The Mathematics of Gyan

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new world

F(t) = F(t + IT)

Post21 May 2007

F (t) = F(t + IT),

'F' is any function (phenomena/event) dependent on time,
't' is time (in years),
'I' is any integer ( ... -3, -2, -1,0, 1, 2, 3 ... etc.),
'T' is universal time constant (value of which is equal to 5000 years).

Here this equation shows that any event in the world drama repeats itself after every 5000 of years. Thus this equation is oscillatory in nature, where time is independent veriable & all events in the world drama are dependent veriables.

* According to Brahma Kumaris & verious cults related to them value of 'T' is 5000 years. But Vishnu Party of Ahmedabad do not believe in 'world drama of 5000 years'. According to them value of 'T' is millions & billions of years. I request to them to tell me about the 'exact value' of 'T' that is, after how many years (in millions & billions) this eternal world drama repeates?
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Post21 May 2007

I have no problem if a member of the Vishnu Party wishes to come back and talk intelligently ... but are you a member of the Vishsnu Party?

We had incidents of them using two membership and asking each other questions before.

It would be nice if you were to say hello and introduce yourself. I am afraid mathematics is not my subject and so I will not be able to follow this topic. Thanks.

new world

Mathematics of world drama

Post21 May 2007

Dear ex-el,

I an neither a member of Vishnu Party nor there opponent. I simply asked my query. I wish to know that according to them what's the exact value of time period of the eternal world drama (in millions & billions of years)?

Thanks for reply
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Post21 May 2007

You could try personal messaging them (sakshi dehli) and see if they answer ... or else email their own website. I think they have left here. Were you ever in their group?

It all seems a little theoretical to me, what point do you wish to make?

new world

How can I convince you ex-el???

Post21 May 2007

Dear ex-el,

This was my first article posted in the forum of And you shocked me by unexpected reply to that article. How can I convince you that I an not a member of Vishnu Party? I simply ... just simply wish to know about there view about the exact value of time period of the world drama. Here I am not playing politics. Even I don't know the pholosophy of Vishnu Party. But I am curious about them. I've tired practising BK/PBK cults. I am in search of true Godly knowledge. Hope, Vishnu Party may be the perfect solution.

Thanks again for reply
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Re: F(t) = F(t + IT)

Post21 May 2007

new_world wrote:Here this equation shows that any event in the world drama repeats itself after every 5000 of years. Thus this equation is oscillatory in nature, where time is independent variable & all events in the world drama are dependent variables.

I say that function/phenomena is time. I don't consider time to be independant of events. eg how long does it take to have a dump? I guess many variables enter into the equation, but basically as long as it takes to get the job done. The Cycle is similar. How long does The Cycle take to spin? Depends who is spinning The Cycle, and that my friend is dependant on your diet. Whatever is ingested must be digested and assimilated or ejected, the combination of creativity and waste is visible in the expansion of the broad drama.

Just as there are millions and billions of souls think how confusing things would be if all those souls were wondering around the universe here and there, small children cannot control their bowels just think of the asolute mess all those young souls out there would make, besides, many would get so lost and frightened in that big universe out there. So one soul and some other friendly parties create a space where everyone can have a good time. And the little kids do not even have to clean up after themselves, the big kids do it. Then when the little kids are put to bed the big kids have a wicked party. Sounds like a plan to me. Got any better ideas?

new world

Actually time is not indepeneent

Post21 May 2007

Yes ... yes! You are absolute correct. Actually, time is not an independent veriable. But to derive mathematical formula of cyclic repetition of the Eternal World Drama, time is considered as independent variable.

Actually, mathematics depends on assumptions more than reality. So here 'independent nature of time' is only an assumption & not a real fact.

In mathematics, the variable shown by X-axis is assumed to be an independent variable & the variable shown by Y-axis as dependent variable. But in actul practice nothing is independent. So the models derived through mathematics can never ... never represent the actual reality.
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Mr Green


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Post22 May 2007

It is obvious to anyone with the slightest intellect that you are a man of great vision and intellect.

Thank you for sharing your cryptic insights.
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Re: Actually time is not indepeneent

Post22 May 2007

new_world wrote:So the models derived through mathematics can never ... never represent the actual reality.

Which is why the spaceship never landed on the moon and Jumbo jets fly round and round in circles when they try to go from London to New Delhi ...
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Re: Actually time is not indepeneent

Post23 May 2007

new_world wrote:So the models derived through mathematics can never ... never represent the actual reality.

In my opinion, good mathematical models with defined boundaries can represent an actual window of reality. Models can be very accurate depending on how much information you put into it. However, some real things, like love, lust, cannot be represented by a good model so far.

Reality is absolute and independent of any observer. Mathematical models (whether using exact or probablistic equations) are approximations of reality. Models can represent reality to some degree.

A solid object is real whether it's made up of 99% empty space with bunch of forces!

Now let's speak about truth. What's the TRUTH about matter and time? Or perhaps, I should rephrase the question, "What's your religious belief about matter and time?".

Bottomline: Truth = Religious belief = subjective
Reality = Absolute (there's no deeper than the deepest sea)

So what are real? Me, you, sex, crime, drug, Maya, honesty, love, etc.

new world

Trignometric interpretation of the eternal world drama

Post23 May 2007

Nothing in the universe is infinite or tends to infinity in any condition. Infinity is only the intellectual creation of the mathemathians & not a reality. I claim that every mathematical equation includes at least one veriable which tends to infinity (without upper & lower limits) under particular conditions.

In geometry, the maximum & minimum measurements of angle are 360 & 0 degrees respectively. But in every trignometric equation we have to consider 'angle' as a variable having no upper & lower limits. Without doing this we cannot derive any trognometric equathon. Thus we have to consider angles having measurements greater than 360 degree & smaller than 0 degrees, such as 540 or -36 degree. Angles of 540 & -36 degrees are equivalent to 180 & -36 degrees respectively. Thus measurements of angle are oscillatory & their value oscillates between 0 & 360 degree. Thus 'angle' is an oscillatory variable. And all trignometric equations include angles as a variable (which is oscillatory). So that equations are oscillatory.

Even time is also not infinite. Every time period must be of finite time interval (having upper & lower limits). But in any equation, which includes time as a variable, we have to consider time as a variable having no upper & lower limits - having infinite time interval. Without doing this, we cannot derive any time-dependent equation. Though time is considered as infinite in time-dependent equations, it is a variable of finite range like the variable 'angle'. And time must have to be considered as oscillatory like angle.

So time being oscillatory, any equation, which includer time as a variable, must be oscillatory. As every event in the world drama depends on time, any equation which describes that event also depends on time. And as time is oscillatory, that time-dependent equation, which describes that event, must be oscillatory. Thus the whole world drama is oscillatory or cyclic, as it is related to the variable 'time' which is oscillatory or cyclic.

new world


Post24 May 2007

Here again I wish to repeat the statement that in every mathematical equation there is at least one variable which has tendency towards infinity or minus infinity under certain conditions. But everything in this world is finite. Any variable which describes any change in this world must take finite values in all conditions & it will never tend to infinity or minus infinity.

So the 'real equation' which describes changes in the real world 'cannot be a 'mathematical equation', as 'mathematical equathon' cannot be derived without the concept of 'infinity' & the 'real equation' cannot accept the term 'infinity'.

So we have to go beyond mathematics to know the real nature of the universe.

new world

Can we observe the whole time cycle?

Post24 May 2007

Here I've tried to formulate the equation of cyclic world drama. Now consider an event 'A' which is now taking place before your eyes, That is, now you are the witness of that event. As the drama is cycle, 'A' was occured before 5,000 years again before your eyes & you were the witness of that event 'A' at that time. Suppose you are a student of history. Then can you find any historical clue or residue of that event which occured before 5,000 years? Please reply
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Re: Can we observe the whole time cycle?

Post24 May 2007

new_world wrote:Then can you find any historical clue or residue of that event which occured before 5,000 years? Please reply

None at all. Not to my knowledge. There may be a civilization that were destroyed but we don't know the details of it. I can only witness an event that happen in my lifetime.
new_world wrote:As the drama is cycle, 'A' was occured before 5,000 years again before your eyes & you were the witness of that event 'A' at that time.

???? I cannot say the drama is a cycle (deterministic). It is more of probablistic.

Now, if you take some drugs, perhaps you can experience the so called "witnessing" a certain event, because your reflex system is altered.

new world

Statistical interpretation of cyclic nature of time

Post10 Jul 2007

Probability is a branch of statistics. Here's the summary of probabilistic interpretation of cyclic nature of time.

suppose that an event 'E' occures 3 times within 15 chances. Then the probability of occurance of 'E' may be calculated as,

3\15 = 0.2 ... (i.e. 20%)

Now suppose that at present we are passing through the point of time 't' (for example suppose 7:30pm of 10th July 2007 WRT Indian Standard Time). It's generally believed that every point of time is unique. And no other point of time can take place of & cannot have exactly the same dimensions like that of 't'. Thus due to the uniqueness of 't', it's generally believed that during the course of passage of time, 't' comes only once, i.e. 7:30pm of 10th July 2007 will never come again in future & also it was never repeated in the past.

Now can we calculate probability of occurance of 't' within the course of passage of time? We can regress infinitely in the past & time will progress infinitely in the future. And this infinite range of time interval is made of infinite number of points of time.

THUS WITHIN INFINITE COURSE OF TIME, WHICH COMPRISES OF INFINITE POINTS OF TIME, IS IT POSSIBLE THAT THE POSSIBILITY OF OCCURANCE OF 't' MAY BE ONLY ONCE ... ? In other words, is it possible that within infinite number of chances (i.e. within infinite number of points of time), the possibility of occurrence of 't' is only once? Then let's calculate probability of occurrence of 't' within infinite chances (infinite time range). One divided by infinity is equal to zero. Thus mathematically it's clear that the probability of occurrence of 't' only once within infinite chances is zero, i. e. 0%. Thus being 0% probability, the possibility of occurrence of 't' ONLY ONCE in infinite range of time interval is never possible. Like the same way, we can easily show that probability of occurrence of 't' twice, thrice or any finite number of times (in infinite range of time) is also not possible.

Thus we come to the conclusion that the possibility of occurrence of 7:30 of 10 July 2007 any finite number of times, is not possible. So eventually, logically, we have to accept that time 7:30 of 10th July 2007 comes infinitely in the history of eternal world drama. As every point of time is unique, the time 7:30 of 10th July 2007 will repeat infinitely with all and all its uniqueness. Thus any event occurring at 7:30 of 10th July 2007 will repeat infinitely with its all dimensions & characteristics. Thus the probabilistic interpretation also goes in favour of cyclic nature of time.

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