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Grieving a cult's unveiling

PostPosted: 27 Aug 2007
by ex-l
This was taken from the It all sounds strangely familiar.
If you have read thus far, it is possible that you are totally devastated.

The grief any cult's unveiling causes honest spiritual seekers, is monumental. To find that the path, which took one away from family, friends and loved ones is only a mirage ... To find oneself deceived, betrayed; to have one’s trust broken ... To find the love promised is conditional and those one thought were ‘family’, now turn away with cries of "Judas!" ...

It’s a devastation of self worth, and seemingly a terrible waste of time. But of course it is not. One thing is self evident. All here on the planet are having experience, and the consequence of experience - especially spiritual experience - is wisdom, and freedom from dependency.

Leaving a cult is like experiencing a death of a loved one. There is a grieving process which will take time. Time to process the feelings of confusion, loss, guilt, disillusionment, anger, and lack of trust engendered.

For a little while I felt very angry, to think my long held love of God the Creator had been exploited in this way - 'detoured' as it were, along a pathway that I hadn't consciously asked for; enticing me into giving my power away to a master of deception.

But this feeling didn’t last for long, I was soon able to accept that the whole experience was one I chose, and my grief and anger - also part of the experience. In time the negative feelings were replaced with a sense of freedom, and the joy of returning to the real world.

The gift in all of the above, was a profound realisation that for me the 'age of the guru' is dead. No longer willing to give my trust to outer teachers, I now at last, follow the message all true spiritual masters have given down the long halls of time - by seeking within, the kingdom of heaven.

In conclusion, I can tell you from our own experience, the pain you suffer will heal. There is life after Baba, and as you claim back your own power, you will be enriched, and find the pathway now illuminated, wonderful.

I wish you a fulfilling and self realising journey.


PostPosted: 01 Sep 2007
by proy
ex-l wrote: It all sounds strangely familiar.

Thanks for posting this. I have read a lot of the material on the ex-baba site and I personally watched powerless to help as the lives of three of my friends were destroyed by this cult. I also spent a whole afternoon speaking with one of the administrators. The oddest thing, and this is repeated in many of the testimonies on the site, is that they stayed loyal to Sai Baba. They knew all about the sex abuse, the financial scandals, the possibility of murders, the cover ups. Some were even abused themselves. They saw it as "Baba" testing their faith!

I have heard from a friend who lives in India that the cult has a lot of political clout there, and that the media largely do not dare to print or broadcast stories which show the cult in a bad light.

So, cover-ups, media manipulation, people pulling the wool over their own eyes. Yes. Familiar indeed.

Familiar sounds of The soul has left Baba

PostPosted: 02 Sep 2007
by abrahma kumar
They knew all about the sex abuse, the financial scandals, the possibility of murders, the cover ups. Some were even abused themselves. They saw it as "Baba" testing their faith!

Yes, yes, yes proy. Hit the nail right on the head. Thank you. This "Baba" is testing their faith oblox has made me start to wonder how the mind gets fixed on the preference to protect Baba above all else, even under the circumstances you bring to our attention?

Is it because Baba is THEIR Baba? And not really the G-O-D that mankind so avidly seeks after? Is there a Family that is so well connected WITH Baba that, they know that Baba will fix everything? Or is it that they know that Baba will forgive them for anything? So long as the MotherShip BKWSU is protected. Is this what love for none but One, is all about?

This is going to sound strange tacking it on to this post but earlier on i was thinking about my own personal mess of a life and asked, why is it that i have not yet learned to forgive myself? Perhaps, unlike The Family members, i have not learnt how to forgive myself through feeling Baba's forgiveness.

Love for none but One Baba may require a degree of complicity that i too have to learn, but firstly with myself. Is Forgiveness the key?

proy, care to share why you put Baba in quotes? Thanks


PostPosted: 02 Sep 2007
by proy
abrahma Kumar wrote:proy, care to share why you put Baba in quotes? Thanks

Because there are so many "Babas". This one is Sai Baba. His devotees usually refer to him as "Swami". On this site alone there is confusion about which Baba people are referring to. Is it Shiva Baba, Brahma Baba, or Baba Virendra Dev Dixit? So I am quoting the exBaba people, and they mean Sai Baba.


PostPosted: 02 Sep 2007
by abrahma kumar
proy wrote:Because there are so many "Babas". This one is Sai Baba. His devotees usually refer to him as "Swami". On this site alone there is confusion about which Baba people are referring to. Is it Shiva Baba, Brahma Baba, or Baba Veerendra Dev Dixit? So I am quoting the exBaba people, and they mean Sai Baba.

Thanks proy. I ALWAYS mean Shiv Baba when i use the term Baba.