The (post-BK) spiritual journey continues

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The (post-BK) spiritual journey continues

Post07 May 2008

More than eight months ago, I promised ex-l that I'd keep you all updated on my (post-BK) Christian/Franciscan spiritual journey. So, better late than never, here's some of the key recent or upcoming events ...

1. I was confirmed as a member of the Anglican communion on the evening of 25 Nov 2007. As part of his intro to the service, the bishop talked very graphically about the ups and downs of our (especially spiritual) journey through life. Part of the service uses the words: "xxx, God has called you by name".

2. Early on the morning of 26 Nov 2007 my Dad (= lokik Father) died. In the aftermath, I came to see this as a handover from one Father to another ...

3. Earlier this year, our younger son was diagnosed as having chronic fatigue syndrome and had to drop out of college, then my younger (and only) Brother had a mild heart attack.

4. Meanwhile, I've been continuing the Christian/Franciscan journey. Today, I'll be officially appointed as one of the two churchwardens at our local parish church. The appointment is on a rolling one-year basis up to a maximum of six (which would be longer than I've ever lived/worked anywhere).

5. Next week, I'll start giving a short series of evening sessions taken from the first module of the Emmaus Growth/Christian Lifestyle course. (In my view, a bit more open/liberal than the better-known Alpha course).

6. All being well, in early June, just after my 47th birthday, I'll become a novice with the Third Order of the Society of St Francis during a service at Hilfield Friary in Dorset. This is the start of a minimum two-year novicing period which precedes becoming professed with a life-long commitment to the Third Order.

All my best wishes to you. Any and all questions/comments are welcome,


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Re: The (post-BK) spiritual journey continues ...

Post07 May 2008

Good luck on your journey pilatus.

May your family situations provide you with strength, and you also give them strength too.

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