Teenager faces prosecution for calling Scientology a "cult"

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Teenager faces prosecution for calling Scientology a "cult"

Post05 Jun 2008

Teenager faces prosecution for calling Scientology 'cult'

A teenager is facing prosecution for using the word "cult" to describe the Church of Scientology. The unnamed 15-year-old was served the summons by City of London police when he took part in a peaceful demonstration opposite the London headquarters of the controversial religion.

Officers confiscated a placard with the word "cult" on it from the youth, who is under 18, and a case file has been sent to the Crown Prosecution Service.

A date has not yet been set for him to appear in court; Teenager faces prosecution for calling Scientology 'cult'
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Re: Teenager faces prosecution for calling Scientology a "cult"

Post27 Aug 2008

Just a short follow up to the post above where Jannisder reported that the police had arrested a teenager for calling Scientology a "cult". No charges were made. Britain's official Prosecuting Service decided that, "that it is not abusive or insulting and there is no offensiveness (as opposed to criticism), neither in the idea expressed nor in the mode of expression".

So, its safe to say that "the Brahma Kumaris are a cult" if you believe so.
No charges over Scientology demo

Legal action has been dropped against a 15-year-old who faced prosecution for branding Scientology a "cult". The teenager held up a sign which read, "Scientology is not a religion, it is a dangerous cult", in May outside its headquarters in the City of London.

City of London Police said it had received complaints and warned the teenager to get rid of the sign as it breached the Public Order Act.
Human rights campaigners vowed to take action against the police. Lawyers for the human rights group Liberty represented the teenager in his legal battle.

James Welch from the organisation said: "The police may have ended their inquiries into this tawdry incident but rest assured that Liberty's inquiry will continue. "Democracy is all about clashing ideas and the police should protect peaceful protest, not stifle it."

The teenager's mother said the move was "a victory for free speech". She said: "We're all incredibly proud of him. "We advised him to take the placard down when we realised what was happening but he said 'No, it's my opinion and I have a right to express it'."

A Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) spokesman said: "In consultation with the City of London Police, we were asked whether the sign was abusive or insulting.

"Our advice is that it is not abusive or insulting and there is no offensiveness (as opposed to criticism), neither in the idea expressed nor in the mode of expression."

A spokeswoman for the City of London Police said: "The CPS review of the case includes advice on what action or behaviour at a demonstration might be considered to be 'threatening, abusive or insulting'. "The force's policing of future demonstrations will reflect this advice."
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Re: Teenager faces prosecution for calling Scientology a "cult"

Post27 Aug 2008

I believe the Brahma Kumaris are a cult.
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occult and "cult"

Post27 Aug 2008

Me too ;) , and with a lot of "occult" stuff in it! Concealing and revising their own history and making everything revolve around mediumship. What do you call that, any appropriate euphemism?

I do not deny that we loved it for months or years and many people still do!!
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Re: Teenager faces prosecution for calling Scientology a "cult"

Post28 Aug 2008

Brahma Kumaris is a cult, indeed!


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Re: Teenager faces prosecution for calling Scientology a "cult"

Post29 Aug 2008

Brahma Kumaris is a very dangerous doomsday cult. Deliberately, and sneaky infiltrating in governments to keep up a good face!
They break up relationships, lead people to commit suicide en take money from the poor instead of giving it.
They brainwash, use thought reform techniques on followers to leave friends family and everything else in the world an do the dirty work for them.

Their Baba said
" first your family, than your friends become your enemies".

Well...., you as a newborn BK.....is going to act a bid weird, are you not?....No wonder loved one's are getting worried and ask you things witch you obviously can not answer.

The above quote is just to make you believe that we.....your loved ones are wrong.....but for real....we are not.

So throw me in jail for openly accusing the BKWSU as a very dangerous doomsday cult and you have a world shacking story!!


Re: Teenager faces prosecution for calling Scientology a "cult"

Post30 Aug 2008

That 15 year old teenager has done a very good action. Because of that prosecution attempt, Scientology cult was again discussed worldwide. We should make such an action against BKs. The whole world should discuss about BKs, and the peoples should aware of these cults.
So throw me in jail for openly accusing the BKWSU as a very dangerous doomsday cult

In such a case, I will follow you sure.


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Re: Teenager faces prosecution for calling Scientology a "cult"

Post30 Aug 2008

Well let's do it!!
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Re: Teenager faces prosecution for calling Scientology a "cult"

Post30 Aug 2008

Send us your pictures! I would like to see how the BK react to demonstrators outside their public events.

The BKs are used to it though. It has been going on since the 1930s and never stopped. They just expect it to burn out and be forgotten about ... and then it is back to business as usual.


Re: Teenager faces prosecution for calling Scientology a "cult"

Post30 Aug 2008

Send us your pictures! I would like to see how the BK react to demonstrators outside their public events.

:D "lokik" world is also important to me :D.
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Re: Teenager faces prosecution for calling Scientology a "cult"

Post30 Aug 2008

There was a report from one event in London where local politicians were invited where members of the audience were frisked for hidden cameras, I was told. I wonder ... In the past, the BKWSU has managed to get away with it all because it was never recorded, never published internationally and forgotten soon. Life moved on, broken families gave up ... they carried on pretty much the same.

Now it is harder and sites like this offer good mirrors for them to look into. Stuff like the historical revision - which they made great, concerted efforts to hide and covered up - and now seen by anyone. I think there is an edge of covert hostility within the BK world that goes against the "Om Shanti" PR, that the PBKs in India handing out leaflets discovered was very real.

But mostly they waste people's time with runaround until they give up. "The kings are in their counting-house, counting out their money; The queens are in their parlors, eating bread and honey ..." goes the children song. It must have been inspired by the Confluence Age, BKs would have to agree.

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