Brahman, Paramatman, Atman

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Brahman, Paramatman, Atman

Post10 Jan 2010

I have connected Brahman, Paramatma and Atma to the science called Quantum Mechanics. I have also tried to explain the parallel universe theory which is a Hindu concept but quantum mechanics also seems to show the existence of more than one world. I have also brought in Quantum entanglement, to explain the link to God. I have used the Mayan calender and astronomy to explain The Cycle.

Tell me what you think of it, especially the part in respect of Brahman which is a Hindu concept. You can read it at: Existing Evidences of the 5000 year Cycle / Cycle of Time


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Re: Brahman, Paramatman, Atman

Post10 Jan 2010

Pari wrote:The communication between God and the soul, who is in Yoga with God, works like the science of quantum entanglement. This is what BKs are aiming to achieve. A state where God's thought is our thought and we do as we get instructed by God. It will be as if God is getting it done. This is also my aim. This is what we mean when we say that we want to be and remain as instruments of God.

Ordinary people starts accepting your words Pari believing that you are connected, your thoughts are God's thought, and your words are God's words. Then suddenly they realize that whatever you said, is nothing but deception. And, ultimately, their faith gets crushed,resulting the destruction of lives.

Kindly refer to the Suraj Bhai's classes "Saral Aur Teevra Purshartha Kaise Kare", "Vinash Aur Pratyakshta", etc where he has clearly mentioned the year of Destruction (2000), the establishement of diety kingdom (2002-03) ... the role of Brahmins during the phase of Destruction.

The "Kumars" :sad: started believing his words, thinking that a powerful yogi (always connected to God ;)) is telling us the truth, which we could never know, started following to the best of their power and strength ...

What did they gain ultimately? Seperation from Lokiks, isolated from alokiks (being not able to digest the hypocritical attitudes of the big ones at the local centres) ... waiting for Destruction??? Frustration and finally self-destruction.

The propaganda you people doing in the public is spoiling the lives of innocent ones ...

When you say that "you are connected to The Supreme", then what you tell to ordinaries is most important ...

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Re: Brahman, Paramatman, Atman

Post10 Jan 2010

There is too much emphasis on Destruction. This can cause problems in one's life as a spiritual person on a spiritual life journey.

    - The first mistake in the above example with Suraj Bhai is to treat his churnings and thoughts as some kind of "gospel". And why is he talking about all that anyway? It's speculation.

    - The second mistake is for someone to "cut themselves off". If you have a heart overflowing with God's love, there is "no cutting off" of your family and friends, there is good wishes and benevolent thoughts and feelings to them. Life is meant to be lived with love.
If you are a BK or an ex-BK, I want you to read that again: life is meant to be filled with love. You must keep this within you to have a proper balance to the other Murli points; like teachings about renunciation, The Cycle of the world story, etc. In fact, in Murli itself, many times it's said that you are meant to stay with your family, have a job and much more similar.

    - The third mistake is thinking about Destruction in a wrong way. The teaching of Raj Yoga is that the world will become a better place. What is the mechanism for that? Living deep spirituality and strong Yoga stage. So the real lesson for us is to be inspired to live a wonderful spiritual where each week that passes our meditation gets more practice and gets deeper. This then helps make a better world, doesn't it? Focus on that aspect of this teaching rather than getting stressed about some imaginary date when it will happen.

    - What is wrong with souls who become BKs? It's like we're addicted to thinking negatively. That is what this kind of obsession with Destruction is: getting stressed and making poor life decisions based on one aspect of teachings, out of context with the many, many, many other spiritual teachings that BK Raj Yoga gives. We are like sorrow addicts. Get over this addiction and try to live a healthy, happy life! Then you'll find that spirituality becomes a pleasant experience.
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Re: Brahman, Paramatman, Atman

Post11 Jan 2010

The second mistake is for someone to "cut themselves off". If you have a heart overflowing with God's love, there is "no cutting off" of your family and friends, there is good wishes and benevolent thoughts and feelings to them. Life is meant to be lived with love.

That is what it seems but when reading Murli everyday you reed about all the dirty souls in this dirty world and to forget it. Makes you wonder?
If you are a BK or an ex-BK, I want you to read that again: life is meant to be filled with love. You must keep this within you to have a proper balance to the other Murli points; like teachings about renunciation, The Cycle of the world story, etc. In fact, in Murli itself, many times it's said that you are meant to stay with your family, have a job and much more similar.

When BK talks abouth family they mean the Brahmin familiy, lokik family is called lokik as you must know. So you have to stay with the Brahmin family (or else ...).

Demoralisation is the real teaching of BK.
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Re: Brahman, Paramatman, Atman

Post11 Jan 2010

Top marks, because.parmeshwar. Thank you for documenting another typical BKWSU deception about Destruction in 2000. One of a very long line ... which, of course, the BKWSU will cover up and hide away for newcomers and never sanction the leading Brahma Kumar for making.

These are core BKWSU values.
jannisder wrote:Demoralisation is the real teaching of BK.

Truer words have never been spoken ... confusion leading to demoralisation.

If you look at the history of the movement, the point at which they started to tell people to "stay with their family" what beyond the point when Lekhraj Kirpalani ran out of money. Before that, when Lekhraj Kirpalani had lots of money, he encouraged the wives and children to run away and join them ... even the 7 Days Course was literally seven days. It was full-on encultation (absorbing of the individual into the cult) along the lines of the 'Stockholm Syndrome'.

It was a practical financial or business decision. Yes, give us your minds, bodies and wealth ... but stay at home at someone else's cost. Or turn your home into our business franchise.
pari wrote:I have connected Brahman, Paramatma and Atma to the science called Quantum Mechanics. I have also brought in Quantum entanglement, to explain the link to God. I have used the Mayan calender and astronomy to explain The Cycle.

No, you have not Pari. Please wake up to the deluded state of your mind.

Pari, if you know anything about Quantum Mechanics, tell me what this is, what it means, and show me the link to BapDada in it ...

quantum.png (2.63 KiB) Viewed 22286 times

What do we make of Pari? She was obvious a good and intelligent woman but she seems to have been possessed, deluded by the Brahma Kumaris or the spirit entities and spirit guides that lead the BKWSU, and destroyed. No scientist on earth would listed to her ramblings for one second ... and that is all it is. The best the BKWSU can produce. "Blah ... blah ... blah ... BapDada".

The Brahma Kumaris use words of which they have no idea what they mean, and second hand concepts like Mayan Calendar. They use them to impress people who know even less (generally uneducated women who know nothing) in order to confuse and then demoralise them ... literally 'to remove their morals'. To teach them in turn how to lie, cheat and deceive by confusing ... and then encourage them to bleed their family's wealth in order to give it to the BKWSU.

Pari, and forgive me for the strength of my words, but what is Quantum Physics for? What does it do? What does it mean? What relevance does it have to BapDada? I do not expect a response back ... she only came here to spam the forum with a link to her own forum.


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Re: Brahman, Paramatman, Atman

Post13 Jan 2010

I agree with what because.parmeshwar, swordofjustice and jannisder say in respect of living with love and 'living with love with the people outside the Brahma Kumaris'. My view is that spirituality should not detach us off from the outside world. But I can also understand the Brahma Kumaris view that it is easy to go beyond when we remain detached from the outside world. However, it is my view that this should not disturb our life and relationships which we normally have. I do not practice this detachment from my corporeal family anymore and I still can have very good experiences. But I am not God. I am just trying to keep improving my link through effort making.

As to the Quantum Physics equations which ex-l had given. Well, I was a science student when I was young. I had done my A level in all the science subjects (Maths, Additional Maths, Physics, Chemistry and Biology). So when I was watching how the quantum physicists were using the equations to explain their theory, I understood what they were saying because of my earlier science education. But I did not bother to learn it up so as to explain the equations to others. I just understood the theories but I am still learning to improve myself in the subject of quantum mechanics.

I am not sure if you have read my latest post under the same topic on how quantum physics plays an important role in Hinduism. Like how it is in Hinduism, I am just trying to understand spirituality through using the sciences. But science cannot completely explain spirituality. It can only be used as an aid to a certain extent because the soul is also made up of energies.

Actually, I posted here to see what kind of response I get. Filthy Shudra gives very good responses there and I was wondering how others take it. I really appreciated the responses here too because it helps me to assess what I am saying and off course, someone might give a better idea as a further development to the idea.
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Re: Brahman, Paramatman, Atman

Post13 Jan 2010

The basis of science is 'logic'. Hard, difficult 'logic'. The basis of Brahma Kumaris is 'logical fallacy'. "False logics". Why are you trying to make thing fit a false logic? The 5,000 year Cycle is not true.

Really all you are doing is using words taken from physics, very superficially, to sell Brahma Kumarism. It is a yukti to make it (and yourself), sound more intelligent and attractive ... appealing to the egos of the listeners. Suggesting it will make them intelligent and attractive too.

At best, you are using the words like poetry. At worst, it is just all part of the kind of deceptive sales pitch which BKs are taught. Best stick to your own speciality.

If it was an equation, it would read something like:

    1 + 2 + 3 = 100,000,000
That is to say, your end result bears no relationship to the bits you are adding together.

"Scientific process" or "scientific rigor" would be a very good thing to apply to spiritualism, i.e. approaching spiritualism in a scientific way, e.g.

    {God is Truth} + {BapDada is Trikaldarshi (sees past, present and future)} = BapDada always tells the accurate truth in the past, present and future.
Now, in this equation, the evidence proves that BapDada has not always told the accurate truth. He has been fundamentally wrong to a huge scale on numerous occasions. So, therefore, we can work the equation backwards and have to accept that some or all parts are wrong.

Either {God is not Truth} or {BapDada is not Trikaldarshi} or {BapDada is not God}.

    So, which one is it?
If you want an opinion on your Quantum Theories, try asking a scientist ... but you already know the response they will give. To say something like "to understand Hinduism, one has to understand Quantum Physics", what does that mean? How many people will ever understand Quantum Physics.

What are you really trying to say?


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Re: Brahman, Paramatman, Atman

Post13 Jan 2010

Use the best Baapdada's weapon pari ... say haji ... to stop the debate.

Tears are falling ex-l ...
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Re: Brahman, Paramatman, Atman

Post13 Jan 2010

I hope those are tears of laughter not tears of boredom.

Look Pari, I beg you, wake up.

If we look at the Brahma Kumaris World So-Called University version of Schrödinger's (?) equation, it would look like this. This is how much sense it makes:


Quantum Physics according to the BKWSU ... buy our product!

For 70 years, the Brahma Kumaris have employed any old rubbish that 'sold' their god spirit, and brought in the money and free labor. OK, to be fair, perhaps that is only 50 years since Lekhraj Kirpalani's, and all the original Sindis' money, ran out.

Originally it was Hinduism, yesterday "Management Training" ... today it is Quantum Physics and the Mayan Calendar and tomorrow it will be ... whatever. All they do is a little 'jiggle' to try and make it all in the same box and stick their label on it.

New BKs do not even recognise what they are being enculted into ... They are still merchants not Brahmins.
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Re: Brahman, Paramatman, Atman

Post13 Jan 2010

I will catch you when you fall.
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Re: Brahman, Paramatman, Atman

Post13 Jan 2010

Mr Green wrote:I will catch you when you fall.

Is not it wonderful how even relatively manufactured pop sounds and feels even after all these years ...

Just move on ... let go. We are all here to catch you.


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Re: Brahman, Paramatman, Atman

Post14 Jan 2010

because.parmeshwar wrote:Use the best Baapdada's weapon pari ... say haji ... to stop the debate.

Tears are falling ex-l ...

Haji to what?

When I was in Shantivan long ago, one of the doctors there, in the hospital, asked me if I understood what Deepak Chopra was talking about in a speech which he had given in Shantivan. I felt that Deepak Chopra was not talking Gyan but the doctor was saying that he was trying to understand the speech and told me that I should try to understand it. And he told me that if I understood, he would appreciate it if I explained it to him.

I never bothered to understand it at that time because I was more concerned about making effort only. But now I think I might be able to understand what Deepak Chopra had said. Only I do not have the casettes with me anymore. I gave them off to someone who was inclined to understanding God through the use of the sciences. Someone (a non-BK) who had said that he would only accept something which can be proven scientifically. I think he appreciated Deepak Chopra's talk. But God and spirituality cannot be proven scientifically.

Science can only be used as an aid to explain certain things and thats all. For me, the most important thing where spirituality is concerned is our own happiness or feelings and the Law of Karma.

By the way, nice song ex-l. But what is all this about falling?

Tears falling? Why? Now I am confused. :D


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Re: Brahman, Paramatman, Atman

Post14 Jan 2010

As mentioned, “haji” is one of the best weapon knowledge has given us to stop the debate.
I have connected Brahman, Paramatma and Atma to the science called Quantum Mechanics.

See the contradiction ...
God and spirituality cannot be proven scientifically. Science can only be used as an aid to explain certain things and that’s all.
spirituality is concerned is our own happiness or feelings and the Law of Karma.

A joke for here only, for a bit of humour and application of Law of Karma.

    BKs Law of Karma: By donating helping the poor you may create or share their bad karmic account. So do not do charity. Well, in case if you want to help, help them by giving 'Godly knowledge' bring them and make them BK. If you want to donate, donate to BK center.

    Newcomer BK: But does it mean that all those VVIPs and Rich who get instant blessings are pure and have no karma ...

    BK: Yes ... No ... well ... they are just microphones.

    Newcomer BK: But by accepting their help we are doing wrong karma.

    BK: Well ... (you are asking me wrong questions). See you are corrupted with bad materialistic knowledge you need to purify your soul ... Go and read Murli for 10 times and do seva. (Clean the BK center).

“Tears” are because of deep internal satisfaction that GOD is not only BKs property ...
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Re: Brahman, Paramatman, Atman

Post15 Jan 2010

Pari, I will do the honor of presenting chopra's mumbo jumbo Quantum Theory.

Oh, it's only a metaphor ...

Richard Dawkins exposes charlatan Deepak Chopra.

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Re: Brahman, Paramatman, Atman

Post16 Jan 2010

"Exploiting the jargon of Quantum Theory as plausible sounding hocus pocus ...". He admits it is just a metaphor ... poetic use as the BKWSU might do so. Please understand that it is just poeticisim, Pari. Even Richard Feynman responds saying, "anyone who says they understand Quantum Physics does not". Do you know who Feynman is?

Chopra says, "We try and get into every aspect of a patient's life ...", including, at $75,000 per lecture, their wallets it seems. He even goes on to claim the physicists have hijacked the word accusing science of arrogance!!! What does he actually do that makes him worth that much ... in comparison to, say, a nurse who actually really helps people day in, day out dealing?

It is funny but Chopra to me looks as if he is wearing an ill-fitting mask. He is said to make $20,000,000 per year for his poetry. Although the BKs might not go directly for the money ... you can see why they want to buy into the spiritual real estate of Quantum Psychobabble.

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