Baby throwing in India

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john morgan


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Baby throwing in India

Post11 May 2008

Not sure if this is fun - you decide; Baby throwing in India
[youtube=vBKKChbUJKo&feature=related]Babies thrown from tower for good luck[/youtube]
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Post12 May 2008

John Morgan, this is disgusting.

Are you O.K.? For us from the Western culture this is not a joke. These babies can have brain damage and get crushed if they are thrown one meter left or right. How can you not discern that this is sick?

I am kindly asking Admin to remove this post.


john morgan


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Post12 May 2008

Hi Tom,

It is happening now, want to do something about it or is to have it deleted from this forum enough?

Kindest regards,

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Oops ... the health and safety police have gotten to this to

Post12 May 2008

Oops ... the health and safety police have gotten to this topic before I did!

Honestly, do we really not trust the intelligence of our readers to make their own minds whether throwing a baby 50 feet is a good idea to try at home or not!?! I am not sure about deleting but may be move it to a topic called, "Crazy things sects do that makes the Brahma Kumaris look reasonable, liberal and evolved" and send in a couple of tough ShivShakti matajis to sort the Mullahs out? Maybe some Dad just got sick of it crying all the time and thought that if they did so, then maybe they would have some boggyman to shut it up with. "Its back up the tower for you, son!"

I am reminded of a Jewish moral tale. A Father places a small child on the large mantelpiece of his fireplace and says to the child, "If you trust me, jump into my arms!". The child cries, "No, no, please don't!". The Father says, "I am your Father, can you not trust me of all people?". The child cries again asking him not to. Eventually, the child does put sense aside and jumps, only for the Father to take a step back and let the child fall painfully to the floor. The Father says, "Let that be a lesson to you in life ... never trust anyone's word alone!"

If, as Maimonides argued, the circumcision of Jewish male infants by the Rabbis was a cause and reliable indicator of their Jewish identity because it was painful and suppressed a source of temptation (enhancing capacities for spirituality by reducing the incentive to sin), perhaps an opposite exists here where by casting the infant to a sure death, only for it to be saved from harm by the elder males, is a similarly primitive technique of imbuing the children with an absolute sense of trust in their community? Writing as the pseudo social scientist, I would want to see 3 generations worth of data before I jumped to any conclusions. Or jumped myself off the tower.

It the West, we have a better way. We mollycoddle them until they are 16 with all sort of rights and protection ... and then give them access unlimited to guns, alcohol and heavy motor vehicles.
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Post12 May 2008

A tasteless and rude practical joke of John to put this video in this thread.


john morgan


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Post12 May 2008

Sorry Tom,

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Post12 May 2008

How did this get here!?! I thought it was in some other topic? "No sects please, we're Brahmins!" ... or did I already tell that joke?

I am still wondering if kids have a natural reaction to just relax and go with it like if you put infants in water and they start to float/swim, hence they are quite safe. As a kid I used to love jumping from high place that would scare the crap out of me now ... and look where it got me.
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Post12 May 2008

ex-l wrote:I am still wondering if kids have a natural reaction to just relax and go with it like if you put infants in water and they start to float/swim, hence they are quite safe.

Remind me not to leave an infant in your care, that is a myth, they don't swim! That is why they tell you NOT TO LEAVE INFANTS/CHILDREN UNATTENDED while in water/bathing etc!

Wow ... "Brahmins"? :o



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Post12 May 2008

ex-l wrote:As a kid I used to love jumping from high places

You never met me, girl. I was the Marvel child in flesh. You may name me Spiderman, :lol:.

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Post12 May 2008

tete wrote:that is a myth, they don't swim!

You are wrong. I am right. They can and do. Honestly, I check and note my references before posting.

This one is inspiring. Some Americans left their kid fully clothed in the water for 5 minutes or more crying to prove their point. Probably pushed him in too;

There is a big difference between an infant trapped in a small bath and one dropped, or otherwise, into open water.


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Re: Baby throwing in India

Post13 May 2008

Be serious, are Brahmin's throwing babies?? Or do i get it all wrong again??
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Re: Baby throwing in India

Post13 May 2008

No. Some Indian villagers. The TV news networks ran it as a questionable anti-Muslim "funny". But it is "OK" because it is an "ancient" practise and we know that everything ancient must therefore be good. Indians at the shrine of Solapur in Maharastra have been dropping babies from the holy site's 50 foot ledge for 500 years with the intent of blessing their free-falling newborns with luck and strength. Actually both Hindus and Muslims have indulged their superstitions with this practice in many places, proving the Indian obsession with pushing their children through the most stressful and traumatic childhoods is a trait that transcends creed.

Elsewhere, they just let them play with Cobra (probably for the sake of God's blessings, tourists and a few rupees) or cut them up with kitchen knives for Allah. There are Catholic Churches in Spain that throw a living goat out of the church tower. If the goat survives, they drown it.

Come back Britney and Michael, all is forgiven ... life is not much fun when you cant speak out for yourself. The worst the BKs do is leave or break their families ... or make you go on humiliating "exhibition service".
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Re: Baby throwing in India

Post13 May 2008

No, dear Jannister, BKs don't make Babies, how can they drop them.

Only very few Babies from the new BKs are around in Yugya. And they take good care of them. Because they will have no second generation. No, this awful ritual has nothing to do with the BKs. BKs have other rituals which seem to be very harmless and innocent but have long lasting harmful effects on each and every BK's subconscious mind just like this ritual on the video effects the subconscious mind of the babies who are dropped by their parents.

I once had a good friend, who passed away years ago. A strong and intellectual middle aged man, a respected author coming from a third world country. In the small city he grew up there were only one storied low brick houses with flat roofs where on the hot summer nights the families were sitting and sleeping because in the houses it was too hot. He once told me that since his childhood his sleep was frequently disturbed seeing the same nightmare that he was falling from the top of a high building and he was waking up in blood and sweat.

When he married, his wife learned from her Father in law one secret which was never spoken in the family, that as my friend was few months old, his mother had once dropped him - her most beloved baby - by accident from her arms when she was staying at the edge of the roof and joking with the neighbors on the next roof. Baby had no injuries as he fell on grass and seemed to be fine afterwards. Don't ask how the mother felt. But my friend could never get rid of these nightmares until the end of his life.

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Re: Baby throwing in India

Post13 May 2008

I also read a recent article (written by a contact of mine who is a medical hypnotist) who has realised through the years of her practice that when she is counselling/working with women who are in an abusive relationship that these women all have experienced their fathers disloyalty to the mother all whilst still in the womb - (and the truth about their parents relationship only came to light during the later years of their life, so it was not discussed or known whilst the patient under discussion was still a small child ...).

Its horrendous to think exactly what a 'conscious' child/baby could still be carrying around with it ... Maybe one of the reasons many members looked to Gyan in the first place perhaps?


Re: Baby throwing in India

Post13 May 2008

A lot of people claims their culture is superior by talking or pointing to a bad thing about other cultures. Superiority and image is more important in modern society. A poor country like India does not even need a Youtube for proof. India is notorious for this type of odd thing.

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