Buying property

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Buying property

Post05 Nov 2015

Got a news from someone that a new house was bought by German BK Center in Berlin. So people have been robbed off €300,000 for a dream of heaven in always-so-near future and the center has already found a heaven in Berlin for themselves. I wonder how many refugees could be served with that much money.
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Re: Buying property

Post05 Nov 2015

Strange, is not it, given that Destruction must surely going to be happening is two to three ... say, three or five years ... that they would pay €300,000 to have somewhere comfortable for such a short time?

Perhaps that's why Destruction is not happening ... because they are too comfortable and attached to their nice properties and serving their interesting VIPS so that, consequently, they are not making sufficient efforts? Or "enjoying the Confluence Age with Baba" too much?

Refugees? ... "Obviously filthy, impure Shudras and Muslims to boot. According to BKism, their bad luck is their own fault. They must be very impure to deserve such bad karma. The BKWSU does not provide charitable services".

It's a bad deal for donors. I have read of one couple in Germany who gave their lives and a lot of money to the BKs on the basis of Destruction happening and now they are old and having a hard time financially. Of course, they have no rights nor a share in the business they funded. They get no return on their investment. No welfare, pension nor retirement.

And if you have ideological differences with the BK rulers, then you are just chucked out of the centre. There was a big stink in BK Germany because some individuals disagreed with the Kirpalani Klan which led to people leaving and centres being closed down. Cross the line and you are reminded who is boss and owns all the assets.

Funnily enough, I was just looking at marketing for a BK retreat in Germany. I'd say it was "upmarket". Very cool and minimalist. The "contribution" for accommodation was 260 € for a single room and 230 € each for a double room, per person for the weekend.

Not many refugees would be able to afford that. I doubt many ordinary workers would be able to either.

I think the advertising in a bit misleading. They are really not offering "silence", they are offering an initiation into a relationship with their god spirit. They use "Silence" as a kind of marketing codeword for just that. Nor do I see any evidence the BKs have become "infinitely wise".

Please excuse the Google translation, it was originally it in German. The image below is from a BK video. It's another example of how the BKs portray themselves, like some kind of Greek gods surrounded by space and luxury.

Silence is the prerequisite for becoming, to go into it. It is the most intense and most direct form of self-discovery. It opens doors to the true nature: the essence of being, the source. Roles dissolve and the freedom to be infinitely wise and timeless essence is felt. Through this living silence, the deep spiritual dimension may unfold. Joy to dive.
In addition to sitting and meditating there are ways simply to breathe consciously with oneself and others to "be", to move, to experience nature as a mirror and to bring dancing and painting something expressed.


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Re: Buying property

Post06 Nov 2015

Looking at the German's marketing, it is a direct copy and paste of the rest of the BK world.

Exaggerating the UN connection, claiming 8,500 centres (when most are just the domestic homes of adherents, like claiming every Christian's home was a church), but the biggest deception is the claim that its "particular concern is the promotion of interreligious dialogue as well as the support of the objectives and activities of the UN" and that it promotes "ethics".

Yes, the "aim of spiritual University is to create a more humane and peaceful world" ... by inspiring the death of 7 billion by nuclear war and natural disasters.

Sadly, making business on the same old bare faced lies and deliberate deception of outsiders.
The Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University (BKWSU) is an international organization. The spiritual school of Brahma Kumaris was established in 1937 in India. Today there are over 110 countries in more than 8500 intrinsically responsible centers. The management is in the hands of women. The aim of spiritual University is to contribute to a more humane and peaceful world through the mediation of social, ethical and spiritual values.

Its particular concern is the promotion of interreligious dialogue as well as the support of the objectives and activities of the UN. 1983 granted the UN Brahma Kumaris a consultative status with the Economic and Social Council and in 1987 with UNICEF. In 1998 she received the consultative status of the first category in the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). For her commitment she has received several UN peacekeeping prices.

The Raja Yoga schools are volunteer led. All events are offered free of charge. Those who wish to contribute to the cost, find a donation box on site or can contribute to the account. Donations Postbank IBAN DE 17 2001 0020 0512 9782 04. All contributions are used exclusively to finance our programming.

Die Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University (BKWSU) ist eine internationale Organisation. Die spirituelle Schule der Brahma Kumaris wurde 1937 in Indien gegründet. Heute gibt es in über 110 Ländern mehr als 8500 mit ihr assoziierte, eigen- verantwortliche Centren. Die Leitung liegt in den Händen von Frauen. Ziel der spirituellen Universität ist es, durch die Vermittlung von sozialen, ethischen und geistigen Werten einen Beitrag für eine menschlichere und friedlichere Welt zu leisten.

Ihr besonderes Anliegen ist die Förderung des interreligiösen Dialogs sowie die Unterstützung der Ziele und Aktivitäten der UNO. 1983 gewährte die UNO Brahma Kumaris einen beratenden Status beim Wirtschafts- und Sozialrat und 1987 bei UNICEF. 1998 erhielt sie den beratenden Status der ersten Kategorie im Wirtschafts- und Sozialrat (ECOSOC). Für ihr Engagement hat sie mehrere UN-Friedenspreise erhalten.

Die Raja Yoga Schulen werden ehrenamtlich geleitet. Alle Veranstaltungen werden unentgeltlich angeboten. Wer sich an den Kosten beteiligen möchte, findet eine Spendenbox vor Ort oder kann einen Beitrag auf das angegebene Konto leisten. Spendenkonto Postbank IBAN DE 17 2001 0020 0512 9782 04. Alle Beiträge dienen ausschließlich der Finanzierung unseres Programmangebots.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Buying property

Post06 Nov 2015

So, about $4.5 million just spent on buying Sydney’s new centre, another new property in Berlin... it woudl be interestign to see the books, the sum total of the real estate and other assets aroudn the world in the name of the BKIVV and its various pseudonyms.

The new Five Dock building combines the centre with the various BK retail interests (books, media etc) and some of the usual ”departments’ beloved of BK bureaucrats, that gives everyone a chance to role-play at being a somebody, to feel responsible. The building is not only looking very corporate, it seems a lot is being spent on renovated and fitting out to high end corporate style and standards - work stations, intercoms, desks, networked computers, quality ergonomic office chairs which are not cheap, all your stationery needs (if you don’t have what you need please ask) , tea room etc.

Long way from the cave with the saddhu from whom Lekhraj learnt his dristi tricks.

And those photos! Is that Denise?

Surely by this stage of the Sangam Yuga they should be introducing the world to the Establishment of Sat Yuga with their buildings and interiors giving some intimation of the coming Sat Yuga’s promised superior vedic architecture and design aesthetics, instead of these Iron Aged imitations of corporate sterility, usurped Zen minimalism or faux classical? ! The sari as toga?

What next, public baths and true gymnasia (literally, a place where you exercise naked) ?


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Re: Buying property

Post06 Nov 2015

Yes, it is Denise.
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Re: Buying property

Post06 Nov 2015

Pink Panther wrote:What next, public baths and true gymnasia (literally, a place where you exercise naked)?

You may have missed it but they already have a "Japanese bath" and health spa up in Mount Abu which is pretty much what you are talking about. It's all pay for extra. I suppose they are targeting pampered middle classes women from the big cities ... "practise soul consciousness while you have your back rubbed and a manicure"?

No pictures, so I don't know how big or what they mean. I mean, with all that solar heated steam they use in the kitchen, it makes sense to re-use the water in a big communal bath. At a cost to the German government who gave them, what was it ... $3m to build it. (Indian government also chipped in and they are still begging for another $5m to finish it all ... right before Destruction one presumes).
BKWSU wrote:BK health-field-news

Our Ayurveda Panchkarma team is also looking forward to serving you. In addition to popular therapies Shirodhara, body massage and steam and acupressure, you can enjoy a Japanese bath this season!

The Peace Garden, 8 km away, is looking pretty rich considering it is in the middle of a desert.

If right from the beginning they are presented and marketed themselves as a "co-prosperity" club offering shared or collective ownership of all these luxuries ... and that is what they all are, space - even water - is a huge luxury in India ... then it would have been harder to criticise them. How much of "the experience" is really just the experience of the luxury of wealth and wealth accumulation? At the end of the day, that is what Lekhraj Kirpalani knew best. Better than all of us. How to make money, and how to use the power and influence of it.

I see on that "Peace of Mind Retreat" web link, run by BK UK and BK Oz, they are still rolling out the old BS about, "The Brahma Kumaris research and teach the ancient art of Raja Yoga Meditation".

    Can you tell us any more about BK Germany? How many regular BKs are there? How often do they attend?
Yes, I'd like to see a total account of all of the Brahma Kumaris real estate acquisitions. I would agree it has been a miracle of wealth creation, but not a "miracle from god". Just decades worth of exploiting vulnerable individuals and squirrelling away the proceeds. It's like investing in a "time share" scheme but without any rights.


In another scheme in Putrajaya Malaysia, they built another luxury retreat centre building, complete with gardens, a concierge transport and a bookshop as a "community project". 196,000 square feet, 4.5 acres.

Looking at another land sale in the area, 6.7 acres is going for $2,701,000 USD, so you've got over a $1,000,000 bucks there in land alone. And take a look at how they utilise their air conditioned space. It's all space, space, space ... to create an effect. And sponsored by non-BKs, note that their bus is "in partnership" with some other rich businessman's charity.

They took at least $110,000 from Tan Sri Vincent Tan.

The thing is, all this wealth and property just doesn't "happening" spontaneously. There has to be someone in middle laying down the policies and giving directions ... "accumulate money, squirrel it away and don't spend it on any silly charity or the poor, buy land and build properties to accumulate more, apply for charitable donations/grants, keep it in our name and don't give any rights or memberships away to anyone, retain total control" etc.

That is the true religion of BKism but it's not written down anywhere.
While gaining material wealth is often a priority for many people, Brahma Kumaris Raja Yoga Malaysia Foundation spiritual counsellor Datuk Bridget Menzes also stressed the importance of attaining inner peace, describing it as one of the secrets to success.

“Positivity is a natural outcome of someone who is stable. Tan Sri (Vincent Tan) knows all this. And that is why he is donating, while others with wealth can be blind to the poverty of others,” she said.

Bridget said the RM500,000 received will be used to set up the first-ever Yoga retreat and community centre for inner learning in Malaysia.


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Re: Buying property

Post07 Nov 2015

All that wealth and luxuries ... disgusting!
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Re: Buying property

Post08 Nov 2015

One has to ask about something like the Peace Park, "What really is the point?" ... "Why do the BKs need such props?" ... and "At what cost?"

And for all the BKs blow their own trumpets about being "green" now, the plants are not native and had to be brought in from outside. is not it's all just, typically, targeting the wealthy middle classes and giving them somewhere to swan around being "royal" and "spiritual"?
... this is also where you can find the Peace Park, a nonreligious and nondenominational tourist destination that is a respite for the soul as well as the senses.

The eight-hectare development has produced lush gardens from barren soil. It is under the stewardship of the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University, an international organization that teaches meditation and spirituality.

The park is run by a family ... all longtime meditation practitioners. There are 55 volunteers from Brahma Kumaris, and 55 laborers and gardeners who tend to the garden with love.

I mean, imagine if you took 110 worker and put them to improve the impoverished villages surrounding Mount Abu?

8 hectare is 80,000 square metres. About the size of 10 football pitches or 8 squares 100 m by 100 m.
The economy of Mount Abu the only hill station of Rajasthan, is not up to the mark with poverty still prevailing among a major portion of the society. In this hilly region industrial development has got a secondary importance due to its ecological structure. Education system is still at its nascent state with people more concentrating into agriculture and cottage industry.

Here's the price of entry ...
Although Peace Park doesn’t charge fees, visitors are required to watch an audiovisual presentation in its mini-theater on the soul, the Supreme Soul, and the importance of now.

But it's nonreligious?

Even if alleviating poverty is not your thing, it lost opportunity because, on the other hand, they could have sponsored a reforestation project, which would have provided sustainable jobs and helped the micro-climate (brought more rain), or done a medicinal or 'forest gardening' project, e.g. following real university study of the area.
Medico-ethno botany of Mount Abu, Rajasthan, India.

Mount Abu, a beautiful hill station on the Aravalli ranges, is bestowed with the richest flora in Western India. Though studies on the flora and vegetation of this area have been completed, ethnobotanical aspects were neglected until the present studies were undertaken. Many unknown or little known uses of 69 species of plants belonging to 63 genera of 37 families have been recorded.

The area is actually a governmental Eco-Sensitive Zone.


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Re: Buying property

Post04 Dec 2015

ex-l is looking for such a property in Lucknow as he is ex-Lucknow :-) :-)


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Re: Buying property

Post24 Dec 2015

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Pink Panther

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Re: Buying property

Post27 Dec 2015

Didn’t know they’d bought the north pole. Not the jolliest looking santa claus. But put on the right mask and costume and little children will happily go along with the game. The expectation is the fun, more than the actuality.

Cultural misappropriation for the sake of profits. I read the other day that a Japanese department store had as part of its christmas decorations a Santa Claus on a crucifix!!! :shock:

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