Dreams narrated, dreams explored

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Re: Dreams narrated, dreams explored

Post27 Mar 2009

Mr Green wrote:I am the Incubus ... (it's hard! ...)

See even we EDIT posts in this forum to suit ourselves, it works better that way - but we credit Mr Green with his ... aahmmm ... sense of humour and lightening the way a little :|.
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Re: Dreams narrated, dreams explored

Post27 Mar 2009

to mr. green:

If you are the incubus, then you owe me an apology!
ex-l wrote:My current position is that there are probably both phenomenons, and the secret is to be able to discern between the two. Has anyone experienced this?

The concept of twin-flames came to my attention a couple of years ago and through chakra work, I was able to learn how to connect with it. It is, what we call, the "God" part of us that has not incarnated, and invoking the twin required one to have a highly developed spirituality. So, I tried it and, yes, it worked.

I could actually feel the energy descending upon me and filling me with such blissful ecstacy that I was high for several hours. I have friends who have witnessed me in this state, saying I was "glowing" as though I were in love. But then when the energy would depart, the high would be like falling from the sky, or like having a drug fix wear off.

This is VERY different from the incubus dream I had when I was in my early 20's. The incubus dream happened to me, while I intentionally called in the twin-flame. Now, I don't know if it really was my so-called twin-flame. It could have been something else, as far as I know.

Another time the energy of Mother Mary descended upon me and for about thirty minutes I felt like the perfect mother and I knew it wasn't me. I knew an energy had come to me and I KNEW it was Mother Mary. Knowing this, although I was a bit frightened, I was able to be an observer as well as a participant during this "experience." And I actually felt grateful for being able to feel "the perfect mother" in my own body. It was a truly incredible experience that left me wishing I could actually be as perfect and loving as she was, and hoped that the memory would be imprinted on my psyche for when I would become a mother myself.

Just to let you know, I am not Catholic and have never had any mystical attachment to Mother Mary (I was in Italy though when this happened.) The events that occured shortly before this were connected to a terrible experience I had had with the BKs that left me with a scar of betrayal and suffering at a deep level. I did not make any connection with the two events however, until I read that Archangel Raphael, the healer, is often connected with Mother Mary. So I wondered if out of pity, they came to heal me, because after that, the suffering subsided.

Miracle? Angel? Devil?
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Re: Dreams narrated, dreams explored

Post27 Mar 2009

Miracle? Angel? Devil?

You? or those who work through you?

I'd say that you're a "not quite comfortable" channel for 'spirit' in its various forms. Get used to it perhaps ...? It may be of benefit for some around you over time. Have you ever tried completely accepting the energies that you experience?

My opinion is that many 'channels' I know are all going through something at the time that the energy they are working with resonates to - so your assessment is probably accurate but I'd say not quite 'complete' in its journey. Yes, the Archangel Raphael and the Mother Mary energies often support each in their spiritual work.



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Re: Dreams narrated, dreams explored

Post27 Mar 2009

OK all - back off , it's my dream.

When the black panther wouldn't let me up, I woke up. Nothing was there. I was fine. No weirdness in the room, a clear starry early morning sky outside. I have a clear memory that the sensation of immobility came first, then the visuals, i.e. my mind was painting a picture to go with the sensation. I remember because I sat up and thought through what had just happened.

Oh hang on, that's right, someone implied that maybe then I may have been possessed. Gee, subtle is not it, who would've guessed? The aim of this spirit is obviously to live a low income self employed life with a big mortgage. Must be really boring in the spirit world then.

I don't mind if language of spirits, incubi and succubi (no, I am not gay) being used as metaphor but people, get real, you are gifted with intellects. If you believe all this, you'd better accept jesus Christ as your saviour.

Simply put, if your eyes are closed and you see something in your sleep, you aren't seeing it, you are dreaming it. Or do you doubt your capacity for imagination? Now, if you see it with your eyes open, I am all ears.
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Re: Dreams narrated, dreams explored

Post27 Mar 2009

paul wrote:You? or those who work through you?

I was actually referring to the spirits not me.
It may be of benefit for some around you over time. Have you ever tried completely accepting the energies that you experience?

When I do my energy healing work, I know that I am protected and therefore, allow myself to channel the healing for the client's benefit. However, I have not been completely open to accepting the energies because I have attracted both the dark and the light from a young age, unknowingly, which caused me to think it was real. A child does not know the difference between the past, the present and the future.

Having the ability to spontaneously regress, read energies, minds etc., was confusing and scary. Figuring out how to become adept at it takes an enormous amount of trust and skill with the spirit world. Since finding this forum, I have stopped all spirit communication (other than reiki work) because I need to reconnect to the earth and to the material world.

Is there anyone else out there who has been channelling spirit energies willingly or unwittingly? I would like to hear your stories as I could use some help in this area. Thanks.
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Re: Dreams narrated, dreams explored

Post27 Mar 2009

terry wrote:(and Paul, really, Toltec dream wisdom taken literally?) but people, get real, you are gifted with intellects.

Hi Terry

Perhaps I shouldn't have posted the information regarding the dream wisdom etc and I can promise you that it wasn't meant against you or your posts personally (I did write: 'Not personally' in my post) and apologies if it came over that way. Reading it again and against what else has been posted in that same thread I can see it may have caused offence, again I offer apologies from me to you for this. It was not my intention. Maybe my post below will highlight more of what I was trying to say?

Maybe to develop this thread a little more and put it back on track and to put some 'intelligent thought' behind it in another context I do want to say though that I do take the Toltec wisdom quite literally and its truly helped me in many ways over the last while. Whilst I don't use it to analyse my dreams all the time, I do use it to read my 'environment around me'. I do this in order to avoid problems and trouble arriving my way which would detract from my spiritual growth. For example, when I see something repeated regularly, (let's say a batch of cars all of the same colour for example) then this is saying something to me. Even when there is one event or experience which makes itself known to me then I will pay attention to the meaning of this and attempt to make some internal transformation according to the way I see it and to the best of my ability.

The Toltecs do this in order to avoid death getting to them - their concept is that the environment (the world) is an outer manifestation of their inner world and if they wish for their outer world to change then the inner self has to be able to transform at a moments notice, or else they're going to find 'death' at their front door. So they use this 'wisdom' to also analyse their dreams in the belief that their dream-state is simply a time of them being out of the body and more in touch with the whole of the universe, not just their immediate physical environment.

Let me say outright than in any healing that I share with any of my 'clients' be it massage, reiki,energy work, 'channeling' etc; I do use the environments response around me to see what is happening within that client. An example I can pose is that often the weather outside will abruptly change, the wind may suddenly pick up, just as the client is releasing anger, an airoplane may suddenly take off and fly overhead as the client releases some past issue, a car may back-fire, the dogs may go crazy for a few minutes and coupling that with whatever I am feeling (and whatever the client tells me afterwards ...).

I can see where we are going to and in agreement with the client we can make a plan as to what it is they need to do for themselves until they decide on their next treatment. This has proven to be extremely effective over the times I have been practicing such. After all, is it not OK to say that life is said to be an illusion and in order to live in one's truth the illusion must be removed and the only way to do that is to bring truth to the surface, therefore displacing the illusion.

By the way, just in general conversation (and certainly not to continue speaking about symbolic dream black panthers) - maybe it would be OK for you to know that two years ago my partner and I went off to Costa Rica and all I wanted there was to see a wild black puma/jaguar in the rainforests there. The whole year before that I was inunaded with media articles, emails and pictures of this animal which peaked my interest (and of course the journey we made). I also have a very old (pre-gyan) tatoo of a black panther on my shoulder - perhaps these aspects made my eyes light up when your 'black panther' dream came to light.

Who really knows though where and how we are all connected, past - present - and future sometimes all at the same time?
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Re: Dreams narrated, dreams explored

Post27 Mar 2009

terry wrote:When the black panther wouldn't let me up, I woke up. Nothing was there.

Simply put, if your eyes are closed and you see something in your sleep, you aren't seeing it, you are dreaming it. Or do you doubt your capacity for imagination?

You do not know terry. And any good therapist would know to work as much as possible within the others paradigm, at least until trust was established.

Its sounds like it wasn't an incubus/succubus experience because if you had had that experience, rather than just a dream, you'd know the difference.



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Re: Dreams narrated, dreams explored

Post28 Mar 2009

paulkershaw wrote: I do take the Toltec wisdom quite literally ... when I see something repeated regularly, (let's say a batch of cars all of the same colour for example) then this is saying something to me. Even when there is one event or experience which makes itself known to me then I will pay attention to the meaning of this and attempt to make some internal transformation according to the way I see it and to the best of my ability.

Paul, No worries.

I feel we are using different language for the same thing. The word 'archetype" is the idea of a "pattern". You use your knowledge to look for patterns and see connections that others may miss. Id' say the differnce between literal and metaphoric (or synchronous may be a better word) is that "literal" means that one thing actually, physically caused the other. "Synchronous" or "metaphoric" means that, although incidents are separate, their "co-incidence" carries a connection that might be understood.

I hope this example works - you see your kitchen full of ants, you then get days and days of rain. Literally, you might say the ants brought the rain - a primitive folk tale may say something like that. Otherwise you'd say, when ants come inside - their behaviour coincides or is synchronous with a change in weather. A "believer" of a certain faith may interpret that the ants have prophetic powers.

A biologist would see they are sensitive to barometric changes, and have developed the instinct to seek shelter when that sensation is experienced. (False gurus and teachers will preach literal causality when it suits and dismiss it when it doesn't e.g. the protection of Baba's canopy).
The Toltecs do this in order to avoid death getting to them

Not sure exactly about the Toltec, but Central American peoples practiced child sacrifice - a lot of evidence for it. This is a literalised or externalised psychic dynamic that sees life as spirit driven (animistic) and that the spirit of the sacrificed will nourish/please the "god" or greater spirit. Without knowing other's ideas on it, I'd guess a child's spirit energy would be offered to affect "rejuvenation" (you'd see the words reflecting each other here).

The Christian communion is a sublimation of the same impulse - not rejuvenation principal - more of the sacrificial animal/ scape goat sacrifice.
in order to live in one's truth the illusion must be removed and the only way to do that is to bring truth to the surface, therefore displacing the illusion.

Toltec dreaming, haven't read much on it, but is not it like the idea I stated earlier, that the borders of dream and wakefulness are not defined, they are one reality? This is common experience among primitive peoples, where "objective" and "subjective" have not really been defined (and we have gone to the other extreme!)

There is truth on the level of ego, and truth from a deeper place, the unconscious. One is the truth of Order/Apollo the other is the truth of Chaos/ Dionysus. Both need to be in harmony. Today's truth is tomorrow's illusion.
all I wanted was to see a wild black puma/jaguar in the rainforests ... I was inundated with media articles, emails and pictures of this animal which peaked my interest

I'd suggest that the fascination was because, like for me, maybe the dark "anima" was unmanifest, needed to be made conscious, so this form resonated.
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Re: Dreams narrated, dreams explored

Post28 Mar 2009

Could I just ask we temper our language here?

Instead of pronouncing, "The Christian communion is a sublimation" (who knows on what grounds), could we just say it a little bit softer as in, "The Christian communion 'could' be a sublimation" etc?

I am sorry but it does not come across as convincing written as it is. Who really knows!?!



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Re: Dreams narrated, dreams explored

Post28 Mar 2009

It was a definite statement on the part of Jesus to replace the Jewish animal sacrifice - "this is the new Covenant". Check your bible.

I also refer you to that famous documentary "The Raiders of the Lost Ark"
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Re: Dreams narrated, dreams explored

Post28 Mar 2009

OK, I have a dream question, from Joel (first Dreamer on the forum ... in the 'private' one we used to have), Paul (always hones in with a twist), or Terry, or anyone. OK, here it is, and everyone has them, including me. What does that dream mean, where you feel as though you are falling, or just landed?



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Re: Dreams narrated, dreams explored

Post28 Mar 2009

tete wrote:What does that dream mean, where you feel as though you are falling or just landed?

Without other context ... it means coming back to earth, back to reality (you were probably going through a phase before where you weren't grounded, or your mind was going over many things and now something has been settled or decided).
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Re: Dreams narrated, dreams explored

Post28 Mar 2009

Are you familiar with the native's tradition of keeping water close by for those that have such dreams?



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Re: Dreams narrated, dreams explored

Post28 Mar 2009

Always good to have water handy on long flights.
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Re: Dreams narrated, dreams explored

Post28 Mar 2009

I actually had a dream of my eldest child and true to form she looked exactly as the dream.


Good use of the Life line card for the water answer.

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