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Spirit of care retreats

PostPosted: 17 Nov 2011
by shanti
At last BKs are admitting that caring for each other has been somewhat lacking. They are now holding retreats to help BKs find healing through listening, story telling and dialogue based on inclusiveness and belonging - all 'feel good' bandaids. Lemmings following each other over a cliff called 'detachment' and realizing that its flawed are now trying to scramble their way back up.

Re: Spirit of care retreats

PostPosted: 17 Nov 2011
by starchild
Will they be able to air their questions and doubts I wonder. ?

Re: Spirit of care retreats

PostPosted: 19 Nov 2011
by bkti-pit
This is a Western BK thing, I presume. Indian BKs do not usually relate much to that type of things. They seem to be uncomfortable with it. I guess it has to do with cultural backgrounds.

In my opinion the BK leadership does not really get it either, or if they get any they don't care.( When I say leadership I am not talking Charlie, Ken or the likes. I am talking Madhuban leadership, New York Mohini, etc.) They allow Western BKs to do their things to some extent however. They probably know that it helps diffuse pressure. So, yes, they let them air it out, but beyond that nothing ever happens. It is always back to the same old BK system.

A few years ago there was a global reform project pushed by well meaning Western BKs like Judy Rodgers, Gayatri Naraine and Ken O'Donnell, through which BK members were bringing up issues they had with the "system", suggesting reforms and pushing for it. (It is documented on this forum. You can find it if you do a search with "Official BKWSU internal reform efforts". I am sorry, I do not know how to create a link to it.)

Nirwair and others in India did not like it and the consultation/conversation was never implemented there. Nirwair was reported to have said that India did not need it. When asked about it Dadi Janki said it was alright to do that but that it was useless and that what was needed was more soul consciousness!

Four years later nothing of value to address the needs of BKs have come out from that.

Re: Spirit of care retreats

PostPosted: 19 Nov 2011
by shanti
Thanks for the info bkti-pit. I had a look at the global reform project - as you point out after the talk is over its back to business as usual. It must take a lot of patience to sit through all those meetings - I suppose it fills in time and perhaps in the long run change will come. All that can be hoped for is that individuals have the courage to practice what they believe and not wait around playing follow the leader.
bkti-pit wrote:I guess it has to do with cultural backgrounds.
