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Post16 Jul 2013

It appears to me that the term "CYCLE" is deep rooted into the Indian culture and life .

During my visit to India, I heard the word "Cycle" repeated many times and in different occassions (out side BK terretories) ... In the hotel I was staying in, a Buffet dinner was included, and when I asked the restaurant manager if a certain type of food, I liked, was going to be available on the Buffet next day, he replied : It is a cycle, It will be available same day, next week!

Was not the concept of Cycle in the back mind of Lekhraj Kripalani, when he invented the Brahma Kumaris, to make it appeal to the people, and be in harmoney with their culture ..?!
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Re: Cycle

Post17 Jul 2013

In all fairness to catering establishments all around the world, Indian ones are not the only ones cooking to a rota!

You are correct that Hinduism is steeped in the concept of eternally repeating cycles of time ... there are various concepts or theories of the 4 Yugas or ages (e.g. according to some schools of Hindu cosmology (there are many), the universe is created and destroyed once every 4.1 to 8.2 billion years which is one full day for a Brahma ... and the lifetime of a Brahma is said to be over 311 trillion years. I have no idea of the value of such speculation).

So what did Lekhraj Kirpalani do? Stole it ...
    Almost everything in the BKWSU is stolen from other religions or philosophies; scrambled up, re-packaged and re-branded.
Even Lekhraj Kirpalani's 5,000 years is not unique and there is no evidence to suggest it was even "God" given at the time of Om Mandli ... partly because there was no God Shiva at the beginning of the Om Mandli.
    The 5,000 years figure comes from the Vaishnavite Hinduism his wife was part of. It is a common belief in India.

    Lekhraj Kirpalani believed he was Krishna ... Krishna came 5,000 years ago ... time is a Cycle ... ergo 5,000 year Cycle.
The belief comes from speculations about when the last time God Vishnu, as Krishna, incarnated on earth at the time of the so claimed Mahabharata War, 3000 BCE.

Just why Lekhraj Kirpalani felt the need to shorted the Yuga, I have no idea. I *suspect* that the exaggerate of Destruction came from Christian influences he would have been exposed to from the British. I *suspect* that there is nothing more mystic and magical a source than, perhaps at some point he came across some Jehovah Witness types who believed the End of the World was near and in the scrambled that happen when he 'turned guru' it came out. Millenarianism of the BK type is not typically Hindu.

There is evidence in the Sakar Murlis to support such a 'working theory' as Lekhraj Kirpalani is particularly interested in Christianity and it is referred to many more times than any other religion. The reason for that is simple and, again, not magical and mystical ... it was the British influence in Calcutta and the Sind at that time.

I think it is all sub-conscious and just about marketing in order to pull the punters in ... "bums on seats", as they say in the theatre. Lekhraj Kirpalani was a very good businessman, every businessman knows you need a "USP" - a "unique selling point" or marketing concept to differentiate yourself from the competition. If Lekhraj Kirpalani and the BKs were selling a 310 trillion year cycle, they would be invisible within the cacophony of other sects. The short cycle had a further advance of intensifying the experience ... again, it's cheap marketing. "Buy Now! Special Offer! Once in a Lifetime Opportunity!".

This is a current BK's video ... it's pure Vaishnative Bhakti. Apart from the typical BK re-branding and marketing (sticking Lekhraj Kirpalani and Om Radhe on top), there is nothing new unique about it. It is not "BK" at all, it is all robbed from Hinduism to appeal to the Hindu market.

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Re: Cycle

Post21 Jul 2013

5,000 years and the coming of a Golden Age also appears in a few shlokas of the 'Brahma-Vaivarta Purana'. The idea is not new ... although the BKs being the BKs they will they thought of it first and the Hindus copied them!

In the Purana, Lord Krishna tells Ganga Devi that a Golden Age will come in the Kali Yuga, the last of the four ages as described in Hindu scriptures, predicting that this Golden Age will start 5,000 years after the beginning of the Kali Yuga, and will last for 10,000 years. Generally Kali Yuga is said to have a duration of 432,000 years.

For some reason, Lekhraj Kirpalani thought he was Krishna and therefore God.

According to the Vedic scholars, it was meant to start in 2012 around the same time which, by Brahma Kumari predictions, Krishna (Lekhraj Kirpalani re-born) should have been born on Earth in order for the Golden Age to have started in 2036 at his crowning to become Emperor Narayan ... and yet Lekhraj Kirpalani is allegedly still entering Sister Gulzar and speaking to the BKs as BapDada.

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