Rape motive suspected in BK killing - RIP BK Dawn Griggs

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john morgan


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Re: Rape motive suspected in BK killing - RIP BK Dawn Griggs

Post13 Aug 2008

Respect is under rated. When one respects the will of others, it is likely that one's own will is healthy. Imposing ones will on others is a deep topic, rape is a gross form. It may be that knowing better than everyone else is a more subtle form, whatever the form I personally think that imposing one's will on others is best left alone.

If the soul is immortal the death penalty is merely a loss of time at most points in The Cycle, but many would say that the current time we are passing through is most precious and that time wasted here is not merely a loss but will affect one's destiny forever.

I am glad that I do not hand out death penalties. If I did how much a person truly respects the will of others would be one vital component in my decision making process.
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Re: Rape motive suspected in BK killing - RIP BK Dawn Griggs

Post08 Oct 2008

Hopefully the last of the reports on the death of BK Dawn Griggs but one that again makes a mockery of the BKWSU leadership's claims that Baba took care of her and remove her from her body so that she did not suffer. Usual fairy stories.

Early we read of how Dawn's palms were "embedded with thorns and the soles of her feet were cut, indicating she put up strong resistance" which the police reported in the days after her killing. Now it turns out that those injuries happened AFTER she was stabbed twice in the face with a screwdriver inside the taxi.
Times of India wrote:The report, prepared by a panel of three doctors at Safdarjung hospital, confirmed that Griggs died due to strangulation.

The police said that the taxi driver Jyotish Prasad brutally murdered Griggs inside his taxi and also wiped off the blood stains from the car. "Even the circumstances point towards the fact that Prasad wanted to rob her. The cleaner (who cleaned the car) was paid Rs 10 by Prasad has confirmed this," said a police officer.

Griggs suspected something was wrong. She started shouting for help. Scared of being caught, Prasad immediately took out a screw driver and stabbed her between the right eye and nose. The second stab was on the corner of the same eye.

Prasad did not want to leave clues in his car. He, therefore dragged Griggs's body out. Although he wanted to take the body near the well, from where the victim's belongings were discovered later, he could not do so.

When Prasad realised that Griggs had survived being stabbed, he then stangled her. She was then gagged and suffocated by Prasad which ultimately caused the victim's death.

Her body was given to the Australian High Commission who made arrangements to fly it back to her hometown.

john morgan


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Re: Rape motive suspected in BK killing - RIP BK Dawn Griggs

Post08 Oct 2008

I cannot see how what has been said disproves anything that has previously been said about this issue. There are many resources in life. For example, once upon a time (a fairy story!), I was in hospital and my body was suffering considerably. I was neatly tucked away in very deep peace and felt about 18 inches above my body. Who is to say this type of thing did not occur with Dawn?

Spiritual mumbo jumbo can cloud many isssues and I appreciate and respect ex-I's efforts at bringing clarity and reason to the situation. The difficulty is that we are as human beings multi faceted and sometimes our experiences cannot be seen or known by others. It is not that you are wrong ex-I, it is just that the possibilities cannot be wholly seen by interpreting physical events.

Kind regards.
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Re: Rape motive suspected in BK killing - RIP BK Dawn Griggs

Post08 Oct 2008

Nothing personal given nor taken John. Do people think that someone can be "out of their body in peace" AND struggling for their life enough to embed thorns in their feet at the same time?

Ditto, do BKs believe that BKs have the monopoly on "being out of one's body" or such inexplainable phenomenon?

The answer to the second question is obviously not. The answer to the first ... probably not.

I just hope the thought cuts another layer of nonsense off all the false and empty promises of "Baba's umbrella of protection" and highlights the meaningless of the leaderships' sop.

john morgan


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Re: Rape motive suspected in BK killing - RIP BK Dawn Griggs

Post08 Oct 2008

I guess it all comes down to the choice of the individual. On the one hand we have empty promises and on the other great hope - all from the same source. The interpretation varies according to the side of the fence you stand. I am trying to sit on this fence, if a cat knocks me off I'll let you know on which side I land :D.

Somehow a book called 'The Art of Happiness' has landed on my sofa. Until someone reclaims it, the Dalai Lama's thoughts may be a refreshing change.

Take care,

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Re: Rape motive suspected in BK killing - RIP BK Dawn Griggs

Post09 Oct 2008

Well, let us really hope that Dawn was taken out of her body before her terrible assault and murder.

It certainly doesn't look or 'feel' like it though, reading the report. Its not as if she was sitting peacefully on a train and had Yoga so that bandits wouldn't enter the carriage she was in, keeping herself safe, as some old BK story goes. She was stabbed, allegedly raped and murdered in a horrific manner and the fight she put up means she was fully present and aware of what was happening to her and I would say, in great fear as she fought for her life.

Imagine it happening to 'you'. How would one feel and react? I'd probably fight to the death for my life! But unless its happened to one - we don't know and I really wouldn't ever like to find out either.

Let us all pray for Dawn, because she took a terrible ending to her life, spiritual or not. And I don't see any news of a monument being erected in Abu in her name, despite the fact that she paid the ultimate price for her beliefs. Wonder why that is?
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Re: Rape motive suspected in BK killing - RIP BK Dawn Griggs

Post09 Oct 2008

paulkershaw wrote:Its not as if she was sitting peacefully on a train and had Yoga so that bandits wouldn't enter the carriage she was in, keeping herself safe, as some old BK story goes. She was stabbed, allegedly raped and murdered in a horrific manner and the fight she put up means she was fully present and aware of what was happening to her and I would say, in great fear as she fought for her life.

Yes, reading the report, it does appear that she tried to resist the attack and did suffer before leaving her body.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Rape motive suspected in BK killing - RIP BK Dawn Griggs

Post09 Nov 2014

In a case reminiscent of Dawn’s fate, we hear today of the arrest of three men for the murder of another Australian woman who was a devotee of Sai Baba, another self-proclaimed God.

Toni Ludgate was in Andhra Pradesh doing "charity work" at the ashram. The motive for murder was covering up a theft of a few hundred rupees.

These god guys don’t seem to be very god-like in their ability to do anything to protect their devotees in their time of need. Either impotent or just don't care to. (Not even a warning? )

Three men arrested over murder of Australian woman doing charity work in India
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Re: Rape motive suspected in BK killing - RIP BK Dawn Griggs

Post25 Jun 2020

There was a sad footnote to this story we missed. The year after, the New Delhi High Court altered the decision to award the death penalty to life sentence for the offenders.

The court proceedings, that detail the crime, makes pretty depressing reading.

We highlighted this case, where a Western female Brahma Kumari traveled to India alone on her way to Mount Abu and was brutally raped and murdered with evidence to suggest she put up a fight against her attackers, to raise the issue of the "magically" false confidences BKism fills adherents with. That is how they are constantly assured that the BK god spirit will look after and protect them, that all they need to do is remember their Baba god and somehow, magically, wonders will happen to prevent any harm from happening; and, consequently, they make poor decisions regarding their welfare.

Clearly this is not true.

It seems India got her headline about doing something to protect its reputation, and as soon as the media had moved on, turned its back on justice.

Just why the offenders should seek a life sentence in an Indian prison over death, I have no idea. The arguments of their lawyers are disgusting attempting to claim that the they were framed by the police in a bid to "solve" the case as soon as possible because a foreign woman was the victim, a face saving exercise conducted by the Delhi Police.

However, this was dismissed by the court of appeal, samples of semen taken from the deceased woman matching the DNA of the two drivers.

Life sentence in India appears to mean prisoners are eligible for release after 14 years.
46. "It is clear that life imprisonment is the rule and death sentence is a rare exception. The Supreme Court has clearly indicated that a death sentence can be imposed only when life imprisonment appears to be an altogether inadequate punishment having regard to the relevant circumstances of the crime, and provided, and only provided the option to impose a sentence of imprisonment for life cannot be conscientiously exercised having regard to the nature and circumstances of the crime and all the relevant circumstances. We find that the present case does not fall within the category of rarest of the rare cases. Nor are we DEATH SENTENCE REF.2/08&CRLA Nos.768/08 & 90/09 Page No. 50 of 51 convinced that life imprisonment would be an altogether inadequate punishment. For these reasons, we are unable to confirm the death sentence awarded to the appellants by the learned Additional Sessions Judge.

47. Consequently, we alter the sentence from a death sentence in respect of both the appellants to a sentence of imprisonment for life insofar as the offence punishable under Section 302 IPC is concerned. The other sentences in respect of the other offences awarded by the learned Additional Sessions Judge are not disturbed.

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