The parties' creed

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The parties' creed

Post07 Aug 2007

The battle of the chariots continued and 40 years had passed, they were all dead!. However, their followers formed their respective creed, as a sign of Bhakti towards them. One day, an Interfaith program was held and a representative of each religion cited his/her religious creed. Catholic, Moslems, etc. cited their creed but the audience was bored of hearing the same prayers over and over again. Meanwhile, come the four groups ...

BKs Creed (in soul-consciousness):

I believe in God, the Father and Mother, and the Almighty Authority, the Creator of new world on earth,
and in Lekhraj Kirpalani, His true Medium, our Angel Brahma. Lekhraj Kirpalani was possessed by the Power of Shiva,
reborn by the Supreme and renamed as Brahma. He was resisted by the Anti Om Mandli party,
repulsed by the community, died in pain, and was cremated.

He immediately ascended into Subtle Region and sits there sending good vibrations. Whence he has been coming together with the Father Shiva to relate the Vani before Dharamraj judges the living and the wondering spirits.

I believe in the former Medium Gulzar of BapDada, and the currently trained Medium from New York, the BKWSO, the Yoga of the souls, the Karma of sins, the 5100 years cycle (as ammended in 2047), degradation of the of the impure body, and soul eternal.

Om Shanti.

<audience clapped loud>

PBKs Creed (in advanced soul-consciousness):

I believe in God, the Father and Mother, and the Almighty Authority, the Creator of new world on earth,
and in Virendra Dev Dixit, His true Second Medium, our Lord Rama.

Virendra Dev Dixit was possessed by the Power of Shiva, reborn by the Supreme and renamed as Shankar.
He was a former BK and was resisted by the Brahma Kumaris, sued by the community, died in pain, and was cremated.

Shiv-Shankar wondered around for few seconds and came back and possessed one of his loyal followers since the Father cannot go back to Paramdham without the Children. Whence He has been clarifying the
the clarified Advanced Knowledge before Dharamraj judges the living and the wondering spirits.

I believe in the current Medium of ShivShankar, the Shankar Party, the Advanced Yoga of the souls, the Advanced Knowledge of the Karma of sins, the meaning of 5000 years cycle, the degradation of the impure body, and soul eternal.

Om Shanti

<louder clap by the audience>

Vishnu Party Creed:

I believe in God, the Father Almighty, the Creator and Discoverer of the New World on earth,
and in His Indian bodily costume, named Patel, our Father.

Patel recognized that He is Shiva, a logical tautology, critized by the PBKs, and questioned heavily by the ex-BKs. He died in pain, and Patel body was cremated.

Shiva was immediately reborn into a new baby body. Whence He has been physically growing after being appointed as Shiva by the Vishnu Party. He is now relating the New Knowledge of the New World after being coached by the Vishnu Party, before Dharamraj judges the living and the wondering spirits including those who perform miracles.

I believe in Shiva-Patel's current body, the Vishnu Party, the Yoga of the souls, the Karma of sins, the 2,242,560,000 years cycle, the degradation of the celestial degrees of the body, and soul eternal.

Param Shanti

<boooooo by the Mehta's party>

Mehta's Party creed:

I don't believe in God, He is not my Father!!! (embarrased)

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