Devastating Queensland Floods

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Devastating Queensland Floods

Post12 Jan 2011

I know this may be off topic but...

I don't know if you guys know but Queensland, Australia has be inundated with flash floods, in land tsunami's (that went through the city of Toowoomba). So far 12 people have lost their lives and around 50 people are missing, though it is feared alot more have lost their lives. Yesterday it reached Brisbane, and the city got flooded and as a result got evacutaed. Heaps of people remain trapped in urban areas north West of brisbane, and people in Brisbane have been evacuating their homes. It is expected tomorrow that the river will rise another metre or so, and will flood around 20 000 homes, in around 50 suburbs. The government says that it will probably take around two years to rebuild. This is such a devastating tragedy.

More information can be found at

I am currently in Brisbane and fortunately in a part not effected by floods, though i think my work has been flooded.
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Re: Devastating Queensland Floods

Post12 Jan 2011

You can guarantee the Brahma Kumaris are claiming that it is more evidence of the End of the World proximity ...

And, as Toowoomba has not got a Brahma Kumaris center, according to the BKWSU's predictions, it can expect to complete disappear beneath the ocean for at least 2500 years sometime in the mid-1980s. Except it did not. So they re-wrote the predictions again. Sigh.

A tragic reminder of the power of nature and the fragility of human existence. Treasure it and spend it as well, and as wisely as you can while you have it.

In cases such as these, I also remember the vast, untold damage done to animal life during such events. 10,000s of wild and domestic animals also lose their lives.
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Re: Devastating Queensland Floods

Post13 Jan 2011

Yeah I was thinking the same think.

Though funnily enough I think that one of the Brahma Kumaris centres in Brisbane has flooded and is probably underwater, since it was in a suburb that flooded and is near the Brisbane River. So much for the Brahma Kumaris saying all that stuff about their centres being islands when the world is flooded hahahaha :D.

Though the other centre in Brisbane I am pretty sure is not flooded as it is some distance south from Brisbane City.
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Re: Devastating Queensland Floods

Post13 Jan 2011

cfile6 wrote: So much for the Brahma Kumaris saying all that stuff about their centres being islands when the world is flooded hahahaha :D.

I am glad that you can still laugh about it all ... that is funny too.

Unfortunately, there is a aspect of human psyche called "confirmational bias", that is a tendency for people to favor information whivh confirms their beliefs and ignore things which do not go against them. It is part of the lifeblood of the BKWSU delusional hold on people. Followers are encouraged in secondary beliefs that sustain that delusion and quickly taught not to bring up things that challenge it, e.g. End of the World prediction failures, evidence of civilisations older than 2,500 years old etc.


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Re: Devastating Queensland Floods

Post14 Jan 2011

The following has been circulating around BK Centers:

Dear Sisters and Brothers from around the world,

Thank you so much for all your good wishes during what has been a very unusual event in Brisbane. Authorities are saying the flood waters have peaked with the tide at the auspicious time of 4am this morning.

Baba's Centre has escaped flooding with water reaching just a few houses down the street. The BK family is fine and although many are physically cut off from the Centre they are all together in spirit.

Although the sun is now shining and most roads have dried with the heat, there is a vast amount of flooding which is not due to subside for a few days. The electricity/internet will remain off for a day or two. The usual large amount of motor traffic past the Centre is now flood-tourists with cameras capturing the unusual sight of a landscape transformed.

In Baba's loving Yaad,
BKs Peter and Lee

I do not know if it is the Center you were assuming would be underwater cfile6, but in any case I can say that my long experience with the BKs supports ex-l's comments about confirmational bias.
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Re: Devastating Queensland Floods

Post14 Jan 2011

bkti-pit wrote:I do not know if it is the Center you were assuming would be underwater cfile6, but in any case I can say that my long experience with the BKs supports ex-l's comments about confirmational bias.

Yeah that is the one I am talking about, I just thought there was a good chance that it got flooded but I was wrong. Though the message circling the BKs says that the houses down the street were flooded. I also thought the place that I work was flooded but it turns out it wasn't, though suburd it was in was mostly flooded.
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Re: Devastating Queensland Floods

Post15 Jan 2011

cfile6 wrote:Though the message circling the BKs says that the houses down the street were flooded.

Ah, well, you see ... that is obviously proof Baba must saved them because they were all meditating like crazy!

Please tell me to shut up when I come out with stuff like that.
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Re: Devastating Queensland Floods

Post15 Jan 2011

cfile6 wrote:Though the message circling the BKs says that the houses down the street were flooded.

Ah, well, you see ... that is obviously proof Baba must saved them because they were all meditating like crazy!

Please tell me to shut up when I come out with stuff like that. :D
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Re: Devastating Queensland Floods

Post15 Jan 2011

ex-l wrote:Ah, well, you see ... that is obviously proof Baba must saved them because they were all meditating like crazy!

hehehehehe :D lol


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Re: Devastating Queensland Floods

Post15 Jan 2011

ex-l wrote:Ah, well, you see ... that is obviously proof Baba must saved them because they were all meditating like crazy!

How is it that cfile6's workplace was also saved from the floods?
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Re: Devastating Queensland Floods

Post15 Jan 2011

bkti-pit wrote:How is it that cfile6's workplace was also saved from the floods?

Good question bkti-pit, you should ask a BK.... hehehe i wonder what they would say, maybe ex-I know what the BK's would say.... :D
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Re: Devastating Queensland Floods

Post16 Jan 2011

They believe that the site of BK centres will in the Golden Age be the site of palaces made of gold and diamomds, even if it means them being an island due to the shift of landmass at the Destruction of the impure old world.
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Re: Devastating Queensland Floods

Post17 Jan 2011

One of the many BK Centres I lived in was Milton, not far from the Brisbane River. It's not a Centre now. Around every thirty years, there are major floods somewhere in Australia, and this one is probably the worst since white settlement. Queensland and Northern NSW are prone to very heavy and prolonged rainfall. Unfortunately, the best places to live are next to rivers or the sea, or in the fertile soils of river beds that appear safe because they are a long way above the normal water line, so disasters will continue and people will continue to experience loss as a result. It may be global warming or it may just be a natural cycle. But one thing it absolutely, definitely is not, and that is a harbinger of Destruction.

The problem with averages is that ther really is no such thing. Australia is usually experiencing drought or flood, and one usually follows the other - in this case, a severe drought lasting ten years or so in Victoria which led to the disastrous bushfires there two years ago, has now given way to flooding rains. El Ninio has given way to La Ninia. Nothing inbetween. And nothing out of the ordinary. There may be a hundred ways that life, human life, on this fragile little planet might be damaged or ended, but Queensland flooding is not one of them.

And hasn't it been great to see the rush of camaraderie and co-operation as the waters started to subside? Now that's human spirit in action. So put that in your peace pipe and smoke it, Janki!
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Re: Devastating Queensland Floods

Post18 Jan 2011

gotmylifeback wrote:One of the many BK Centres I lived in was Milton, not far from the Brisbane River. It's not a Centre now. Around every thirty years, there are major floods somewhere in Australia, and this one is probably the worst since white settlement. Queensland and Northern NSW are prone to very heavy and prolonged rainfall. Unfortunately, the best places to live are next to rivers or the sea, or in the fertile soils of river beds that appear safe because they are a long way above the normal water line, so disasters will continue and people will continue to experience loss as a result. It may be global warming or it may just be a natural cycle. But one thing it absolutely, definitely is not, and that is a harbinger of Destruction.

The centre in Milton on Milton Road is the centre I thought could have been flooded ... but since it doesn't exist anymore (according to their website the centre still exists, unless they moved up the road, I don't know) gotmylifeback do you know why the centre is no longer a centre?

So then I think the only other centre in Brisbane (according to their website, assuming that the centre is still there) is in Waterford near Marsden, which is out woop woop, so it wouldn't have been flooded, or not even close to being flooded.

It's still lucky that my work survived in a suburb which was one of the worst hit suburbs ...

Ya, I agree all the cooperation between people in Brisbane is great, strangers are helping strangers, everyone is helping and supporting each other (except for a small minority of people who decided to steal from people who have already lost so much :sad: ).

I saw on the news the other day that there are floods in Brazil and also in Sri Lanka ...


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Post25 Feb 2011


Baba's centre in Christchurch is fine. The area that Baba has His centre has had the least problems of damage and upheaval of any area in the city. Water, power and bathrooms are all operational, but no phone as yet.

Sister Rohini who lives in the centre is presently in Madhuban. It took the students of Chrstchurch centre 3 days to get to the centre as the army has blocked off most roads due to liquidation (water and sand coming up out of the ground) and broken sewerage, water pipes etc. Also during the night everything is black due to no lighting and the police will not allow anyone to travel.

Pieta who is the oldest student of Christchurch centre went to the centre last evening and stayed there and this morning they had the first Murli in the centre since the earthquake.

It is Baba's wonder that the centre is truly a safe place. We haven't heard from contact souls but Baba's army is OK although some have lost property and have broken houses.

Thanks to Yoga power of the divine family from all corners of the world all are fine.

New Zealand Family

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