Make 2007/2008 changes and call off celibacy vow!

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Make 2007/2008 changes and call off celibacy vow!

Post24 Aug 2007

Priests call for end to celibacy

As in this article ... When BKs are allowed to get married and have a sexual relationship, and are a master of the power of discrimination, they would know the difference between lust and real love. When BKs can show how love is suppose to be between earthly companions more people would be interested in The Knowledge. It would be easier to study together then alone!! Detach from the world around witch, for you can not change it and attach to your loved ones because they will be there and love you unconditionally till the end!!

Love as in the perfect love! and you know what, it really exist ...! It is not hell, it is not dirty or a sin. It is just a perfect togetherness!!! Without any jealousy, or belonging to ... it is a togetherness in the eyes of God, both doing service (telling how great our love in earthly togetherness is in Gyan) and give a warm home for anyone ... We as man and woman can give that to any who are lost, hurt or whatever ...

A warm home is needed and they are more than welcome. Try to get them over all the hurt and send them on there way, strong as ever before. For me that is world peace. A welcome to the hurt ... and let them fly off when they are strong!! Woah, do you know how that feels???!!! Thank God I do!!! (just for some (human) souls who are reading this because I told them about this site) This is for you all !!!

I am the most happy person in the world right now because you now have learned where to find your happiness. I love you always. Thanks for all your letters, and trust!! Happiness is in the heart. look for it and it shall show up!! REALLY!!

So BKWSU only one word should be enough. STOP!!!!
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Post24 Aug 2007


there should be some form of understanding here in terms of celibacy. BKWSU should not say that sex is a sin or bad, nor they should say sex is OK. I won't dare donate money to my center-in-charge, if she's gonna use it to buy a condom for her lover.

If center-in-charges (e.g. husband and wife) wants to have sex, they can do so at their own expense, meaning they should have their lokik job like us, and not accept donations from members.

Same goes with donating money to the priests.


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Post24 Aug 2007

BKWSU should not say that sex is a sin or bad, nor they should say sex is OK.

Then what is it??? Breaking up spiritual relationships!!!
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Post24 Aug 2007

jannisder wrote:then what is it??? Breaking up spiritual relationships!!!

IMHO, a couple who became BKs can continue their sexual activity and still live as husband and wife without being told that sex is dirty by the BKWSU.

A Kumar or Kumari who works for their own living and not dependent on members donations can marry and have sex.

Those who are center niwasis and live by the donations of members can dedicate their lives for the world for good (that is remain celibate if that's how they want to run their life) or they can get married, get their OWN JOB and have normal life (i.e. can have sexual relations with their partner) without being banned by BKWSU.


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Post24 Aug 2007

So, i can fall in love with a BK and make him believe that we are the couple to be ... then it is OK???
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Post24 Aug 2007

jannisder wrote:so I can fall in love with a BK and make him believe that we are the couple to be ... than it is OK???

Yes, that is perfectly OK, in my opinion. And if he is decided to marry you, then you are entitled to a couple's sexual relation/union. It is his decision, and BKs shouldn't influence that decision based on of their own self-interests.
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Post25 Aug 2007

jannisder wrote:then it is OK???

OK from whose perspective? From the BKWSU's, you are Maya incarnate. Their answer is, "no, leave our little BKs alone!". You should be chased away from the center (Read the recent class from Dadi Janki). A better question to ask is how likely is it to succeed?

How are things getting on? Answer off forum if you wish.

Tinyd makes a valid point point that folks that accept a mealticket off the organization should not have or take anything for themselves from it.


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Post25 Aug 2007

Well ... got me all ******* up again. Read my threat, "i get in or pull him out and i am just the devil to him ..." But now it is OK??? What a waste of time believing that i was just dirt!!! Maya, doorway to hell and whatever ...

Well, he just left ... mad ... movie stuff. He wants to see the fairytale things. Real life things are to much for his mind. Remembrance of life, how it is??? Yes! It hurts some times, but living it again you can deal with it and get rid of the hurt.

Be a great soul with some guts!! That is what i thought, instead he ignored and left! What a baby!!! What a BK ... detach and it all will be fine ... bull****!!! :evil: So what i can tell is ... Well, my dear, you don't want to deal with reality but that is what i am.

Do not deal with me then ...
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Post25 Aug 2007


what ex-l tried to say is from the BK point of view. But if you have your own self-respect and faith of what you believe in is right, there is no need for self-pity.

And who says you should deal with him with his kind of attitude? Does he want to have a sexual relationship with you? You can try making yourself loveable and attractive to him and work on having a sexual relationship, that is your choice and the risk is you will be opposing the BKs and making your life miserable. Before you get totally damaged by his sick mind, you need to take care of your own self. If you want reality, an option is to drop him and find someone else.
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it takes 2 to tango

Post25 Aug 2007

Tinydot, you are right. However, we all know how difficult it is to "find someone else" when we got our love fixed - even though for no good reason! - with somebody. As BKs we would explain that with "karmic accounts" we have with a particular soul and there would be a list of possible solutions on how to "clear" that karma.

What lokiks do quite often, and it seems to work for some souls, is actively pursuing other partners, digging out some old ones, going out a lot, getting over busy with a multitude of activities to fill the gap and forget about the person that presently is causing us unhappiness, or at least to help break the spell and pattern we are under.

An option is observing what's going on and letting him play his part until we feel fed up and disgusted enough to walk away easily because at that point we will have fallen out of love. You know it's a matter of time, like a wise Sister told me not long ago, "it takes 2 to tango" and our resources are not unlimited. Dancing together is something, and it's fun, lifting up lifeless bodies or unwilling people, is just tiring. Maybe we can discuss further on the male/female relationship topic!.
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Post26 Aug 2007

In my opinion, it is not as easy to cancel the celibacy vow as to make an official statement, because it is not a policy propagated by the BKs in charge. Even if they make such call they will have to delete the Murlis massively, but still many will continue to remember. As if it is many times easier to change the statement or edit history rather then change your mind.
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Post26 Aug 2007

Change? There is no question that they should not do that. Humans always seem to want more. They want sex and status not sex or spiritual status. Enough is never enough.
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Post26 Aug 2007

ex-l wrote:Change? There is no question that they should not do that. Humans always seem to want more. They want sex and status not sex or spiritual status. Enough is never enough.

I never knew you were so insatiable :lol:.
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Re: Make 2007/2008 changes and call off celibacy vow!

Post03 Sep 2007

jannisder wrote:Love as in the perfect love! and you know what, it really exist ...!

Dear sweet jannisder, perfect love exist in this world only as imperfect love. And it's the same stuff of the birds and the bees not Lakshmi and Narayan.

In regards to the BKWSU's point of view, there is absolutely nothing in existence more evil, dirty and corrupting then sex ... except maybe me ... or ex-l (no offence ex-l).
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abrahma kumar

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Make 2007/2008 changes and call off celibacy vow!

Post03 Sep 2007

bro neo wrote:In regards to the BKWSU's point of view, there is absolutely nothing in existence more evil, dirty and corrupting then sex ... except maybe me ... or ex-l (no offence ex-l).

Left, Right, Left, Right Attention!

Recruit AbeK reporting for duty sirs.

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