Israeli academic historian exposes national myth

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Israeli academic historian exposes national myth

Post03 Dec 2008

Israeli Bestseller Breaks National Taboo: Idea of a Jewish People Invented, Says Historian by Jonathan Cook

If I read the article correctly, this Israeli historian tells us that the mythology central to establishing the Jewish state, the diaspora, that the Jewish people had been, like, exiled by the Romans ... something like that ... only arose in recent history and doesn't have any foundation. I remember my Father talking about the historical quandary of the different colored Jews. Judaism was a proselytizing religion, grew by conversion according to historical records according to this bearded academic Schlomo Sand.

When I visited Israel a few years ago, I saw people intensely alive, passionate, opinionated, intelligent, capable. My impression was it is a nation of geniuses. And yet the non-geniuses were as proud and self-promoting as the geniuses, maybe even moreso! Something of the culture teaches and demands a level of assertiveness that characterizes society.

What really wakes me up, he talks about universities in Israel having separate departments for History and Jewish History. Separate, because the Jewish experience was deemed to be unique, unlike any other!

So I wake up after my Amrit Vela meditation and picture these guys in their separate department, their alternative stories of history to become the official history. While actual historical scholarship has left them behind, their stories remain as the official story.

Professor Sand waited till he got his tenure before publishing his best-selling work.
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power of mythtory

Post04 Dec 2008

joel wrote:So I wake up after my Amrit Vela meditation and picture these guys in their separate department, their alternative stories of history to become the official history. While actual historical scholarship has left them behind, their stories remain as the official story.

Interesting but not surprising ... nor is the probability that 'the truth' will make no effect whatsoever on the faithful, their 'official' history departments and the various Hollywood industries and media that create mass consciousness for the politician and imperialist to manipulate. Will they recall Charlton Heston's Ten Commandments? Why would one when there was still money to be made selling it ... just like all those copies of Adi Dev.

What struck me recently was watching one of a BKWSU produced Television show of a young, attractive, sincere ... and no doubt virginal ... surrendered Brahma Kumaris sitting being "interviewed" by another Sister dressed up as a "lokik" (worldly non-BK), asking her leading questions.

This is where I part with all those that wax about "purity", the power of remembrance, 'god-consciousness' clearing karma and all ... the young woman was sitting, in all earnestness and clear conscience relating "truthfully" what we know now to be a complete fabrication. "Truth", like "history", being given an entirely new meaning ... mythtory.

The 'power of mythtory' is inarguable, especially when hypnotically repeated by rocking rabbis or crowing Kumaris.

At other times I think myself into the position of the Seniors propagating what they know to be a patchwork of lies, half-truths and fallacies and ask myself what they think ... do they lie in their beds at night and think, "well, that is not exactly true but it worked to get us where we are"; a bit of land for ourselves and a nice bit of property.

    ... Madhuban being the Brahma Kumaris very own false Zion.
As an aside, USA Today published a recent survey that stated, although 75% of Americans call themselves Christians, 60% of Americans can’t name five of the Ten Commandments and 50% of high school Seniors think Sodom and Gomorrah were married. If you were a parasitical mastermind set on enslaving 100,000s and accumulating their wealth, tell me ... would you bother telling the truth or just go for the real estate and fringe benefits?

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