Leave your brains in the parking lot

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Leave your brains in the parking lot

Post09 Aug 2012

As BKs were told to tell people to be "willing to suspend their disbelief" for a while until they experienced the subjective feelings which BK-style meditation or hypnosis brings about ... in a sense, to get them addicted to the feelings without questioning what they were, how they came about, or what the ultimate agenda of the Brahma Kumaris was.

How else were they to get Westerners to swallow the idea of a 5,000 Cycle of Time? (Something they were later to stop teaching in the first 7 occasions because it spun too many people out and they never came back. The BKs changed the process encultation to focus people's attention onto the sensations, adding supernatural value to them, and to disengage their intellects.

From, Jesus Was A Buddhist Monk (BBC Documentary), a good study of the cultic nature of religion ... with a side interest in the history of Jesus, the Templars and the mystery of Rennes le Chateau.
Professor of Religious Studies, Chicago, spoke not wrote:It's a bit like when you go into the army, the first thing they want is to take over your body, so symbolically they shave off your hair. At long as you give in on this, "We've got you! We've got your body which is what we want".

In one sense, some churches do the same. "We are going to tell you something unbelievable, that you've got to believe. If you believe it, then you believe that they alone control heaven, that without them you cannot get into heaven, and then they've got you."

"You've left your brains in the parking lot."
The Church has always reacted strongly against anyone who doubted (their) truth ...
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Re: Leave your brains in the parking lot

Post10 Aug 2012

Professor of Religious Studies, Chicago, spoke not wrote:It's a bit like when you go into the army, the first thing they want is to take over your body, so symbolically they shave off your hair.

"You've left your brains in the parking lot."

Funnily enough, one of the first things that happened to me in the BKWSU when I went to a main center, was Dadi Janki telling me to get my hair cut.
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Re: Leave your brains in the parking lot

Post06 Sep 2012

Dadi Janki telling me to get my hair cut

No body consciousness there then.... I bet you kept it long. I was advised to remove my beard. I did not. And so, we are unsuitable material for the army, and so we are out here in the wild world of Kaliyug, still masters of our selves. Phew!


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Re: Leave your brains in the parking lot

Post07 Sep 2012

I think that is just the trick ... "how strong are we to just be ourselves".

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