Psychodynamics of Cult Organization: 10-Level Pyramid Model

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Psychodynamics of Cult Organization: 10-Level Pyramid Model

Post30 May 2020

Open to review, A 10-Level Pyramid Model & Psychodynamics of Cult Organization. Based on the work of Eric Hoffer and "The True Believer: Thoughts On The Nature Of Mass Movements". The author suggests, ten levels as components of four basic phases of cult involvement and goes into more detailed description on their website.
Phase One: Recruitment:
Levels one through three: The Seekers. The Samplers. The New Recruits.

Phase Two: Persuasion & Conversion:
Levels four & five: The Committed. The Wonderbound.

Phase Three: Enslavement:
Levels six & seven: The Lab Rats. The Gluttons for Punishment.

Phase Four: Retention via Cloned Identification:
Levels eight & nine: The Willful Slaves. The Cynics.

The tenth (and smallest) level on the pyramid is only rarely conditioned, and is usually occupied by the guru and a very small number of like-minded but acquiescent and submissive confederates: The Sociopaths.

________________________ *(*)* ____________________The Sociopaths
_____________________ * * * * * * * __________________The Cynics
___________________ * * * * * * * * * *_________________The Willful Slaves
_________________* * * * * * * * * * * * *________________The Gluttons
______________ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *_______________The Lab Rats
____________ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *_____________The Wonderbound
___________* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *____________The Committed
_________* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *__________The New Recruits
_______* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *________The Samplers
_____* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *______The Seekers

Look at the top three, how closely do we see the BKs' management fit?
8) The Willful Slaves.
    Having proven his or her commitment to the cult's (and guru's) still "honorable" and rationalized objectives, the level eight member may be sufficiently conditioned, programmed, socialized and normalized to the get-the-job-done routine and rewarding & reinforcing enjoyment of being "powerful" that he or she has become an agent of his master who will do pretty much whatever is asked, even if it involves vicious behavior toward "friends" who may have been peers at lower levels. Supporting evidence is provided by no less than Stanley Milgram: "An individual is in an agentic state when he accepts total control by a person holding a higher status. He no longer considers himself responsible for his actions. He sees himself as a simple instrument carrying out the wills of others."
9) The Cynics.
    At this level, the member has become sufficiently "brainwashed," power-addicted, mean-spirited, and sufficiently criminal that he or she is willing to go so far as to spy upon, gaslight, betray, abandon, ridicule and publicly humiliate former intimates at lower levels in the service of what are now pure power motives. To keep him- or herself out of the "victim" corner, the member has made the transition across the top of the Karpman Drama Triangle from "rescuer" to "persecutor." Forget all that rationalization of "saving the world for humanity" junk, because, this level, the member is usually party to and accepting of the cult's actual wallet-vacuuming motives and objectives. (It is, however, useful to note that crass profit motive is seen much earlier and at lower levels in multi-level marketing cults which are upfront about pecuniary objectives at the outset.)
10) The Sociopaths.
    The member is now willing to destroy the lives of members and families of former intimates in the service of what is now their own adopted self-interest. They have become psychological clones of the cynic at the top of -- or "eye" above -- the pyramid, as well as committed, reliable "persecutors" and "covert rescuers" across the top of the inverted Karpman Drama Triangle. Ethics, empathy and "compassion for mankind" be damned. Show me the money.
The Seekers are just looking for something to make their lives worthwhile.
The Samplers are looking for a freeway to "The Answer."
The New Recruits are looking for a drill sergeant.
The Committed are looking for rank & recognition.
The Wonderbound are willing to submit & rationalize.
The Lab Rats are willing to see how much they can tolerate.
The Gluttons for Punishment are masochists.
The Willful Slaves are desperate to hang on to their supposed "empowerment."
The Cynics are sell-outs to what they know is a scam ... but don't care.
And the Sociopaths are the criminals running it.
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Re: Psychodynamics of Cult Organization: 10-Level Pyramid Mo

Post30 May 2020

The article relates the theory to the Karpman Drama Triangle.


  • Posts: 24
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Re: Psychodynamics of Cult Organization: 10-Level Pyramid Mo

Post31 May 2020

I found this as well. Worth watching for all.

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