Human observation flawed by their very nature

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Human observation flawed by their very nature

Post30 Jun 2013

Human have appetites for meaningless information such as personal gossip, backstories and tales of failure and conquest ... their analyses, driven strictly by human observation, are flawed by their very nature. A truth that has been proposed by philosophers for aeons but is now being proven by computers drive evidence.

The real world is currently being rocked by a brave young man called Edward Snowden who may have even signed his own death sentence but certainly has given up his own liberty and well being. An individual who now risks spending the rest of his life in prison for taking a moral stand and speaking out against about the extent of secret internet and communications surveillance by the major intelligence agencies of nations such as the USA and UK, much of it illegal.

If you are a BK, strictly speaking according to their Knowledge™ ... the outer world is all a reflection them and what they are doing in the Confluence Age so, therefore, the world's leaders and events are a reflection of the Brahma Kumari leaders and events (I don't believe that, humans tend to see what they want to see and filter out what we don't. It's called 'confirmation bias' ... however, one can certainly draw correspondences from it and use examples of human activity to look for other similar examples).

Basically, what has come out of it is that if you use the internet or a telephone to communicate, all your communications, your internet searches, your locations, your network of associations are being screen, saved, analysed shared and possible stored; at least for a certain period. The degree of Governmental spying on their own citizens has beyond the wildest imagination of the worst dictator. Who knows where it is going or whether it is good or bad. It is happening along with numerous other strategies, such as Nudge and Think Strategies (and here), to modify human beings mostly to suit the desires of the elite ... mostly though the vast majority of spying is no longer being done by human, but computers which never rest instead.

As an interesting aside, I read this in one of the articles on it.

The CIA has been using algorithms that run on a thread of mathematics called "game theory" for more than two decades. The man behind these strings of reason and mathematics, Bruce Bueno de Mesquita, a political science professor at New York University, says that analyses driven strictly by human observation are flawed by their very nature.

Human analysts, he points out, have appetites for meaningless information such as personal gossip, backstories and tales of failure and conquest. Algorithms couldn't care less about these things, of course – a fact that helps them do their job better than humans.

A CIA study found that Bueno de Mesquita's algorithms were right twice as often as its own analysts in making predictions about future intelligence events. The study spanned more than 1,700 predictions made by the algorithms – a task the bots dutifully performed without billing even one hour of overtime.

Bueno de Mesquita wrote, 'The Predictioneer’s Game: Using the Logic of Brazen Self-Interest to See and Shape the Future'. No word on a date for Destruction yet.

If human beings fail to be able to predict fairly obvious social and political developments, how on earth can they be considered reliable to predict the scale of magical events the Brahma Kumaris are proposing ... like the death of 7 billion and the recreation of a high tech Golden Age heaven within 23 years?

How long would it take for 7 billion bodies, scattered from the highest Himalayas to the deepest Amazon to the coldest Antarctic, to be buried and decompose? Never mind a completely new source of nuclear energy and drive systems to be developed and enough power generators and flying machines for the 900,000 BKs to reincarnate into?

Absolutely crazy ...

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