Happiest Nations on Earth

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Happiest Nations on Earth

Post14 May 2007

Psychologist Produces The First-ever 'World Map Of Happiness'

178 Nations were ranked according the average level of happiness their people are experiencing. Although, the methods used might be biased, we can see some rough performance of each nation. You can judge for yourself.

Quite surprising results:

    1st Denmark
    2nd Switzerland

    23rd USA
    41st UK
    82nd China
    90th Japan
    125th India
    167th Russia
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Post08 Jun 2007

Finally there will be one nation, i.e. I N D I A :D.
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Post08 Jun 2007

mitra wrote:Finally there will be one nation, i.e. I N D I A :D.

Bharat not India.
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abrahma kumar

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Post10 Jun 2007

mitra wrote:Finally there will be one nation, i.e. I N D I A :D.

Are you being deliberately provocative mitra? If so I think it is in bad taste. We hear that references to Bharat in the BKWSU Murli may actually NOT be a place name but actually the name of an individual. Any comment on this?
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Post11 Jun 2007

abrahma Kumar wrote:Are you being deliberately provocative mitra? If so I think it is in bad taste. We hear that references to Bharat in the BKWSU Murli may actually NOT be a place name but actually the name of an individual. Any comment on this?

8) I am not provocative. I am a peaceful soul, the son of the Ocean of Peace.

Bharat or India, whatever may be, will be the region where the deities will rule the world in Golden Age. It is a wide area covering Iraq, Iran, Afganisthan, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Burma, Bangladesh, some parts of Malaysia, southern parts of former USSR.

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Post11 Jun 2007

mitra wrote:Bharat or India whatever may be will be the region where the deities will rule the world in Golden Age. It is a wide area covering Iraq, Iran, Afganisthan, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Burma, Bangladesh , some parts of Malaysia, southern parts of former USSR.

Well, this is news to me! You are including the Middle East and perhaps Far East too in your posting. Have you any Murli point proof of this please? I would be very much interested to read it as I have always been under the 'taught impression' that Bharat was soley meant too be India and mostly only parts of it too ...

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abrahma kumar

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Post11 Jun 2007

paulkershaw wrote:I have always been under the 'taught impression' that Bharat was soley meant too be India and mostly only parts of it too ...

Nah! for I guess mitra has taken-up the Murli point that: At that time it will be Bharat all over the world.
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Post13 Jun 2007

:lol: This is NOT Murli point. This was heard at some class. But i assure you that the Golden Age does not include the present India alone. It covers a lot of land. Presently Afganisthan, Iran, Iraq are all having desert climate. All this will change when the axis of the earth tilts and the climate becomes spring throughout the year :roll:. OH! I am longing to go to heaven as SOON as POSSIBLE :D.

Has anybody in this forum seen the "STAR WARS" film series? It clearly depicts the form of palaces and planes which you will find in the Golden Age. Actually you will get a divine vision of Golden Age through those movies 8).

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Post13 Jun 2007

abrahma Kumar wrote:Nah! for I guess mitra has taken-up the Murli point that: At that time it will be Bharat all over the world.

Thank G-D that my vision for the world is all-encompasssing and not only part of it. Therefore I have learnt something new about myself today! Ta ... xxxx
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abrahma kumar

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Post13 Jun 2007

mitra wrote:...Has anybody in this forum seen the "STAR WARS" film series? It clearly depicts the form of palaces and planes which you will find in the Golden Age. Actually you will get a divine vision of Golden Age through those movies 8).

And I thought that we were not supposed to watch movies or read any books :lol:.
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Post13 Jun 2007

mitra wrote::lol: This is NOT Murli point. This was heard at some class. But I assure you that the Golden Age does not include the present India alone. It covers a lot of land. Presently Afganisthan, Iran, Iraq ... the "STAR WARS" film series? It clearly depicts the form of palaces and planes which you will find in the Golden Age. Actually you will get a divine vision of Golden Age through those movies 8).

That does contradict the Murlis and the early teaching aid posters. Baba goes as far as a pre-partition "India" in the Sakars, then "India plus islands where BK Raja Yoga centers were" in the Avyakts. I have never heard Iran and Iraq and see of no reason why they would be included ... they are rather Islamic countries.

Ditto Star Wars Golden Age ... as much as I look forward to half-naked Princess Leias rather than overweight, overdressed Lakshmis ... this is stuff that Western BKs have introduced to the BK world in distaste at the formal and child-like Hindu Bhakti version of the Golden Age that is exhibited in all the spiritual museums in India and old publications.

Which version is true? They cannot both be? If one is not, then why are the BKWSU promoting untruth? Name the teacher, please.

I know ... I am sorry ... I am too tough on you and it is not your fault. I do not expect an answer, I just wanted to document where this way of thinking came from. I remember it well but I do not think it is official "Gyan", just wishful thinking.
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Post14 Jun 2007

ex-l wrote: I have never heard Iran and Iraq and see of no reason why they would be included ... they are rather Islamic countries. Ditto Star Wars Golden Age ... as much as I look forward to half-naked Princess Leias rather than overweight, overdressed Lakshmis

8) Iran and Iraq are islamic countries NOW-at the present time. They need not be in the future. I did not mean the human figures-i meant the palaces and aeroplanes which even a child can operate.

:o Frankly speaking i NEVER felt like that. Thank you for your response.

IBHS :wink:
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Post14 Jun 2007

abrahma Kumar wrote:And I thought that we were not supposed to watch movies or read any books :lol:.

Except its OK to watch on the plane trip into India of course ... :P
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Synthetic Happiness is Real!

Post18 Sep 2007

Dan Gilbert talks about a rather objective way of viewing happiness.

Synthetic happiness is real!

IMO, it is logical how devotees receive happiness by the brain's natural processes (or you may consider it your mind's processes if you are thinking non-materially) described in the video. The essence is you can be happy no matter what happens. So it is quite bad how this natural process of attaining happiness has been used against us by those people running cult groups.

Now why is it that India has been the 125th nation in rank in terms of happiness as determined by statistics?

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