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Mr Green


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Post11 Nov 2013

I was literally mentally destroyed by the BKs.

My memories were invalidated, my emotions questioned until destroyed.

They are an evil Cult.


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Re: Deconstructed

Post11 Nov 2013

I feel so sorry for what happened to you but am glad that you came through.
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Mr Green


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Re: Deconstructed

Post12 Nov 2013

Thank you Misty.

Yes, I survived but suffer socially.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Deconstructed

Post13 Nov 2013

Mr Green,

I dig ... sorry to hear you are down. But don’t obsess about yesterday. Everybody hurts some time and there’s always someone worse off than us that we can help. Millions in the Philippines today would gladly swap places with you. Today is a new lease (on life).

Nothing can change if we don’t do anything different.

Waiting for perfect conditions before doing something you ”wish” is a mental patterning for suspending life, for lack of heart. Anyone can change something. So any small thing you can, change that and that ripples out into confidence and energy to affect other things. Ask yourself, ”when was the last time I did xxx that I used to enjoy so much?” then do that. Or ”what was that thing I have wanted to do all my life", and go for that.

You know what happened. It's up to you to reclaim and rebuild whats yours, you can determine what happens next. There may be a little more demolition work to do before rebuilding - but you don’t need council approval for what comes after.

Ticking off your bucket list?
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spiritual seeker

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Re: Deconstructed

Post13 Nov 2013

Mr Green - I appreciate you sharing your feelings. Its very hard for people to understand what ex BKs go through. I suffered greatly from the BK deconstruction and denial of the self at the cultural and personal level and also feel isolated - lost between worlds. Understanding the self as soul can be disempowering and not very helpful in the real world. I feel that there is so much fear based ritual in Raja Yoga. Not a lot of thought goes into what they do and why.

I read the following description by Jean Houston the other day and found it interesting. She describes three levels of consciousness:

(i) The "THIS IS ME" realm of our everyday self, the space-and-time bound personality that is heavily influenced by habit, social conditioning and cultural patterns.

(ii) The "WE ARE" realm housing "the myths and guiding archetypes that connect the personal self with its spiritual source. This realm also serves as a cultural template, providing the primal patterns that take form as works of art, architecture, literature and drama."

(iii) The "I AM" realm described by mystics throughout the ages as the realm of limitless Being, boundless love and pure potency. This is the realm that was revealed to Moses in the wilderness, for example.

Jean believes that jumping from the time bound, socially conditioned life of the THIS IS ME realm directly into the "boundless unconditioned state of I AM ness" is too much for most people. Most people need the intermediate WE ARE realm of mythology and archetypal stories as a bridging place to prepare for the life of the spirit and to learn how to navigate through the various stages of the hero's journey. (Houston, 1994)


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Re: Deconstructed

Post13 Nov 2013

I would advise you to check out some information about social rehabilitation and empowerment in relation to the psychological field. These tools are used there and helpful to people.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Deconstructed

Post14 Nov 2013

shanti wrote:Most people need the intermediate WE ARE realm of mythology and archetypal stories as a bridging place to prepare for the life of the spirit and to learn how to navigate through the various stages of the hero's journey. (Houston, 1994)

Not just for Green man, but for all of us who struggle:

The hero’s journey, when complete, brings one back home (to the shire! :) ).

Until the hero is deconstructed s/he cannot be reconstructed - the reconstructed self hopefully being the stage nominated by Joseph Campbell as the ”apotheosis” - which is brought on by confronting the most fierce opponents, one’s greatest fears or even unimagined trials, tortures or even metaphoric death (leading to resurrection). Think of St John of the Cross’s ”Dark Night of the Soul".

Depth psychologists like Jean Houston don't try to prevent the descent into the chaos or confusion with medications or cheery aphorisms. They create a context and a companionship for the journey, so that the person can feel ‘prepared’ for the journey that must be taken to be able to come out the other side, transformed by overcoming ego, their previous sense of selves (which wants the safety of the known, no matter how uncomfortable).

Ego is past tense. We are always constructing, deconstructing and reconstructing our idea of ”I" based on memory (smritti). Even plans we make are built on predicated assumptions from times gone.

Real change takes courage, to strip naked, to become a stranger to one’s past and throw oneself into the new adventure.

It’s when we crash into ourselves, when we fall under the sway of memories and emotions linked to fallibility and vulnerability, that we have the opportunity to ”break down the wall”. Sometimes we need time behind it, or in the cocoon, to hibernate, gestate, observe, to ripen; but through small actions and keeping one eye observing our process, we can catch the signal that says ”Now. This is it. Time to surface again” - what 70’s psychologists called ”rebirthing” but many only ever served the "instant coffee" version .

What I am wanting to say in this and my previous post here, is that the BK / New Age brigade will let one believe that it is all a matter of what you think and ”positive thinking”. No. It’s (new) actions, chosen consciously, done and repeated till they become a part of you (in Chinese ”kung fu” - do the work).

That can even include consciously choosing inaction and withdrawal, allowing time to observe and reflect and make sense, a kind of waking dream processing. But being pulled into moods without choosing it (or noticing it and deciding to go with it) is to continue "being lived” - a victim of life - rather than ”living” life with all it’s light and shade.

As Japanese swordsmen say, if you want to go forward, go forward, if you want to retreat, then retreat, just do it decisively. To prevaricate is death.

Applying this to mental turmoil - either go deep into it all the way down to the bottom to find the solid bedrock; choose to surrender to the mood of withdrawal and spend time - days, weeks, whatever or whenever - resting, reflecting, remembering, hurting, crying, writing, screaming whatever. Indulge the fallibility and understand it. Feminine energy (whether you are male or female) demands time, nurturing, caring, is expectation free and goal-free, accepting as things are. When time is right, the pendulum will swing.

Or go forward, be the person now that you regretted not being before, do now what you could have should have would have done. Masculine energy (whether you are male or female) demands determined direction and ex-pression. When time is right, you will pause, look back and see the context

Just don’t drift, half way between, being somewhere yet nowhere at the same time, driftwood half-submerged, going wherever the currents carry you.
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Re: Deconstructed

Post14 Nov 2013

People beware ... the knock on consequences of dabbling with Brahma Kumaris can mar or destroy the rest of your life severely. They will cripple your career and social life, destroy your family and prohibit you from having one, suck up 100% of your life, wealth and property if they can. And even that bit that they cant ... they will encourage you to use it for their benefit.

1,000s or even 10,000s of individuals all over the world have experienced this. Many of them are not with us today.
Mr Green wrote:I was literally mentally destroyed by the BKs.

My memories were invalidated, my emotions questioned until destroyed.

They are an evil Cult.

I survived but suffer socially.

You do. I believe that. I know that from my own experience. It's not "Maya". In BKism, you're handicapped in order to turn you into their slave ... or as much of a slave as they can manage to make you.

At a human level, it seems a large proportion of evilness is idiocy and certainly a large proportion of the self-confirming behaviour within the Brahma Kumari movement is idiotic.

Encouraged by our best intentions, we allowed ourselves to be guided, swept along, influenced by absolutely real idiots ... our peers/other BKs who have absolute zero qualifications to be saying and suggesting to us to do what we do ... and who reflect back to us those encouragements they too need to carry on the idiocy of believing in it all.

It was a fool's dance.

But at the top, I think their is definitely corruption of a sort you might call evil but that we need to define what evil means because, obviously, the BKs will try and use a twisted meaning of the word to discredit us.

Forget Hollywood vampires for a moment, the dictionary definition of evil is ...
profoundly immoral and malevolent, wickedness esp. when regarded as a supernatural force.

and I think it fits. There's nothing *more* immoral or malevolent of pretending to be god's highest instruments and then lying blind about your past, cover up all your crap and milking 100,000s for money.

They really are amoral. They are so corrupt, dishonest and manipulative ... there is no way on earth they, and especially their idiot fringe, should be allowed dabble with individuals' minds. Like that bunch Jann reported recently claiming they could teach you how to cure cancer in a day ... or "just knowing BK Knowledge would be good enough".

Yes, I am sorry Mr Green. I feel for you. Yes, they really did f*ck up you. No, it was not "your Karma" that did it ... beyond your trusting them.
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Re: Deconstructed

Post26 Nov 2013

Dear Mr Green,

So many times I have nodded reading your replies and posts, or smiled, even laughed. So many things you write are to the point. Treasures.

Over the years here on the forum you manage to touch exactly the right spots for me.

So thank you.

Don't know if it is 'in drama', but would love to sit with you in a pub and have a good time to ease the social suffering.

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