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Re: Books, movies and websites

PostPosted: 16 Feb 2009
by jann

There are thousands of cults in America. This is the story of one.

Award winning filmmaker, Ondi Timoner, follows four families as they leave an abusive church in South Carolina and realize they have been in a cult. The film documents them as they enter Wellspring, the only accredited, live-in cult treatment facility in the world, where they learn the true extent of the brainwashing they have all experienced. Eventually they return home to bring the Pastor and his wife to justice, and to try to begin to rebuild their damaged lives.

JOIN US presents an intimate look at the inner workings of a cult from both the members and the cult leaders points of view. It is an emotional human portrait that explores the reasons why America is the number one breeding ground for cults in the world, and a chilling reminder that it can happen to anyone.

Re: Books, movies and websites

PostPosted: 21 Feb 2009
by frisbee

"Prayers for Bobby" is probably one of the most harrowing things you will ever see. Sigourney Weaver delivers an awesome tour-de-force performance as a devout bigoted mother who unwittingly drives her 20-year old gay son to suicide, then undergoes a very long journey towards redemption. It's mostly the mother's story but the entire family's anguish is unflinchingly portrayed. It's horrible to realize that they are all simply the victims of their church and faith which turns its back on them because after all it has nothing to offer them. Based on real-life events it's a made-for-TV film that premiered in the US last month.

The Psychology of spiritual movements

PostPosted: 03 Mar 2009
by joel
Interesting article by Michael Rogge, a prolific author about many things spiritual.

Re: Books, movies and websites

PostPosted: 03 Mar 2009
by Terry
That site looks very interesting Joel, have marked it. Thanks. here's one for those who love poetry - from Rig Veda to Rumi to Rilke.

The Enlightened Heart - ed. Stephen Mitchell published by Harper Collins
As his title suggests and his foreword explicitly states, Stephen Mitchell's anthology includes no poetry of longing for union with The Father, The Mother, The Other. It is, instead, the poetry of enlightenment attained -- as much by the apprehending heart as by the comprehending head. In 169 pages, it reprints forty-eight poets spanning twenty-eight centuries ...

Leela wrote:Terry - I love Rumi and Rilke and spiritual poetry in general. And since Stephen Mitchell is the husband of my almost favorite enlightened lady - Byron Katie - well, as they say where I come from - cannot not have it. Thanks for the reference.

Re: Books, movies and websites

PostPosted: 07 Mar 2009
by Terry
joel wrote: I am throwing open its electronic gates to all: the faithful, the questioning, family, friends, etc. Feel free to drop by. It's an open its question whether another forum is necessary ... only time will tell. I'll give it a one-month (renewable) lease on life.

Hey Joel, interesting development - more demands on time now to keep up with everything. Will try to keep up with it and post maybe. Good luck.

Re: Books, movies and websites

PostPosted: 18 Mar 2009
by paulkershaw
Finally, something now out just for the existing members of the BKWSU. A band new book, now available at your nearest site:It's called:
Lose Weight! Get Laid! Find God! (Author: Benrik Ltd)

I kid you not. ;)
Lose-weight-get-laid-find-god.jpg (14.25 KiB) Viewed 31703 times

Re: Books, movies and websites

PostPosted: 18 Mar 2009
by rayoflight
Oh my God, that is so funny ;)

Re: Books, movies and websites

PostPosted: 18 Mar 2009
by ex-l
Dare I point out that Benrick's other book is "A Book for People Who Want to Become Stinking Rich but Aren't Quite Sure How". With 900,000 BKs worldwide, these guys should really be tapping into the Brahma-kumari market, like Mike George, Miriam Subirana and all the rest. Oh, but they have already work out one or two ways ...

Re: Books, movies and websites

PostPosted: 19 Mar 2009
by desi_exbk
Randy Pausch's last lecture.

Inspiring. See; His Website.

Re: Books, movies and websites

PostPosted: 12 Jun 2009
by ex-l
Book :

Wilfred Bion was a British psychoanalyst and pioneer in group dynamics, associated with the 'Tavistock group'. "Experiences in Groups" was an important guide for the group psychotherapy and encounter group movements beginning in the 1960s and became a seminal work for the application of group theory in a wide variety of fields. Bion's training included analysis with Melanie Klein. He was a leading member in the Kleinian school but eventually made a radical departures from both Kleinian and Freudian theory. Bion was born in Mathura, North-Western Provinces, India.

Re: Books, movies and websites

PostPosted: 22 Sep 2009
by jann
Bliss is a By-Product from The End of Your World by Adyashanti.

Most of what we are told about awakening sounds like a sales pitch for enlightenment. In a sales pitch, we are told only the most positive aspects; we may even be told things that are not actually true

Re: Books, movies and websites

PostPosted: 12 Dec 2009
by jann

Re: Books, movies and websites

PostPosted: 14 Dec 2009
by ex-l

Killing the Buddha is a religion magazine for people made anxious by churches, people embarrassed to be caught in the “spirituality” section of a bookstore, people both hostile and drawn to talk of God. It is for people who somehow want to be religious, who want to know what it means to know the divine, but for good reasons are not and do not.

If the religious have come to own religious discourse it is because they alone have had places where religious language could be spoken and understood. Now there is a forum for the supposedly non-religious to think and talk about what religion is, is not and might be. Killing the Buddha is it.

Re: Books, movies and websites

PostPosted: 28 Feb 2010
by tete
This is the single most powerful and informative movie about society's treatment of animals. Directed by Shaun Monson, narrated by Joaquin Phoenix. *VERY GRAPHIC* Director's Featurette.

Re: Books, movies and websites

PostPosted: 28 Feb 2010
by jann
We are THE most worst animals on the planet, we even kill or own species.