The Nine Muses

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The Nine Muses

Post22 Oct 2008

Funnily, I was looking at the cheesy movie Xanadu, where there are the 9 muses, a sisterhood of goddesses : The Muses.

Any PBK or BK wish to comment ?
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Re: The Nine Muses

Post22 Oct 2008

Probably the wrong Forum to ask ... haven't they all headed over to

Lekhraj Kirpalani did not anything about Greek mythology, so they don't figure in his religion.
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Re: The Nine Muses

Post23 Oct 2008

In 'historical' or older teachings provided by the ascended master realms, there are nine spiritual stages of human ascension / spiritual evolution each one of them bringing in particular archetypes of inner work which needs to be done in order to attain the next level. Each level or stage also carries its own god/goddess energies or beings and it is these that will carry one through to immortality. The Nine Muses referred to may possibly be in alignment with the unmerged awareness we all carry within of this process to achieve 'Xanadu' but are actually Gods/Goddesses. Are you aMUSEd (A Muse d) by this?


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Re: The Nine Muses

Post23 Oct 2008

Are you aMUSEd (A Muse d) by this

Yes, quite thanks. Especially since it seems words like music and museum come from the word muse.

The other day I so happened to come across a choir (I think they were from Hungary) singing chorus hymns but I could hear the words as the voices were very high. I am not how close they were to being Christian hymns or not, but the choir group sang very beautifully and almost "angelically" at very high pitches and bars. It made a change. Somehow the images of the muses come up with this music.
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Re: The Nine Muses

Post23 Oct 2008

I must say that one of the "Saving Graces" (oh, for the pun of it ...) of my main BK experience was that it happened in the 80s when music and fashion was mostly certainly at its "Fag End" of the Dark Age (... no disrespect meant to paul). The BKWSU might have been bad in retrospect but at least it saved me from big hair, power shoulders and other unmentionables such as marbled denim jeans.

Of the Balkan women's choir, I remember when they hit the world music scene and they are quite remarkable, if we are thinking about the same tradition. I cant explain what they do technically. It appears to create harmonic effects and I think they are now connected to the Orthodox Church of Christianity. I suspect it is an older and more universal tradition though. I found one video clip that sounds almost like chanting 'Om'. Not surprisingly, "open-throat" singing, as it is called, also happens in the Indian sub-continent.

Do you means, these kind of singers? I think the original group/record to make the scene were 'Le Mystere des voix Bulgares' and Bulgarian but its seems a more widely practised style. Quite remarkable. It fluffs up and attunes the aura nicely, which is probably why it is thought of as sacred. For the sake of a quicken the page loading, there is another link, here or below.

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Re: The Nine Muses

Post24 Oct 2008

Oh, go 'muse' on this a while: "FAG" = Fabulously Androgynously Godly. This thread has completely turned into a "I will survive " process. Over and out for now ... :|.

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