offer

Post14 Mar 2007

I offer remote heart to heart resonance through synchronised meditation. Contact me individually. I am an ex-BK and Ex-PBK but I meditate on Supreme Soul. I am spreading love vibes to the universe. come synchronize with me. Let us lose ourselves to Cosmos (Brahmand) and come most near to Supreme Soul.

I had left BK in 1990 and left PBK in 2001. Got married and still doing meditation on Supreme Soul individually. Attained lot of powers, peace and bliss. Feel welcome to join me.

Moksha Ki Prapti
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abrahma kumar

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Post14 Mar 2007

Hi mokshakiprapti, Is your offer free? I wonder if we have a problem with the forum software as it seems that there are 2 of these topics in the ex-BK part of the forum with the same title.

Anyway more to the point can you fill us in on more of the details of this remote heart to heart resonance through synchronised meditation. Is it like a one-on-one World Meditation hour that the BKWSU invites its students - and now the general public - to every 3rd Sunday of the month? Persoanlly I am not interested but all the best with your efforts though I doubt that this forum is the place for extending such invites - I have not seen this sort of soliciting done here before however there is always a first time for everything.

Given that we can all express our opinion freely so long as we do not personally abuse each other or the respective organisations represented here my initial response to your post is one of consternation in that I hope that the forum wil not go the way of persoanl/group advertising which category your post seems to fall within. In the event that I misunderstand please feedback. Thank you

Om Shanti and Brotherly Regards

Abrahma Kumar


Free ! Completely Free!!

Post14 Mar 2007

Dear Brahma Kumar,

It is completely free. I am already radiating my love vibes. It is an open offer for heart to heart synchronisation and coming closest to Supreme Soul. You are also welcome. Contact me individually as we all are receiving Cosmic Energy and floating in Cosmos (Akhil Brahmand).

Everything is getting eventualised in this body and soul is observer (Saakshi).

Come one! Come all!!
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abrahma kumar

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Re: Free ! Completely Free!!

Post14 Mar 2007

mokshakiprapti wrote:It is completely free. I am already radiating my love vibes. It is an open offer for heart to heart synchronisation and coming closest to Supreme Soul. You are also welcome.

Thanks for your feedback. So is Raja Yoga COMPLETELY FREE and look where it is getting us! Have you got your own website? If not perhaps it is an option worth considering. I now have developed a healthy skepticism with regards to these affairs and so the concept of 'joining' anything is now a matter for caution - I speak personally of course and without any intent to castigate your doubtless laudable efforts at radiating your love vibes as you put it.

Good luck.


Please doubt me!

Post14 Mar 2007

Dear Brahmakumar,

I appreciate you doubting me as you did not doubt RajYoga of BKs so you are getting led to where you are now. Unless you doubt me you will not understand my love vibes. I welcome all to doubt me. I love your doubting. I will never say, "Sanshay Buddhi Vinashyanti". Those who will filter the doubting process will gel and synchronise with me.

Please doubt but spread love with me

All are welcome

Moksha Ki Prapti


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Post14 Mar 2007

Abrahma Kumar wrote:Given that we can all express our opinion freely so long as we do not personally abuse each other or the respective organisations represented here my initial response to your post is one of consternation in that I hope that the forum wil not go the way of persoanl/group advertising which category your post seems to fall within.

This is a good point. I would wonder how Admin who kindly hosts this forum for the benefit of discussion would feel about all other types of organisations jumping in to advertise themselves without giving any details in general to the rest of the forum members. Over to you Admin.

Brother mokshakiprapti,

Maybe you should give us more details of what you are offering in public, rather than in private. This is a public forum after all.
mokshakiprapti wrote: I had left BK in 1990 and left PBK in 2001.

Following on from above, as you mentioned to be an ex-BK and ex-PBK, seems you're the first one in this forum.

Could you give us your reasons why you left both the BKs and the PBKs ? This must have not been easy. Hence, maybe this could also give us some insight to what you are offering with heart to heart synchronisation.



Cannot give in public. Its requires trust

Post16 Mar 2007

Dear Brothers,

I left BK and PBK and still I am progressing and am close to the Supreme Soul based on dedication, trust and immense faith in the Incorporeal.

Trust cannot be explained. If want to proceed in this path you have to contact me individually and have to have trust in my path.

Moksha Ki Prapti
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Re: Cannot give in public. Its requires trust

Post16 Mar 2007

mokshakiprapti wrote:Trust cannot be explained. If want to proceed in this path you have to contact me individually and have to have trust in my path

Is what you are doing Raja Yoga? Do you still consider Shiva to be Supreme God?

Are you Vishnu Party or some other ex-BK, ex-PBK group or just independent?
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Post16 Mar 2007

Dear Brother Moksha,

Why should we contact you and synchronize with you. Why don't you teach us what you do so that we can also do as you do and become the same as you are? Cannot we also vibrate love. Why don't you synchornise with me, or with each and everyone? There is something selfish. Why should we come to you in order to come close to the Supreme Soul? What makes you think yourself closer to him than we are? We also can receive cosmic energy, we can also float in the cosmos.


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Post16 Mar 2007

If want to proceed in this path ... trust in my path.

Dear Brother,

You left the BKs and after 11 years you left the PBKs. How do we know what path you are up to now? How can you justify your "trust"?

Wishing you well and good luck.
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Post19 Mar 2007

Moksh ki prapti wrote:I left BK and PBK and still I am progressing and am close to the Supreme Soul based on dedication, trust and immense faith in the Incorporeal. Trust cannot be explained. If want to proceed in this path you have to contact me individually and have to have trust in my path.

Dear Brother/Sister,

Omshanti. It is nice to know that you are progressing well in the spiritual field and are close to God even after leaving the BK/PBK path of knowledge. Like others, I would also be interested to know about your experiences. Even if you have had any bad experiences as a PBK, you can share the same with us without any inhibition.

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abrahma kumar

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Post20 Mar 2007

Interesting thread through which my tunnelled vision once again discerns a pattern similar to that as reflected in the Vishnu Party Ahmedabad topic. Is it too fantastical of me to wonder whether these threads give us an invaluable insight into the nature of the "early stage approaches" of what may one day become a "New Age" spirituality. It was said:
... left BK and PBK and still I am progressing and am close to the Supreme Soul based on dedication, trust and immense faith in the Incorporeal. Trust cannot be explained. If want to proceed in this path you have to contact me individually and have to have trust in my path.

Why would anyone be interested in this especially given the reason for being of this website not to mention 'experience' that many of us posters have acquired over the years? The promise of something new perhaps? Without more details one hardly has enough to go on to take a chance that it could make for an enlightening educational exercise.
I look forward to more.
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Post20 Mar 2007

Andrey wrote: Why should we come to you in order to come close to the Supreme Soul? What makes you think yourself closer to him than we are?

Excellent question, Andrey. Could we extend the question to all of the Brahma Kumaris Organization, who believe that it is only though them that one can have a true divine experience of "God"? What makes all these people think that they are closer to this "Him" than anybody else outside of this group?

This is so absurd ... Gosh, so ludicrous! And to think that I tried to convince myself of such preposterous belief whilst I was with them!



Post26 Mar 2007

Dear Andrey, Dried ex-BK and many more debators,

You will keep on debating on the truth on my statement and will reach nowhere. Trust is the key. I trusted BK and then PBK and that trust transferred to me and and then to Supreme Soul . It was not transfer of mistrust. It was transfer of trust to BK , to PBK , to myself and to Supreme Soul.

You guys do not have depth of trust. You guys are only shallow argumentator. Your brain is more active than heart. That is why I offer you synchronise your heart with mine. You will receive a lot.

Choice is yours.

Moksha Ki Prapti
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Post26 Mar 2007

mokshakiprapti wrote:You guys do not have depth of trust. You guys are only shallow argumentator. Your brain is more active than heart. That is why I offer you synchronise your heart with mine. You will receive a lot.

I would rather taste your compassion first before I open my heart to trust you.

If you had any compassion, you would feel that we are damaged and confused but yet still politely asking some entirely reasonable questions of you.

An individual that has been stung or abused before cannot be expected to be open-hearted to the next stranger that walks into their life;
    ... just tell what this is all about, who you are and what you are doing. Thank you.
Who is your Supreme Soul?

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