An unusual way to show that the BKs are wrong

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Re: An unusual way to show that the BKs are wrong

Post23 Jun 2012

I think there are both, that is positive and negative beings in this physical realm, human and non-human, and positive and negative beings in other realms that can interact with this one. I think in the past they may have all been seen as angels and demons, and today they are more likely to all be seen as ETs.
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Re: An unusual way to show that the BKs are wrong

Post29 Jun 2012

I was reminded of Benjamin Creme today and see that he is selling an idea I remember from Rudolf Steiner and others, that all the planets of our solar system are inhabited ... but on levels beyond present human sight. The so-called etheric planes.

I cannot remember who else believed this, from memory perhaps some Theosophists and American Indian shamanists.

Creme has been going for ages ... I think from the 1970s. I don't know if he believes in all the Mayan December 2012 stuff ... but, hey, never mind. It is only 6 months to go now.

What are you betting will happen on December 21 2012? The great thing about the internet is that all these opinions and predictions are saved and written down so people cannot forget them ... as long as we still have electricity.

I am not being negative but I wish they would all get it over and done with ... for the record, I know people that I would otherwise trust perfectly who in one case claim to have both seen and interacted with various "spirits" and, in another, claim to have seen a physical UFO. I actually don't doubt they both did ... I don't know what they are or what value they have though.

My life is far more mundane and it is all beyond my influence. Why do you wave the flag for aliens and ascension? Did you see or experience something yourself that made you question the limited BK world view?
According to Benjamin Creme, the UFOs and the people in them are engaged on a spiritual mission to ease humanity’s lot and to save this planet from further and faster destruction. Our own planetary Hierarchy, led by Maitreya, the World Teacher, now living among us, works tirelessly with their Space Brothers in a fraternal enterprise to restore sanity to this Earth.

Our Space Brothers are responsible not only for crop circles but also for preparing the way on Earth for a new technology of light which will give us unlimited power from the sun. When we banish war forever and are endeavouring to live in right relationship, that technology will be ours. For the Spiritual Hierarchy of both our own and the Sister planets of our system, right human relationship involves the end of competition and the beginning of an era of co-operation with sharing, justice and freedom as its hallmarks.

The book also addresses the emergence of new and more inclusive forms of education, which will be needed as we experience a huge shift in consciousness and a growing awareness of the richness of life ahead, unfettered by the stranglehold of commercialism and the dominance of market forces.
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Re: An unusual way to show that the BKs are wrong

Post29 Jun 2012

I've always been interested in ETs and thoughts of global transformation. I don't really know why. I temporarily parked my ET interest whilst in the BKs but it re-emerged when I watched the Disclosure Project.

The evidence renewed my interest and I began to realise that the BK knowledge was not absolute and complete.

I think the idea of beings living in our solar system on other levels is quite common. One thing I have learnt from being a BK is not to invest anything in dates of imminent transformation, so 12 Dec 2012 will probably just come and go.


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Re: An unusual way to show that the BKs are wrong

Post02 Jul 2012

What I cant understand is who their god is and why he is so special that only him and his souls live in this universe?


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Re: An unusual way to show that the BKs are wrong

Post04 Jul 2012

You should all check up David Icke's website and read some of his books. Another source is Dr. Michio Kaku's book, the Physics of The Impossible. Professor Kaku discusses the topic of multiple dimensions. Dr. Edgar Mitchell, an Apollo Astronaut and Founder of the Noetics Institute in interviews stated that ETs and aliens exist and they are among us.


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Re: An unusual way to show that the BKs are wrong

Post04 Jul 2012

Yep, I have read them all and have you done any ascension work as yet, that's what I call evidence whoo ...
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Re: An unusual way to show that the BKs are wrong

Post04 Jul 2012

tommytommy wrote:What I cant understand is who their god is and why he is so special that only him and his souls live in this universe?

Or why only the BKs get to go to heaven on earth when there are far more nicer souls in other religions. Some of the BKs are fair enough but many are anything from nuts to nasty.

I don't think one can understand ... I think trying to understand is one of the hooks that it uses to suck a certain sort of people in. It is all beyond logic and accountability and there is no such thing as a "spirit-o-meter" to work out what it really is or is not.

All you can do is judge from what it has said and done, and decide if it is good or Godly enough for your standards.

Same goes for David Icke and aliens. If I was an alien I would disarming the FBI and American military, not doing deals with them. Is there anyone else out there on our side, not theirs.
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Re: An unusual way to show that the BKs are wrong

Post12 Jul 2012

From the august Daily Telegraph: The UFO Files: aliens 'might come here for holidays'.
Documents from the Ministry of Defence classified archives show staff believed aliens could visit for "military reconnaissance", "scientific" research or "tourism".

In a 1995 briefing now published by the National Archives, a desk officer said the purpose of reported alien craft sightings "needs to be established as a matter of priority”, adding there did not appear to be “hostile intent".
The unnamed official said it was “essential that we start with open minds”, explaining "what is scientific 'fact' today may not be true tomorrow".

"If the sightings are of devices not of the earth then their purpose needs to be established as a matter of priority. There has been no apparent hostile intent and other possibilities are: 1) Military reconnaissance; 2) Scientific; 3) Tourism."

The otherwise conservative paper has a number of UFO video and articles posted on its website, e.g. here ... therefore it's official. Earth visiting aliens are the Club 18-30 of the cosmos following the 'Rough Guide to the Universe' to visit us here.
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Mr Green


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Re: An unusual way to show that the BKs are wrong

Post13 Jul 2012

we have to go beyond the compulsion to believe and belong, it is the religion urge!
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Re: An unusual way to show that the BKs are wrong

Post13 Jul 2012

Mr Green wrote:We have to go beyond the compulsion to believe and belong, it is the religion urge!

I wonder if we could function if we went right to the other extreme and did not believe in anything or belong to anything?

I think we should be conscious of what we are believing and what we are belonging to and know that they are just beliefs and attachments and they can change and they are not absolutes.
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Re: An unusual way to show that the BKs are wrong

Post14 Jul 2012

AscensionAddiction wrote:I wonder if we could function if we went right to the other extreme and did not believe in anything or belong to anything?

I think we can. I guess many people probably do. I don't think it is necessary to go as far as a prejudiced skepticism about anything and everything. Perhaps the starting point is accepting how little we do know in the first place and then making it a habit (... of not behaving, not making it a habit of knowing little!).

I actually think not believing in anything is a very good starting place. It really is not necessary. Just work with what you know, what you see, what you can make/change or influence. Whether alien life forms, or spirits, exist or do not exist ... it does not really matter until they appear to us and we have to deal with them.

I remember the feeling of freedom of carrying about all the crazy beliefs, and do and don'ts, and being re-newed when I left the BKs and went back to the real world. It was quite exhilarating to begin with to discover that the world did not end if I did something I was not meant to.

I think it is a good practise to keep asking oneself, "do I know this or believe this?" and if it is just a belief, then drop it. It could be about anything, history, politics, religion, culture, other people ... anything.
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Re: An unusual way to show that the BKs are wrong

Post14 Jul 2012

I agree ex-l it is possible and in my opinion healthy

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