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Re: How BKs confuse non-BKs, PBKs confuse BKs, & how to recover

PostPosted: 25 Jun 2010
by because.parmeshwar
Come back in 2036 ... I bet both the BKWSU and the AIVV will have changed Destruction date yet again saying, "oh, we meant 100 from Lekhraj Kirpalani's death in 2036" ... or "we meant 100 years after VDDs death". It will just go on and on for as long as a bunch of old Indian ladies, and their male workers, can make money to live out of it.

Those who are making money are few ... but who are working for them are more ... they are giving their lives for no return ... perhaps return is just the feeling that Destruction is going to happen soon ... and they are happy ... they will go back to their sweet home and return with all the peace and happiness ... they and they only will enjoy the deity kingdom established by their sweet Father ...

This feeling will go on and on till they become old ... but still they will be pulled for doing some or the other service otherwise they will lose their status in heaven ... so till death they will serve and leaders will be using them ... yes, they are happy ... as they are serving for the GOD ... the GOD of poor ...

But the poor GOD is not able to tell where he is actually coming ... in BKs ... PBKs ... or some where else who might be planning some other interesting confusions ... WHY NOT GOD HIMSELF TELL WHERE HE IS COMING ... IF IT IS REAL A Godly UNIVERSITY?

Re: How BKs confuse non-BKs, PBKs confuse BKs, & how to recover

PostPosted: 25 Jun 2010
by jann
Well, it is not a Godly university. Not Godly because there is no God, and no university because the just use the name to look interesting (which is against the law). Well, not in India where everybody can call oneself "doctor" also. In Europe, it is bkwso, or an organization or academy. Using University is not allowed.

They make you unhealthy, unhappy, even the happiness is fake. Just read this Murli. "Pretend you are happy!" If you are not happy, you are probably not studying well enough, and no one does because they make it impossible to keep you hooked. That's how cults work. Never good enough, never pure enough, never happy enough and never worthy enough. So good luck wasting your time and energy.

And "god for the poor"? Yes, because some are poor of education. If you do not know how cults work, and have some basic psychology, you are poor of knowledge and a target ... because you are so poor (a dummy).
E - 24-06-2010 (Mateshwari day ).pdf
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Re: How BKs confuse non-BKs, PBKs confuse BKs, & how to recover

PostPosted: 26 Jun 2010
by ex-l
That the god spirit of the BKWSU says he is "The Lord of the Poor" is the most cynical joke since the Popes of Roman called themselves "Innocent" or "Pious". The Pope Innocent or The Pope Pious ... any of them. See here:

If the god spirit of the BKWSU is "The Lord of the Poor" why then does he go to impoverished nations such as the Philippines and target multi-millionaires in luxury hotels, why do the rich, powerful and famous get special attention and the poor get treated like cattle at Madhuban and beaten with lathis? Come on people ... wake up.

The Lord of the Poor is just another name they have stolen from Hinduism (Bholanath) which they used to use for their beloved Lekhraj Kirpalani.

I am horrified by what you write Parmesh. Yes, it is true, innocent individuals are kept as slaves out for the fear of "losing their inheritance". They are not truly free or happy at all.

Re: How BKs confuse non-BKs, PBKs confuse BKs, & how to recover

PostPosted: 26 Jun 2010
by jann
Inheritance ... what inheritance, an imaginary golden palace? Do you think meditating on a dead person will give you anything at all?

Every good becomes bad, desire is a bad word, love is a bad word. Slowly you create an eating disorder for yourself, get disgusted by your own body, your feeling and nature witch is also becomes bad etc. That is just evil!

There are so many people telling others they channel God, or Jesus or Muhammad. But I think if there is a God, he is fooling us to see just how stupid we are. The "poor" are the one's that hit bottom and cannot handle it on their own and so become an easy target, and cults were invented. With an easy form of self-hypnosis you create your God ... which could also easily be an pink elephant to take away your fear of death.

Re: How BKs confuse non-BKs, PBKs confuse BKs, & how to recover

PostPosted: 26 Jun 2010
by because.parmeshwar
BKs confuse BKs too ... the total game is on creating confusions ... the more you can confuse others the more you will be successful in the organisation ... there is no responsibility of words what you say. They will say ... "oh, its all Drama" ... and also they will claim that they are connected with god ... so their words have to be obeyed and regarded. They are the law makers, only the junors' role is to obey ... obey ... "Yes, haji ... OK.", even though he knows it is not right ... if he has to go in the organisation, he has to obey. That is the rule.

Suraj Bhai, the great Brother misguiding thousands and thousands of people ... by his speeches ... and he speaks so confidently. Suraj Bhai ... watch this video and f***k as according to you it was to be all over by 2000.

Re: How BKs confuse non-BKs, PBKs confuse BKs, & how to recover

PostPosted: 26 Jun 2010
by jann
I asked how about destruction? Some BK said:

it will happen. i had a lovely chat with bro xxx re: destruction. he said ALL kinds of destruction shared in the Murlis will happen. you can see how...just look at HOW the world is going. everything is getting topsy turvier....right is wrong, wrong is right. thugs, murderers are in power. the innocent are slaughtered.

meanwhile, we prepare the new world. all we do is stay connected with Baba and send sakash to the world or do whatever we can in His remembrance. my heart is so light ...because i stay connected with BapDada & the angels, even while sending this:). this is my preparation for end pass fully the 1 sec test paper on attachment.

as Baba has pointed out in the Murlis, all the weapons of destruction will be fired. in fact, it has been estimated there are enough nuclear weapons on earth to destroy earth 12 times over (now maybe more) because that was a 1990s estimate. we also know WHY so much energy is needed.

HUGE tsunamis, civil wars -- rivers of blood will run from meaningless killings, starvation, mass deaths including that of BKs will all happen while the BK Advance Party & yadavas [scientists] prepare for a new world. it has been estimated by some BKs that 2 million people will be alive to get the new Golden Age prepared. Baba has said NOTHING about this. All He asks is when we will be ready so that He can clap His Hands.

i saw Golden Age in my meditation experiences. i have experienced Golden Age, met lakshimi & Narayan and been a Golden Aged deity....i have no doubt abt this journey. i have to finish my excuses and carelessness and be ready now:)

Timeline of Disasters and Tragedies of history.

Re: How BKs confuse non-BKs, PBKs confuse BKs, & how to recover

PostPosted: 27 Jun 2010
by because.parmeshwar
The confusion continues even after leaving BKs ... The BK teachings are imprinted on to the mind very firmly and it becomes difficult to get rid of them ... as the experiences and the intoxication state continues giving feeling of superiority over the normal world ... in normal world the individuals get frustration, anger, etc and again they feel the pull towards the BKs ... which is not real, still it pulls them and ultimately the individual find himself in the dilemma.

Life gets stuck, its natural development stops ... When the individual leave the organization it becomes hard to find a place in to the normal world. It requires hard effort, struggle and much much positivity to see the real life ... as by that time the individuals are very much lacking behind than that where they should be…. Bringing more frustration and confusion ... Also the drop outs never gain the respect and sympathy from the society. They have to fight the battle all alone.

The important part of the topic is HOW TO RECOVER?

Re: How BKs confuse non-BKs, PBKs confuse BKs, & how to recover

PostPosted: 28 Jun 2010
by filthy shudra
parmeshar says - How to recover?

It's hard often because we don't fully understand or acknowledge why we got pulled in so deeply in the first place. If we can do that work, recognise what was our own limited thinking of that time, sometimes its wishful thinking, then we can begin to see which patterns of thinking were getting reinforced and which we ignored, that we did not exercise.

You cannot go back and undo past, but you can become humble and recognize that you were like any other person who joins a group based on belief (not all are named as "cults'). We see stories of other religions and cults and wonder why the people are believing that. We think we are special, BK is different. But all groups have a small pressure to adopt same language and manners.

When the person's whole purpose becomes to adopt language and manner and activity of the group they have chosen, and put in as much time and energy to that as possible, it is difficult to later undo all that.

I think lot of efforts and time and energy, equal to efforts to be "raj yogi", need to be done to create new consciousness.

There is a saying by an artist - "Life is not about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself."

BK teach you are lost child, need to be found - sikhiladay. This is one of many lies they catch and hold immature minds with. Whoever finds something owns it, or the one who is found one is obliged to the finder.

So, "How to recover?" - like any recovery, give time and energy and money to recovery, do not just continue hoping someone else or something else will find you and recover for you.

Life is about creating yourself ... start a new portrait.

Re: How BKs confuse non-BKs, PBKs confuse BKs, & how to recover

PostPosted: 28 Jun 2010
by jann
filthy Shudra wrote:Life is about creating yourself ... start a new portrait.

Then stop calling yourself "Filthy Shudra", this is not what you want to create for yourself is it?

Re: How BKs confuse non-BKs, PBKs confuse BKs, & how to recover

PostPosted: 28 Jun 2010
by because.parmeshwar
It is like a hell coming out of the BKs... the individual lose all his confidence and interest.. the more time he has spent in the organisation the more he has to recover... the life seems to be uncertain and cruel... he has already denied the sympathy and support from the lokiks and now no support from GOD also, as for all these years he has believed about the true GOD... Now whom to prey... where to go? GOD exsists only in the BKs.... that the brainwash or disbelief which he has allowed for so many years and coming out if it is really really difficult.... however... one has to come out of it... if he has to stay alive.. otherwise better remain dead alive... the choice is yours...

BUT WHY THIS ALL HAPPEN? ... I know the sindis mindset... they are pure businessmen. if they are given 1 they will draw 100. they will not allow their customers to go elsewhere.... they have given nice experiences many times... now they will suck your blood till the last drop... escape from them... if you can... ah...

Re: How BKs confuse non-BKs, PBKs confuse BKs, & how to recover

PostPosted: 28 Jun 2010
by jann
So I believe you are not an exiting BK but an ex BK. Can you say that out loud now? Congratulations.

You will be an amazing help and support to many others that will come to this forum this week and after. Study yourself, what happened to you ... and how did you wake up? See the lie, the dishonesty etc. As easy as it is to get involved, as easy it is to get out. Compare what brought you in and what got you out! Saying it is hard to get out is as saying it is hard to deal with life on my own. But you know what? YOU CAN DO IT.

It is easy ... just follow your heart.

Re: How BKs confuse non-BKs, PBKs confuse BKs, & how to recover

PostPosted: 29 Jun 2010
by filthy shudra
jann wrote:"filthy Shudra": Life is about creating yourself ... start a new portrait.
Jan: Then stop calling yourself "Filthy Shudra", this is not what you want to create for yourself is it?

It's called irony....


Best thing to recover is a sense of humor....

Re: How BKs confuse non-BKs, PBKs confuse BKs, & how to recover

PostPosted: 01 Jul 2010
by rayoflight
Interesting topic. Sometimes I need to get back to life and not think about the BK's but every now and then I check in on the forum and see that the wheel keeps turning and churning. Newly awakened "shudras" blessed with the real light of God, and others still walking through the obscure labyrinth of the BKWSO attempting to find a way out of the confusion.
filthy Shudra wrote:It's called irony....

And what an image to say, "no more two-dimensional, fake, dark, non-descript cardboard cut-outs! We are real, beautiful, and FREE three-dimensional birds!"

Re: How BKs confuse non-BKs, PBKs confuse BKs, & how to recover

PostPosted: 06 Jul 2010
by rayoflight
Isaac Newton wrote:The truth is always found in simplicity, never in confusion.

Re: How BKs confuse non-BKs, PBKs confuse BKs, & how to recover

PostPosted: 06 Jul 2010
by ex-l
filthy Shudra wrote:It's called irony ...

Like the signpost, some people who are coming out of the BKWSU experience's 'irony' is a little bit 'rusty'.
Best thing to recover is a sense of humor....

Nice quote above. I think Mr Green's point is very poignant too. PBKs really just have to learn to let go of the whole thing. I think, for them, the "Advanced Knowledge" is like the ultimate Zen Kōan.

What are Koans?

Koans are irrational questions with non-final non-linear conclusions. They are designed for one purpose; to open up and exercise a mind which has been closed by habitual responses to the world and reality. In short, a mind closed by Brahma Kumarisms.

Some PBKs, usually fairly new ones just like neophyte BKs, think they have found "The Answer ... the final destination ... God (again)". The truth is they have not. They have just found the next step for them, and ... instead of carrying on and taking another step and another step and another step ... they get stuck again.

It seems too that there are many BKs who know that Brahma Kumarism is not the be all and end all of religion or spiritual growth too but are unwilling to give it up out of fear/tiredness/ego-investment/financial investment/exhaustion ... you name it. The proverbial monkeys caught by sticking their hand into a jug to grab a sweet and being too avaricious to let it go to escape. Their faith creating their fears and the burden increasing for continuing to carry it around with them for decades.

One of the big tricks in life is knowing when to let go. Ultimately, it is often only at a point of exhaustion, and even personal breakdown, when the ego does finally let go.