All people hear my thoughts

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Vishnu party

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All people hear my thoughts

Post15 Jul 2008

omshanti tom,

I am telling here my story related to mind-control technology that is being misused in maharashtra, India.

If there is anything like Godly deity human beings (adi sanatan devi devata dhrama/kshtriya people) left in India/world and not become extinct then i think any one of them would definitely help me.

My story is true to its facts. i don't have proofs to prove what i will be saying here about situation in India/maharashtra and my life. but, i believe that if someone knows something about it OR Has got some information related to it OR person who himself hear my thoughts and also aware of it consciously should help me to solve this problem.

Case summary: ---


Following is list of WHAT ALL people in India (Indian PRIME MINISTER, Indian FILM STARS, 3 year OLD CHILD etc etc) PEOPLE OF India HEAR,

1) PEOPLE HEAR ALL MY THOUGHTS (conscious, unconscious, seeing what I see, hear what I hear etc etc) IN THEIR SKULL 24x7 in realtime (without any delay).

2) People also many times (not 24x7) hear another voice of VIRENDRA DEV DIXIT (Virendra Dev Dixit), leader of AIVV. Who tells people he is "GOD-FATHER" (note that people cannot hear what Virendra Dev Dixit is thinking). Virendra Dev Dixit gives explanation of my thoughts (you can say BAD COMMENTS on my thoughts. As I told you he gives them slow poison about my good thoughts).

3) Virendra Dev Dixit himself hears my thoughts 24x7 to pass funny comments.

4) People know whether I am near to them. So that they cannot accidently speak secret things amoun themselves that are kept secret to me. I was thus kept isolated from other people from my childhood. People immediately recognise whether I am near to them or far away, whether I am looking at particular person's facial expressions. People tease me for their time pass and false GOD-father Virendra Dev Dixit encourages them in their mind for doing this at the time of teasing.

As I have understanding more secrets the Virendra Dev Dixit makes fun of my thoughts. so that people believe only what he says.

He told the half-truth to people that film star amitabh baachan's don, sholay where made on him. He may be BLACK MAILING US government. Shahrukh khan had many films having name 'Raj'. These people along with the corrupted Indian Bollywood film industry has links to underworld mafia gangs who smuggles these technologies to India. The head of all this EVIL is Virendra Dev Dixit.

My story:-

You may have got email from all places over the world with different cases. But my case is EXCEPTIONAL. All my thoughts, what I see through my eyes, what I hear from my ears are all transferred at “real-time” (without any time delay) to ALL people living in India and that also 24x7. I don’t about the world, but I fear that may be all people of world may be listing to my thoughts. It is now routine to me and all people in India. I don’t hear any voices in my head, nor any signals. ALL people in India can recognize my presence near me therefore they tease me like HELL. They know whether I am near to them.

These mind control agents have made all my relatives, parents corrupt by telling them miss-behaving and teasing with me is only work they have. They think GOD-father is telling them instructions not to speak out to me and keep this secret as secret. My parents also hear my thoughts. I doubt that my Father is also a mind-control agent. It has now become organized; almost all people are united against me including my parents, Sister, relatives etc.. So that I couldn’t know why they hear my thoughts.

ALL people in India also hear voice from a person whose name is Virendra Dev Dixit sometimes in between (note that people cannot hear what Virendra Dev Dixit is thinking). He makes people laugh on my thoughts.

I some how was able to get out of this united conspiracy against me and contact one of my relative and from his help few
other relatives and friends, convinced him and made him somehow speak out, what mind-control agents HEAD (Virendra Dev Dixit) tell them in mind. As I told you earlier I can’t hear any voices in my skull so I don’t know what Virendra Dev Dixit tell them. But after talking to my relative I knew that Virendra Dev Dixit gives them slow poison about me, Gulzar Dadi, etc. He makes people believe that he is GOD-FATHER talking to them. ALL Indians film stars etc are now made TOTALLY corrupt.

I was and I am in touch with The Knowledge given by Brahma Kumaris, Mount Abu, Rajasthan, India. I believe in their thoughts and churned knowledge given by them. I knew about Virendra Dev Dixit’s party (a splinter group from Brahma Kumaris) in 2001. From that time 9/11 happened, and all things changed drastically. I now knew this that ALL people in India at that time (2001) heard my thoughts but people were not sure what was happening/who's thoughts these are.

After churning knowledge I knew the secrets of world. I started understanding my previous births as ‘Chhatrapati Shivaji’, ‘Prithviraj Chauhan’ etc. As these births were being realized to me, they were also heard by ALL people in India due to the mind-reading technology. I till now haven't told what i feel about my parts to anybody except when started to write it on forums. I understood more and more previous births. I also recognized other people who were there with me in previous births are also there with me in this birth also. Due my such thoughts some people hearing these started to tease, some people got confused etc, some people recognised my thoughts.

I, till July 2005 didn’t knew that ALL people in India where listening to my thoughts. My parents also listening to my thoughts started teasing and misbehaving with me. I previous had adopted several non-violent acts to tell them that they should not tease me. On that time i.e. on December 26 2004, Tsunami earthquake happened (I now know that earthquake was also happened due to technology and was not natural). People teasing me understood that even nature quaked due there excessive teasing to me. In July 2005, i.e next year people drew crazy, people stared running out of there houses and everywhere there was chaos.

People started to shout at me when I was near to an extent, till my attention was drawn to them, so that i know that people are watching my thoughts. everywhere on television channels etc. pleaded for forgiving what all had done to me. On July 26 2005 other people who were against my thoughts, came down actually for killing me. The scene was like a 100% hell in Pune city. But I wasn’t afraid a bit. At the time they where about to kill me, huge rain and floods broke out in Gujarat, and Bombay (Mumbai) and Pune, the rainfall broke all records of the world in a single day. Hundreds and thousands of people lost their lives.. The rain continued to lashed for 15 days. For more info on this day floods visit Mumbai flood.

I was not heart a bit. But i still want to know who these people were, I doubts that Godfather of underworld (Virendra Dev Dixit) had told them. At that time a film on him called 'sarkar' was released. with its logo as 'when democracy fails power arises' or something like that. People started understanding that teasing him in such a way will cause further destructions. Till that time I was thinking that all people teased me as some camera was fitted in my room or wherever I go and people India see it in entire day, whenever they had time.

I thought Brahma Kumaris where convincing them that they should not harass me. I thought that my good friends and teachers had recognized my good thoughts and joined Brahma Kumaris. It was only until 2006 I recognized that people actually hear my thoughts. Confused with all this happening I decided to meet Virendra Dev Dixit. We finally meet on day when US president George BUSH (politician for Virendra Dev Dixit) meet man Mohan Singh (politician for Myself) for nuclear deal. (This gives me hint that may be all people of world may be listening to my thoughts) from this day.

I think he took control and mixed with the agents to give voice to skull to all people in India, telling himself as highest authority in India’s tumbling democracy and population due to previous year’s subsequent natural disasters. I started knowing from people that ALL people in India listened to my thoughts from childhood secretly. People also told me that I was highest of highest of these mind-control agents before Virendra Dev Dixit corrupted them now. Now Entire population of India right from 3 year old child to illiterate rural person hears my thoughts and knows whose thoughts they are. I had asked some PBKs of maharashtra including my grandmother. they too told that now this mind-control technology is now controlled by Virendra Dev Dixit.

I want take over all this mind-control work by NSA and give the same but more severe punishment to them, especially to Virendra Dev Dixit, which they are doing with me. Can this be done?

Raj (Hindi name for secret)
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Re: How I Healed the Psychological Injuries

Post16 Jul 2008

Dear Raj,

Your disorder seems not to be healed but worsened, your crazy stuff above is rubbish and OFF TOPIC.

I wish you a good therapist and healing. :D
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Re: All people hear my thoughts

Post16 Jul 2008

Hello tom,

are you Admin? How could you post a separate topic on forum without my consensus. I had replied to you. If you think my reply was off topic and not related to mind-control technology. You would have told me.

You have also deleted my posted reply to your topic "How I Healed the Psychological Injuries ". And also posted a topic with a heading that "all people hear my thoughts". I think Admin should look into this matter. can i ask Admin can anybody delete other posted reply and post a separate topic on reply? If yes I too will start posting such things as separate topic with the member's consensus.

If you think my topic is off topic or rubbish. then you surely contact all mind-control victims/persons who fight for human rights. I have emailed many of them. I did not got such reply from anybody. One of which is recognised expert and lawyer too. There was a girl from China on mind-control blog with similar kind of problem. Just refer to any mind-control blog and will find even more (not less than 1000 )(rubbish topics according to you).

I want you to delete this new post. If I wanted to write about my topic to all then don't you think I can do it. I thought you know something about that subject which is related to mind-control and scientology that's why I posted to you.

I want from Admin to make the post as it was earlier.

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Re: All people hear my thoughts

Post16 Jul 2008

No, user Tom is not a Admin, your post was removed from the abuse and recovery because it was off topic.

Raj, with all respect, you are suffering from a mental illness encouraged and made worse by your involvement in the BKWSU and PBKs.

Please seek medical advice. We can only offer very limited support on this forum.

These symptoms are very common and treatable. Many people experience them worldwide.

Thank you.
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Re: All people hear my thoughts

Post16 Jul 2008

Admin wrote:Raj, with all respect, you are suffering from a mental illness encouraged and made worse by your involvement in the BKWSU and PBKs. Please seek medical advice. We can only offer very limited support on this forum.

I also wish him good physical and mental health. Such cases do exist both among BKs and PBKs. They view them as cases of persons possessed by other souls. Sometimes such cases culminate with that person dying an untimely death.

Ever since my becoming a PBK I have been hearing of some PBK souls getting possessed by other spirits. But I feel they need medical help besides good wishes of all concerned.
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Re: All people hear my thoughts

Post16 Jul 2008

arjun wrote:Ever since my becoming a PBK I have been hearing of some PBK souls getting possessed by other spirits. But I feel they need medical help besides good wishes of all concerned.

That is very responsible of you, arjun.

I would agree that the majority cases, these are medical and that BK, PBK involvement has just fueled religious mania or conspiracy complexes. We have documented similar cases arising in the BKWSU as well. But how does India cope with mental health issues?

I also came across these guys on my research; Spiritual Research Foundation and flagged up their work on spiritual possession. Any cast iron skeptics ought to take a look at the videos on their website. I am not sure of the greater context or validity and personally I think individuals need checked out both spiritualistically and medically.

What a can of worms the BKWSU has opened ... victims like this littering their trail banned from centers or whatever.
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Re: All people hear my thoughts

Post16 Jul 2008


can you say this to any person at any mind-control blog or forum, that mind-reading is happening due to spirits and not because of mind-control technology.

I can list down more than 1,000 website related to it. I have contacted more Indian, relatives, friends etc who know about it and they too know it that this is happening due to technlogy developed in America. Do you want to say that all more than 5,000 people affected by this mind-control technology is due to spirits (alokik) and not (lokik) mind-reading technology?

But remember the Targeted Individual community is larger than PBKs. And also strong. I have talked to person from India from North who I am contacting. I am going to apply for "Right to Information Act 2005" soon.

If you want I will contact all individuals I know. Just try to hide this technology by telling them that it is done by God/evil spirits etc and there is no such technology. These people will immediately recognise that you are one of them.

For your kind information, I have talked to a mata from PBK. She told that with the help of remote satellite mind-reading technology. Late Pramod Mahajan's estate, his password was known. She also told me that Mama (Kamala Dixit) has purposely gone into such things to know more adda of these mind-control agents (Place from where these devices are smuggled in India). She also told at that time mind-control agents had already extracted thoughts from Gulzar Dadi and know which children the BapDada emerges and talks to them. She also told that Both Mama (kamala dixit) and Baba (Virendra Dev Dixit) are going to give it in writing that they are not Mama, Baba. As they too know that person prajapita who ShivaBaba refers to is not Virendra Dev Dixit.

If you have guts to tell that all persons affected in world are due to spirits and not due to remote mind-control technology, then please go to some mind-control blog and post this so that too will know why this is happening to them. Your divide and rule policy won't work there at all.
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Re: All people hear my thoughts

Post16 Jul 2008

raj wrote:I you have guts to tell that all person's affected in world is due to spirits and not due to remote mind-control technology, then please go to some mind-control blog and post this so that too will know why this is happening to them

I did not say that this is my view. I just said that some cases of BKs/PBKs being affected by mental illnesses were/are treated as cases of persons possessed by spirits.
With warm wishes,
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Re: All people hear my thoughts

Post17 Jul 2008

ex-l wrote:I would agree that the majority cases, these are medical and that BK, PBK involvement has just fueled religious mania or conspiracy complexes. We have documented similar cases arising in the BKWSU as well. But how does India cope with mental health issues?

The problem of persons getting possessed by evil souls is indeed a big problem in India and not just in BKWSU or AIVV. And this has led to many tantriks looting gullible people in the name of liberating them from the influence of evil souls. This problem is particularly worse in villages and backward areas. With the increase of number of TV news channels we often get to hear about some or the other tantrik getting caught while cheating innocent people. But there are also TV reports about many religious places where the service of liberating people from the influence of evil souls takes place officially. They include both Hindu and Muslim places of worship and visited by people of all religions.

I think it is even mentioned in the Murlis that if someone (read BK/PBK) is possessed by such evil souls they can be taken to such places for treatment.


Re: All people hear my thoughts

Post17 Jul 2008

AUM Shanti.
tom wrote: Your disorder seems not to be healed but worsened, your crazy stuff above is rubbish and OFF TOPIC.

There are many useless posts in this Forum which are not considered OFF TOPIC. But in this post Raj has put his experience. This may seem ridiculous. But still they are his experiences. It may be due to any reason, but he is not lying. Many over here admit that there are such experiences to many others. And raj has not posted in BK or PBK or Commonroom Groups.

He has posted this topic in "All & Everything" Group. And the explanation about this group is "for discussing science, relationships, religion or non-BK spirituality". I think the topic he has raised comes under science and spirituality. And it should be allowed to discuss. Truth about his experiences should be unfolded. It will help many others having similiar experiences. And also it will unfold the possibility of use of science by so called spiritual persons to establish their false empire. I remember reading a detective book decades back where a pseudo Yogi would be using scientific devices to soothe people's mind.
Admin wrote: No, user Tom is not a Admin, your post was removed from the abuse and recovery because it was off topic.

I request Admin not to remove this post labelling it as off topic.
raj wrote: I some how was able to get out of this united conspiracy against me and contact one of my relative and from his help few other relatives and friends, convinced him and made him somehow speak out, what mind-control agents HEAD (Veerendra Dev Dixit) tell them in mind.

I was staying in BKWSU centre in the year 1992. I myself when went to Kampil in January 1993 had vey nice spiritual experience. And my mental state was such that the enviornment of lust, and thought of lust, used to make me sorrowful. It used to hurt me. It is said in Murli that Kama (lust) gives sorrow in the beginning in the middle and also in the end. Normally people like lust (sex) because they enjoy it at least in the beginning and middle. But it used to hurt me.

And when I came back from Kampil I was just enjoying the higher state of consiousness. Few months afterwards I had a dream in which I was forced physically to have sex. And later on for many months I had dreams which hurt and depressed me mentally.

There is contradiction between experiences of many people. When I had gone for the first time to Kampil in January 1993 I really had nice spiritual experience. It made me to believe Virendra Dev Dixit But another person who was from my town had very bad experience and even packed his baggage and was leaving Kampil (as I was typing this the screen started to move up and down i.e., scrolling up and down and I cannot figure out the reason) in the night. I had gone out of Kampil and on that night I was returning from bus stop to home of Virendra Dev Dixit in Kampil and saw this young man going with his baggage. I requested him and brought him back. After coming back to our native (again screen was scrolling) when I went to meet that person he started telling me strange things.( He is the same person who for the first time actually told me about PBK's and about Virendra Dev Dixit).

He started telling me that ShivBaba is in prison. ShivBaba is helpless and so on. I was totally suprised to hear all that. How can ShivBaba be prisoned or how can ShivBaba be helpless? He used to tell that neighbouring people were doing black magic and he really had become weak mentally then. I, too, have felt vicious energy from few PBKs. One PBK (who was known to me even while we were in BKs) had come from Kampil and came to meet me at my home probably in 1993/94. I could actually feel Virendra Dev Dixit in him. He stayed at my home for couple of days. But my mother told me not to believe him. I do not know how she came to that conclusion (again screen is scrolling).
tom wrote: Raj, with all respect, you are suffering from a mental illness encouraged and made worse by your involvement in the BKWSU and PBKs.

I appreciate your concern for Raj's health. Even if we consider Raj being ill still there is difference between illness that happens and illness that is infused or induced. If it is an induced illness then the conspirators should be unmasked.
arjun wrote: Such cases do exist both among BKs and PBKs. They view them as cases of persons possessed by other souls.

I would like to give an example of what arjun is saying about. I was present in Kampil when this incident happened. I think it was in the year 1995 or 1996. I was in Kampil and a party had come from Andhra Pradesh (a state of India). In that a youth started to behave awkwardly. He started shouting. He was tied. Still he was shouting a name " N. T. Ramarao". Actually it is name of late Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh. He was first an actor and was very popular espescially for his roles of Ram, Krishna and other heroes of Puranas and epics of India. It was this popularity which helped him in politics and he had become Chief Minister of A.P.

When that youth was shouting the name "N. T. Ramarao" V.Dixit explained that he was referring to "anti-Ram". But the person for whom the youth was referring as anti-Ram, I do not know. Actually I did not bother about all that because I do not like to poke my nose in such things unnecessarily. I slept that night as usual. But next morning I came to know that the youth died ( I do not know how, because I was in deep sleep) and that he was cremated in the night itself.

But in India people have belief that by taking persons possessed by other souls to places where true Yogis reside then they get cured. My mother herself has told me about such an incident. Evil souls cannot enter the sacred places. Now coming to Raj's case. I think he is not possessed by any soul. It may be possible that he is influended by evil power or some evil technology.
ex-l wrote: But how does India cope with mental health issues?

In India the Prime Minister Manmohan singh himself had accused the opposition that they are performing some rituals to kill him. Even six months back chief minister of Karnataka B. S. Yeddiyurappa had accused the ex Prime Minister of India and his sons of using black magic and he had stated that if he dies then the ex-P.M. and his sons should be considered responsible for it. It is well known that some very influential politicians of India firmly believe in rituals and black magic. And they even use it to weaken their opposition party. I think it is not only Indian politicians, but even many other important politicians of the world believe and use black magic.

Black magic is used in many families of India. Even slow poisoning is practiced (i.e., homicides) in many Indian families. And it is increasing day by day. I myself have experienced slow poisoning and black magic. My parents pressurised me and took me to a psychiatrist. He took E.E.G. of my brain. But did not find any fault. My parents pressurise me to take psychiatric medicines. But medicines will not help unless the real cause is eliminated. Unless you stop slow poisoning by food or using black magic upon anyone, only medicines will not help. Pure food and healthy mental environment automatically cures such illness. Actually people become mad by the ill effects of such things. Only those souls who are spiritually powerful can bear and still analyze such things. I think that now science has understood the technology of black magic and have developed devices for doing such things.
ex-l wrote: What a can of worms the BKWSU has opened ... victims like this littering their trail banned from centers or whatever.

The statement given above is in bad taste. If the person himself / herself had such terrible experiences then he / she would have been more sympathetic.
raj wrote: ... they too know it that this is happening due to technology developed in America.

I have read in internet that Russians had developed technology with which they can draw information from anyone's brain and can even download it to storage devices of computers.
raj wrote: For your kind information, I have talked to a mata from PBK. ... She also told that Both Mama (kamala dixit) and Baba (Veerendra Dev Dixit) are going to give it in writing that they are not Mama, Baba. as they too know that person Prajapita who ShivaBaba refers to is not Veerendra Dev Dixit.

Now that is a very important and serious matter. It needs to be confirmed. I had a dream in march/april 2006 where I saw Virendra Dev Dixit surrendering to someone. I used to have thoughts related to GodFatherly knowledge. I think it is before 1997 when I had been to Kampil I wanted to ask about this to Virendra Dev Dixit ( I believed him as ShivBaba and used to say Baba then). I wanted to ask him whether it is possible to give knowledge through sankalp i.e., thoughts. It is said in Murli that ShivBaba does not teach or give direction through prerana i.e., mental thoughts.

So on one day when Virendra Dev Dixit was explaining Murli in the morning class I decided to ask about it. But instead of asking it verbally, I thought it would be better if I ask this question mentally by thoughts. And so when Virendra Dev Dixit as usual was giving drishti before morning class I asked my question mentally by thoughts i.e., Whether it is possible to teach GodFatherly knowledge by mental thoughts. And in the Murli class Virendra Dev Dixit said that it is possible to give knowledge through sankalp, i.e. thoughts.

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Re: All people hear my thoughts

Post17 Jul 2008

sachkhand wrote:I think it was in the year 1995 or 1996. I was in Kampil and a party had come from Andhra Pradesh ( a state of India). In that a youth started to behave awkwardly. He started shouting. He was tied. Still he was shouting a name " N. T. Ramarao". Actually it is name of late Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh. He was first an actor and was very popular espescially for his roles of Ram, Krishna and other heroes of Puranas and epics of India. It was this popularity which helped him in politics and he had become Chief Minister of A.P. When that youth was shouting the name "N. T. Ramarao" V.Dixit explained that he was referring to "anti Ram". But the person for whom the youth was referring as anti Ram, I do not know. Actually I did not bother about all that because I do not like to poke my nose in such things unnecessarily. I slept that night as usual. But next morning I came to know that the youth died (I do not know how, because I was in deep sleep) and that he was cremated in the night itself.

I was not a witness to that incident and so I can neither confirm nor refute the above incident. But I have heard a third person's account of the incident. He did not mention about the victim shouting the name of N T Rama Rao. But he did mention that the victim was possessed by the evil soul and was behaving awkwardly and shouting. He had to be tied to something but was still shouting. When Baba was informed of his behaviour he came and tried to give him drishti, but the victim refused to take drishti. When he was helped by other Brothers to take drishti he used to calm down as long as Baba used to sit in front of him but he would start creating trouble as soon as he left. But somehow he died that night before his family could be called from his village that is situated more than 1500 KMs from Kampil (by rail route).
But in India people have beleif that by taking persons possessed by other souls to places where true Yogis reside then they get cured. My mother herself has told me about such an incident. Evil souls cannot enter the sacred places.

The problem of evil souls has been faced both by BKWSU and AIVV, but the incidence is more in AIVV. The account of the above incident given to me by a PBK as described above does speak about the evil soul becoming calm when ShivBaba (through Baba Virendra Dev Dixit) gave drishti to the victim.

I have heard of many such incidents in AIVV where Sisters used to be regularly possessed by good and bad souls and used to become calm whenever Baba used to give drishti. But it is difficult for Baba to leave all other works and sit in front of the victims all the time giving drishti.

I have heard directly from the nimit Sisters that many such cases are also referred to authorised/ Government Mental health hospitals. I recently witnessed one such Sister after the class at the local mini-Madhubans. When I inquired about her from the nimit Sister she said that the Sister had been creating trouble for the Yagya since last three years and that she had been receiving treatment from a local hospital. Baba generally does not prefer surrendered Sisters to stay at such hospitals amidst psychiatric patients and therefore they are allowed to live at the mini-Madhubans while receiving treatment from doctors. I was told by the nimit Sister that when a Psychiatrist examined that Sister recently he was surprised how you people managed to keep the patient at the ashram for such a long period. It may also be noted that the Sister does not have anyone in her immediate lokik family to look after her.

I have myself witnessed an old BK mother being possessed by an evil soul at Madhuban right in front of Avyakt BapDada when I was a small child. That mother was shouting something and had to be taken out by two or three Brothers although she was very old and with a weak body frame. That was in early 1980s and the incident happened in front of many double foreigners in the Meditation Hall located beside Baba's hut.



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Re: All people hear my thoughts

Post17 Jul 2008

I have myself witnessed an old BK mother being possessed by an evil soul at Madhuban right in front of Avyakt BapDada when I was a small child.

I have witnessed a BK Brother being possessed in Shantivan during Avyakt BapDada a few years ago. The BK Brother was at the back of the hall shouting and squirming on the floor and almost everyone BK turned around as he was pulled away out of the hall. The surprising thing was BapDada said something (I cannot remember the exact words) but something to the effect of "someone seems very enthusiatic", which drew a few giggles.

As a naive little BK at the time, I was not aware of what was really happening and I never gave a thought of what happened nor did I giggle or frown on it, I was quite detached from it all. I was told by a senior that this sometimes happened because all the karmic account overflowed in the presence of BapDada (just like the myth that people start coughing and sneezing the moment BapDada enters the body ... is this true ... another thread).

As I picked up the Avyakt Murli a few days later, there was no comment on the incident in the Avyakt Murli. I thought it was "normal" and have not thought much about it until this forum mentioned about the possession of spirits and the like. Unfortunately I do not know what happened to the BK Brother.
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Re: All people hear my thoughts

Post17 Jul 2008


You have just mistook this opportunity to put other things here. The help that I want from any person is in FORM OF INFORMATION.

Persons who go away from truth (Virendra Dev Dixit and yourself) are themselves possessed by some evil spirits.

Are you real deceiver? Why have you taken up a subject of person possessed by some spirits and also continuing on it? You may deceive other persons by telling all false things here. But true Adi sanatan devi devata dharma/kshtriya persons would never get deceived.

I don't know English word for "Andha-shradha", but you are encouraging it! Even a child from maharashtra knows that, The things shown on India Tv etc. are not due to spirits but due to the technology which is spread ALL over the world. It is covert surveillance done by USA on entire world. they too used to deceive people by telling them that it due to spirits and not due to science.

here is scanned image from C.S.I (Computer society of India) magazine which i received in 2007 with heading "Our covert surveillance is no more covert".

I have contacted a person from north India, The tube-lights in his house or wherever he goes off-and-on, which synchronise with his thought process. if you had been there you would have encouraged other people that, that person is possessed by a spirit and it is happening due to it.

I have told here things told to me by my grand-mother, friends, relatives about the sublimal voice-to-skull messages that Virendra Dev Dixit is giving (these friend/relatives had never gone to BK/PBK ashram but know it very well). Why are you not commenting on this?

Arjun, think that one day this secret too leaks out (It is already leaked out much). Then what will you do? At that time atleast you will have to accept what sachkhand had written "PBK, Virendra Dev Dixit, arjun are deceivers".

You are trying to hide this technology by giving more emphasis on spirits. sparkal had asked you similar questions that is Virendra Dev Dixit in contact with N.S.A. or F.B.I agents from many years. You denied it. I had talked to sparkal about it. He has told me his real experiences related to it.
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Re: All people hear my thoughts

Post18 Jul 2008

raj wrote:Arjun, think that one day this secret too leaks out (It is already leaked out much). Then what will you do? At that time atleast you will have to accept what sachkhand had written "PBK, Veerendra Dev Dixit, arjun are deceivers".

Thanks for your kind words :D .

As regards the mind control technology that you are mentioning, I am not aware of it. If you think Baba Virendra Dev Dixit is using it to deceive others, you can contact him through his email id and find out or get it investigated by an external agency.

As regards this thread going off topic, if the Admins. feel so, they can separate the concerned posts and create a new topic on the role of good/evil spirits in BKWSU/AIVV.
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Mr Green


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Re: All people hear my thoughts

Post18 Jul 2008

Love is the key, forget theories and just try to be amiable ... this is challenge enough.

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